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  1. #1
    roidedheat1 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    supplements to take while on deca

    i was wondering which supplements i should take if any while im on my 1st cycle of deca . I shoot 200ml once a week and i bought a few supplements, isopure protein, nitro tech, and metrex soy protein. i was wondering if i should take any anti oxidants such as vitamin a or e and i also read about dha and epa as being somehting good to take while your on steroids because it can increase your insulin sensitivity which is very important since you have to increase your calorie intake. But when i read about it all it talked about was lowering cholersterol, hdl inparticular. And one last question, what should i take once i come off my cycle to bring my testosterone to its normal levels. Thanks

  2. #2
    ARATADOG's Avatar
    ARATADOG is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2003
    200ml? 200mg? either way your not going to have a good cycle mostly just a waste of gear with only 1 shot a week. and the chance of your dick falling off is going to be greater, and where are your anti e and how old are u?

  3. #3
    roidedheat1 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I'm 22 and i heard you don't need anti estrogen if your only doing 200ml shoots of deca , but if i were to take one it would be clomid. I'm not looking to bulk up real huge, just looking for extra strength while I'm pitching on the mound.

  4. #4
    blakyr's Avatar
    blakyr is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2002
    Bro, do some more research before you jump into this.... you should know that 200mg of Deca is a waste as ARATADOG said. You should also know that you MUST have clomid in your post cycle with anything that shuts down your natural production. You should also know that taking deca without test is going to run you a good chance of Deca dick. Do your HW bro.....

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