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Thread: EPO - Erythropoietin

  1. #1
    Gezzz's Avatar
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    EPO - Erythropoietin

    after trying to PM depfife but no reply since it has been a while since he has been on this forum I decided to open a thread and see if any one can help me with this query.

    Please I don't need advice from people who have never used EPO and know nothing about it apart from what they herd from other that is why I tried to contact depfife first as he has and currently runs this product.

    - 25 years of age
    - 190 pounds (86kg)
    - 6 feet tall (183cm)
    - Trained in my teens years gym & school.
    - Was in the ARMY from 18-21 so in pretty good shape.
    - 22-24 being a civi opened my company and worked full time, but still hit the gym and cardio few times a week.
    - For 15 months now I have been back in the gym trying to get back in shape I was in my army days but I’m finding it harder since I'm not back there to have my ass kicked by my sergeant, results have been good but slower that I was hopping. since starting training seriously again I have done 1x cycle of Sus, Deca , Tri-Tren , D-bol for 12 weeks.

    I have been trying to get my cardio and strength in check because I have decided to go back to the Army but I am now trying out the Special Forces which is twice as hard as the regiment I was in, things which are required in selection are things like:

    1.5 miles (2.4 km) run in under 8 minutes
    40 miles (64 km) march with full equipment (30 kg) scaling and descending mountain in 20 hours.
    4 miles run in 30 minutes
    2 miles swim in 90 minutes.
    Minimum 50 press ups & 50 sit ups each under 90 seconds.

    So this is going to be really tough and failure is NOT an option that is why I have been advised to look into EPO by some people to help me with this.

    So if some one can help me with what doses are good to take and how often and for how long based on my goal and my stats?

    "Someone suggested this to me:

    EPO = 2,000 iu for 14-20 days = 40,000iu
    EPO = 5,000 iu 3x weekly for 4 weeks = 60,000iu"

    also the EPO I got my hands on come in pre-filled syringes, each syringe is 1ml of 10,000iu could i split that injection in 2 if i need to take only 5000 iu in one day.
    Last edited by Gezzz; 10-04-2013 at 11:49 AM.

  2. #2
    nafnlaus is offline Banned
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    sorry for not answering the EPO part but why dont you look into some other better known, safer and similar in effect drugs? how bout some asthmatic drugs?

    but all in all i would just recommend you train more and stop cheating because you will be cheating not only yourself but others you will claim to serve and protect. i have finished a similar style test, navy seal version which is around 50% harder. it took me 2 years to get from no shape until i passed it. you can do it too, just train.

  3. #3
    Gezzz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nafnlaus View Post
    sorry for not answering the EPO part but why dont you look into some other better known, safer and similar in effect drugs? how bout some asthmatic drugs?

    but all in all i would just recommend you train more and stop cheating because you will be cheating not only yourself but others you will claim to serve and protect. i have finished a similar style test, navy seal version which is around 50% harder. it took me 2 years to get from no shape until i passed it. you can do it too, just train.
    What other drugs you can recommend, I know EQ & GH is good for athletics.

    I don't think you know how much I train for you to assume I'm not training enough and the fact that you most likely know nothing about the army you also know nothing about their selection training, you think that its just this first part of selection that i need to pass.
    I can run the 1.5 miles in 8 minutes but I want to cut it down to under 7 min, and I have done 30 miles marches back when i was in the service. I want EPO as peace of mind, this is a 18 months course and if you drop out then u need 2 wait 2 years to try out again so that is why FAILURE is not an option.

    And its not CHEATING you still have to work your A$$ of just the same as if you were no taking anything just your chances to fail are less & every one in the regiment is on gear of some sort and I am not cheating my self as I will be doing what I am trained to do your perception of gear is that of a person who has never done like those people who say neil Armstrong is a cheater well so is everyone else in tour de France but he was still stronger and better than all the other cheater.
    apart from being in physical shape you need to be extremely intelligent and know what you doing and let alone weapon skills which I come second 2 none for that in my battalion so don't tell me I can do it because I know I can and I will.
    Epo will make it a little easier and give me a peace of mind and believe me even what you done is nothing to what this is we just had 3 tip-top shaped guys in their mid 20's die few weeks ago doing the first part of the selection training the 40 miles march, so unless you were in the NAVY seals then you wouldn't know what its like and the training the NAVY seals do is same as what our marines do.
    and Seals style training is not actual Seals training you just be kidding your self.

    Have you had to be on the run in a jungle for 5-6 days with a tracksuit, trainers, mini compass, and a poorly sketched out map, sleep in the dirt, rain, mud, heat...etc eat insects drink dirty water whilst being hunted down by a platoon of a rival regiment who are itching to capture you because for every Special Force member they catch on training they get a feather on their cap. and at the end of which you will be captured & interrogated for 72 hours and be deprived of sleep for 48 hours and be made to stand on stress positions for hours at a time.... wonder if your NAVY seals style training done that for you.
    and that's just the jungle training lets not even talk about desert training which is even more hell.

    thanx for your unhelpful comments but please if you don't have anything to say about EPO then please don't comment about anything else.
    Last edited by Gezzz; 07-24-2013 at 07:41 PM.
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  4. #4
    onetwonine is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by nafnlaus View Post

    but all in all i would just recommend you train more and stop cheating because you will be cheating not only yourself but others you will claim to serve and protect. i have finished a similar style test, navy seal version which is around 50% harder. it took me 2 years to get from no shape until i passed it. you can do it too, just train.
    Man if you aren't cheating you aren't trying. The result is the only thing that matters in this world.

    Ethics are nice to discuss at cocktail parties full of other snakes who also pretend to have them.
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  5. #5
    nafnlaus is offline Banned
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    youre not gonna stay on the drugs forever, if you need them to pass then ofcourse it is cheating. and lol comparing to professional athletes is never a good idea, tour de france is a competition between superior freaks of nature. dont compare some benchmark fifty pushup/situp on time to that, it requers no special genetic superiocity. and im not here to discuss some torture, just performance. but sure you could throw some opioids for the torture part if you wanna do good.

    i did a 72 hour session. minimum to join was 80 pushups/situps under 2 mins, cant remember the running part.

    and oh, here is what i meant by asthmatic drugs Clenbuterol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia good luck

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by nafnlaus View Post
    youre not gonna stay on the drugs forever, if you need them to pass then ofcourse it is cheating. and lol comparing to professional athletes is never a good idea, tour de france is a competition between superior freaks of nature. dont compare some benchmark fifty pushup/situp on time to that, it requers no special genetic superiocity. and im not here to discuss some torture, just performance. but sure you could throw some opioids for the torture part if you wanna do good.

    i did a 72 hour session. minimum to join was 80 pushups/situps under 2 mins, cant remember the running part.

    and oh, here is what i meant by asthmatic drugs Clenbuterol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia good luck
    No you need them to enhance you to a certain level and then maintain it, but shows how much you know and Her majesties Special Forces are superior freaks much more so than athletes.
    and like the dud above said keep your ethics to your self no one cares for them OK, and its very pathetic of you to pick on the 50 push-up's that is only to get your food through the door those number increase.
    You do a 40 mile march with 30-35kg rucksack, 6 litres of water, 5kg rifle and other bits and train bobs coming to a total of over 50kg, over rugged mountainous terrain and and in head of 30 degrees Celsius in less than 20 hours and then the next morning after less than 6 hours sleep in the ground you go for a 4 miles run under 30min and the after 3 hours rest and some crap food you go for a 2 miles swim in under 90 minutes..... so the regiment squadis piss all over those freeks in tour de france who have nothing 2 do but ride a bike....

    and it does require a superhuman to pass this from 1500+ people who apply each year only 250 are accepted from selection training (me being lucky to be one of them) and from that 250 only 10 people pass selection each years, so yes it does require a superhuman.

    again your ignorance in the fact that physical performance and mental and emotional performance are linked 100% in the army show that you have no clue about anything regarding the military and you just seem to give your self mental masturbations with some 72 hours course that some one decided to call it a NAVY seals style course to sucker people in joining.
    Mental and physical interrogation effects your physical performance 100% and if you can preform even under those circumstance the regiment does not want you.

    There is no such things as cheating there is just winning & loosing and no where is that more true than in the army.
    If you are in hand to hand combat with the enemy you will do anything to survive even bite, scratch, kick him in the balls and all the things that are considered unfair fighting but when its life or death all that goes out the window.... so stop being so NAIVE
    By your standards its cheating that USA uses drones, artillery, cruise missiles to attack its enemy from far even if it is the end result justifies it as long as they win the war.

    So there is no cheating in this training its just doing everything you can to pass it and move on to the next level

    again please if you have nothing to say about EPO just go troll some other thread with your ethics.
    Last edited by Gezzz; 07-25-2013 at 08:45 PM.
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  7. #7
    yosimitesam's Avatar
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    Dude, you're trying to reason with a guy that said powerlifting squats are terrible for "real strength". Not sure how a powerlifter hitting a 900 lb squat is only fake strong. Maybe I need to start doing P90X.

    I like everyone on here, and have no desire to tell someone how to work out, what they put in their bodies or what exercises they provide. But when I see a redundancy of personal opinions that insinuate fact without any real evidence to back anything up, I begin realizing the poster is probably a kid or just really depraved of common sense or social skills, not fully understanding everyone is different and are old enough to decide for ourselves what we want to take and how we choose to lift.

    Anyway, I'm sorry I don't have any experience with EPO, but it does seem to be very effective. Good luck, and if you try it, let us know how it works for you.
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  8. #8
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gezzz View Post
    And its not CHEATING you still have to work your A$$ of just the same as if you were no taking anything just your chances to fail are less & every one in the regiment is on gear of some sort and I am not cheating my self as I will be doing what I am trained to do your perception of gear is that of a person who has never done like those people who say neil Armstrong is a cheater well so is everyone else in tour de France but he was still stronger and better than all the other cheater.
    apart from being in physical shape you need to be extremely intelligent and know what you doing and let alone weapon skills which I come second 2 none for that in my battalion so don't tell me I can do it because I know I can and I will.

    thanx for your unhelpful comments but please if you don't have anything to say about EPO then please don't comment about anything else.
    wasnt neil armstrong the first astronaut to walk on the moon? i think u mean lance armstrong..

    Neil Armstrong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Lance Armstrong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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  9. #9
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    HeHe...... shhhhh dnt embrace me , I beat neil was on even more gear than Lance Armstrong and Ronnie coleman put together that mother fuker went 2 the moon, although some people here will probably say that never happened an its all a conspiracy theory

    Nahh dud P90X is not good for you because you have to use small dumbbells and yoga blocks that's too dangerous... you should just go for insanity its all natural using just body weight and you'll get bigger than Ronnie coleman if you just keep training

    Yeah soon as I get all the info I need and when I start my cycle I will keep a log and fill everybody in on how well it works and all other bits and bobs.
    Last edited by Gezzz; 07-27-2013 at 07:05 AM.

  10. #10
    nafnlaus is offline Banned
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    nice yosimitesam, since you have the time to comment here how about you reply in the other section. since im just an ignorant kid then you should have no issue in destroying the argument.

    oh and back on the topic here, you dont understand how much selection goes on in professional sports, 1500 people and 10 people get a shot? that is nothing compared to sports. not implying what you are about to do is easy but this is something people can train for, you cant train to become an award winning cyclist you have to be born with everything needed, in the right country, in the right town, get the right training and there are so many things that go hand in hand that you do not even know.

    i would not recommend blood doping (except for oxygen cells) for anyone who has to ask questions about it, if you do not have a doctor in this with you then you should leave it be. people can die just easily enough and that with doctors help so you do the math on your odds without them...
    " increased risk of death, myocardial infarction, stroke, venous thromboembolism, tumor recurrence" this is a part of the possible side effect list.

    B2 agonists and ephedrine/amphetamines will give you similar results without the same risk. and also if you get busted it is easier to claim that you have asthma instead of anemia and kidney failure

  11. #11
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    Only comment I have to offer is err on the side of caution, with the consideration that you will be using this in a setting that doesn't offer the constant med support the endurance athletes have available.

    Dehydration will be one of many factors you'll be facing, and with that will come the higher risk of stroke.

    I know you say failure is not an option because of the two year wait to try again, but at the risk of death or complete immobilization of half your body?

    Do you have enough time for a test run with the epo to see how it will affect your body and blood work. Maybe get an idea of any adjustments that could be made before hitting the main event.

    This way you could run some trial training while on, and monitor your body for any negative feedback it may throw out to you.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dpyle View Post
    Only comment I have to offer is err on the side of caution, with the consideration that you will be using this in a setting that doesn't offer the constant med support the endurance athletes have available.

    Dehydration will be one of many factors you'll be facing, and with that will come the higher risk of stroke.

    I know you say failure is not an option because of the two year wait to try again, but at the risk of death or complete immobilization of half your body?

    Do you have enough time for a test run with the epo to see how it will affect your body and blood work. Maybe get an idea of any adjustments that could be made before hitting the main event.

    This way you could run some trial training while on, and monitor your body for any negative feedback it may throw out to you.
    First of all thanx for the advice you have been the only to stick to the topic at hand.

    1. Dehydration is a big risk and the army has a vigorous approach to it, the sergeant forces you us to drink minimum 5 litters of water a day. soon as we wake up in the morning he lines up in front of our bunks and makes us down 1 litter of water, and then during the day he keeps checking up and during meals its the same thing so usually we go though 10 litres a day of water so they get you into the routine of keeping your self hydrated. although i do understand the risks you are raising.

    2. well death and complete immobilization is always a risk in the military, I was aware of that even when I joined my commando regiment and served there for almost 4 years half of which was in combat.

    I have 6-7 months before selection starts so its enough time to achieve my goals by intensify my training and using EPO to see how my body reacts to it and do a few test runs.

    but do you know anything about dosage and cycles???
    Last edited by Gezzz; 07-27-2013 at 11:43 AM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gezzz View Post
    First of all thanx for the advice you have been the only to stick to the topic at hand.

    1. Dehydration is a big risk and the army has a vigorous approach to it, the sergeant forces you us to drink minimum 5 litters of water a day. soon as we wake up in the morning he lines up in front of our bunks and makes us down 1 litter of water, and then during the day he keeps checking up and during meals its the same thing so usually we go though 10 litres a day of water so they get you into the routine of keeping your self hydrated. although i do understand the risks you are raising.

    2. well death and complete immobilization is always a risk in the military, I was aware of that even when I joined my commando regiment and served there for almost 4 years half of which was in combat.

    I have 6-7 months before selection starts so its enough time to achieve my goals by intensify my training and using EPO to see how my body reacts to it and do a few test runs.

    but do you know anything about dosage and cycles???
    Yeah, I should try insanity. Trolls already put me in a state of it. I see our friend has taken a break from masturbating on the internet and is back at it. However, as I told him last night, I'm not paying any more attention to him.

    Anyway, I do apologize for my hatefulness and I understand this is not the thread, nor the forum to do that. I'm also kind of sorry to my new friend for busting his chops. I just take offense to people that think they know but really have no idea. Especially when I can't walk because I blasted my legs the night before.

    Anyway, rather than read articles from Men's Health and then preach to people like I know everything and then call powerlifting squats not good for "real strength", I need to go lift. No time for trolling.

    However, it is nice to meet another cool person, Gezzz, as you seem like a genuinely good guy that's on here to learn and not preach at people or make ridiculously dumb statements that just aren't true.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gezzz

    First of all thanx for the advice you have been the only to stick to the topic at hand.

    1. Dehydration is a big risk and the army has a vigorous approach to it, the sergeant forces you us to drink minimum 5 litters of water a day. soon as we wake up in the morning he lines up in front of our bunks and makes us down 1 litter of water, and then during the day he keeps checking up and during meals its the same thing so usually we go though 10 litres a day of water so they get you into the routine of keeping your self hydrated. although i do understand the risks you are raising.

    2. well death and complete immobilization is always a risk in the military, I was aware of that even when I joined my commando regiment and served there for almost 4 years half of which was in combat.

    I have 6-7 months before selection starts so its enough time to achieve my goals by intensify my training and using EPO to see how my body reacts to it and do a few test runs.

    but do you know anything about dosage and cycles???
    The only thing I know about dosages is what I've read, and from that your proposed dosages seem a bit high.

    Now having no first hand experience I won't quote what I've read, but a quick google search for dosage suggestions should give you some good ideas.

    I know the military force feeds you the importance of hydration, but remember your body may not show outwards symptoms yet your blood can be much thicker. I have some experience here as I'm on trt, which causes the high hematocrit to a degree, and I've gone in for blood work and seen the doc use 6+ test tubes because the only blood that would come out was what the vacuum from the tube pulled, but once the pressure equalized between my vein and test tube the flow stopped. This happened while my urine was crystal clear.
    Last edited by Dpyle; 07-27-2013 at 04:19 PM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by nafnlaus View Post
    nice yosimitesam, since you have the time to comment here how about you reply in the other section. since im just an ignorant kid then you should have no issue in destroying the argument.

    oh and back on the topic here, you dont understand how much selection goes on in professional sports, 1500 people and 10 people get a shot? that is nothing compared to sports. not implying what you are about to do is easy but this is something people can train for, you cant train to become an award winning cyclist you have to be born with everything needed, in the right country, in the right town, get the right training and there are so many things that go hand in hand that you do not even know.

    i would not recommend blood doping (except for oxygen cells) for anyone who has to ask questions about it, if you do not have a doctor in this with you then you should leave it be. people can die just easily enough and that with doctors help so you do the math on your odds without them...
    " increased risk of death, myocardial infarction, stroke, venous thromboembolism, tumor recurrence" this is a part of the possible side effect list.

    B2 agonists and ephedrine/amphetamines will give you similar results without the same risk. and also if you get busted it is easier to claim that you have asthma instead of anemia and kidney failure
    Again you don't seam to understand the difference from from sports and MILITARY.... in sports people who bring in money to the financiers and sponsors and organizers get a shot.
    in the military people who are worth a sh!t get a shot and who will be excellent killing machine serving the interests on a nation & is a life and death situation and the special forces are not willing to have their soldiers killed as they cost more than £1 million to train him in the first 2 years So please just be quiet seriously. you telling me every one can become a Delta force or Navy seals or SAS.... take the SAS for example more than 80-90% of its members are highlander Scottish, Irish and other foreigner who came to the UK from some shitty place full of war or bad ghettos with no families...etc (people like me)
    whilst the English & welsh make around 10% and most are sons of millionaires whose family have spend thousands to get them trained, put on gear and pullet what ever strings they can to get them to be officers to have some sort of political future, whilst the rest of the average bloke like you fail within the 1st week (99% quitting them self and not being asked to leave) of going there and the other few of yo who make it in the first stage you get demolished in the interrogation. I have a qualification in interrogation from my time in the army b4 and for our training we integrated special forces who were ending their training what people will be duing to me hopefully so I know what's about to come.

    You may know more than me about gear but Ill tell you one thing don't try to school a squadi about what he does and how he lives because you will never know if you have not lived it and your 72 hour NAVY Seals "style" course and the countless of Hollywood films you might have watched don't make you an expert.
    Last edited by Gezzz; 07-27-2013 at 06:09 PM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dpyle View Post
    The only thing I know about dosages is what I've read, and from that your proposed dosages seem a bit high.

    Now having no first hand experience I won't quote what I've read, but a quick google search for dosage suggestions should give you some good ideas.

    I know the military force feeds you the importance of hydration, but remember your body may not show outwards symptoms yet your blood can be much thicker. I have some experience here as I'm on trt, which causes the high hematocrit to a degree, and I've gone in for blood work and seen the doc use 6+ test tubes because the only blood that would come out was what the vacuum from the tube pulled, but once the pressure equalized between my vein and test tube the flow stopped. This happened while my urine was crystal clear.
    Hmmm... again thanx so much for your help I will take your advice into great consideration.
    Yeah that is very true in certain cases people cant even tell they are dehydrate that's what happened few weeks ago when those 2 young lads died.
    and the armys way to determination hydration by checking if your pee is crystal clear is not to very effective.
    also the dosage i quoted is what i got from google.

    Quote Originally Posted by yosimitesam View Post
    Yeah, I should try insanity. Trolls already put me in a state of it. I see our friend has taken a break from masturbating on the internet and is back at it. However, as I told him last night, I'm not paying any more attention to him.

    Anyway, I do apologize for my hatefulness and I understand this is not the thread, nor the forum to do that. I'm also kind of sorry to my new friend for busting his chops. I just take offense to people that think they know but really have no idea. Especially when I can't walk because I blasted my legs the night before.

    Anyway, rather than read articles from Men's Health and then preach to people like I know everything and then call powerlifting squats not good for "real strength", I need to go lift. No time for trolling.

    However, it is nice to meet another cool person, Gezzz, as you seem like a genuinely good guy that's on here to learn and not preach at people or make ridiculously dumb statements that just aren't true.
    Thanx dud nice to meet you to and yes I am here to learn if I knew everything I would not bother to come here and force feed people advice they don't want.

  17. #17
    onetwonine is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gezzz View Post
    Again you don't seam to understand the difference from from sports and MILITARY.... in sports people who bring in money to the financiers and sponsors and organizers get a shot.
    in the military people who are worth a sh!t get a shot and who will be excellent killing machine serving the interests on a nation & is a life and death situation and the special forces are not willing to have their soldiers killed as they cost more than £1 million to train him in the first 2 years So please just be quiet seriously. you telling me every one can become a Delta force or Navy seals or SAS.... take the SAS for example more than 80-90% of its members are highlander Scottish, Irish and other foreigner who came to the UK from some shitty place full of war or bad ghettos with no families...etc (people like me)
    whilst the English & welsh make around 10% and most are sons of millionaires whose family have spend thousands to get them trained, put on gear and pullet what ever strings they can to get them to be officers to have some sort of political future, whilst the rest of the average bloke like you fail within the 1st week (99% quitting them self and not being asked to leave) of going there and the other few of yo who make it in the first stage you get demolished in the interrogation. I have a qualification in interrogation from my time in the army b4 and for our training we integrated special forces who were ending their training what people will be duing to me hopefully so I know what's about to come.

    You may know more than me about gear but Ill tell you one thing don't try to school a squadi about what he does and how he lives because you will never know if you have not lived it and your 72 hour NAVY Seals "style" course and the countless of Hollywood films you might have watched don't make you an expert.
    The "average bloke" doesn't try sign up for the military, It's a ****ing terrible job, and if you can do something better or more worthwhile (which isn't very hard to do), you absolutely should. I mean that as a general statement, and not a statement toward you in particular. You're free to do what you want.

    I didn't have the rosiest childhood, it's all the more reason I wouldn't want to waste my adult life serving a country I don't give two shits about, for the empty compliments and respect of people who don't actually care. Fuuuuuck that, I'm in this bitch to get paid and get laid. Leave the fighting and dying to people who don't know any better.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by onetwonine View Post
    The "average bloke" doesn't try sign up for the military, It's a ****ing terrible job, and if you can do something better or more worthwhile (which isn't very hard to do), you absolutely should. I mean that as a general statement, and not a statement toward you in particular. You're free to do what you want.

    I didn't have the rosiest childhood, it's all the more reason I wouldn't want to waste my adult life serving a country I don't give two shits about, for the empty compliments and respect of people who don't actually care. Fuuuuuck that, I'm in this bitch to get paid and get laid. Leave the fighting and dying to people who don't know any better.
    Well that is your view, the way I see it the average bloke doesn't join the military or do anything that is hard because they have no aim in life and do not know what it is getting the satisfaction from doing something very few men can do on this earth and the reward of hard work then again that is why the average bloke is a fatso or skinny bastard and doesn't belong on this site were people work their ass off to get the physic they want.

    And believe me the uniform gets you laid much more than you can imagine yo have girls lining up but I'm married now and I don't care for getting laid by any one else but my wife, and for the paid part the army pays good and the special forces even better a lot of tax free lump sums get given few times a year over your wage also since I left the army I opened a few of my own businesses which means i don't work for any one I'm my own boss (the the army was the main thing that gave me discipline to actually open a businesses at the age of 21 with my own money and not wait for hand outs from a bank or my dady lol) I'm very comfortable with my finances (or as you put it I'm getting paid or even betta I'm getting arab money ahahha) nice house and 2 sports cars & 1 SUV and go on holiday 3 times year...etc but I was never happy as I was in the army and you will never understand it, some people cant be bough with money.

    soldiers fight for the country but also they fight for their own personal interests and the interests of each other in the unit. "we fight for the country but we swear allegiance only to each other"
    Last edited by Gezzz; 07-28-2013 at 07:49 AM.

  19. #19
    onetwonine is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gezzz View Post
    Well that is your view, the way I see it the average bloke doesn't join the military or do anything that is hard because they have no aim in life and do not know what it is getting the satisfaction from doing something very few men can do on this earth and the reward of hard work then again that is why the average bloke is a fatso or skinny bastard and doesn't belong on this site were people work their ass off to get the physic they want.

    And believe me the uniform gets you laid much more than you can imagine yo have girls lining up but I'm married now and I don't care for getting laid by any one else but my wife, and for the paid part the army pays good and the special forces even better a lot of tax free lump sums get given few times a year over your wage also since I left the army I opened a few of my own businesses which means i don't work for any one I'm my own boss (the the army was the main thing that gave me discipline to actually open a businesses at the age of 21 with my own money and not wait for hand outs from a bank or my dady lol) I'm very comfortable with my finances (or as you put it I'm getting paid or even betta I'm getting arab money ahahha) nice house and 2 sports cars & 1 SUV and go on holiday 3 times year...etc but I was never happy as I was in the army and you will never understand it, some people cant be bough with money.

    soldiers fight for the country but also they fight for their own personal interests and the interests of each other in the unit. "we fight for the country but we swear allegiance only to each other"
    Eh, my experience is different.

    To each their own I suppose.

    Money >>>> any uniform/muscle/anything else in terms of getting female attention as far as I know, quality and quantity.

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    Yeap every one has their own passions and likes if we were all the same then this world would be sooo boring and there would no reason for

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    any one have any help on EPO dosages/cycles

  22. #22
    ChiveOn's Avatar
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    Ah...something I know a little about. I have used EPO quite a few times in the past. Here's the deal. You don't really start feeling the effects for 2-3 weeks. I injected (with a slin pin in my tris) EOD at 3000 IU. I shot twice that day at 1500 IU mixed per 1ml. After 2-3 weeks you should do a once weekly maintenance dose. As the gentleman above stated, I got the freeze dried vials that have 3000 IU each. This means no storage for me, since I empty one EOD all at once. Pricing is around 8 bills for 99K units (by the way, I am not a seller or do I know of a source anymore). You should only do 2 cycles in a year to avoid developing EPO antibodies (which is what happened to Marco Pantani). 99k units should last a whole if you think about it...its not that expensive. Now, if we are talking about the brand name EPOGEN or Procrit...etc; which need to be refrigerated always, we are talking about more $.

    As for sides...if you are smart....they are much less than AAS. In fact, EPO can be very therapeutic while not messing with your natty Test...etc; We are talking decreased recovery times, better cognitive function, better sleep, etc; . Now here's the important stuff...YOU MUST MONITOR YOUR BP. Buy yourself a Auto BP monitor and check it daily. It is also good advice to take a daily aspirin and mucho importante always stay hydrated!!! Before you start an EPO regimen check you hematocrit levels via a blood test (simple blood test which does not require a large draw). Normal Hematocrit (Red Blood Cell) levels range from low 40's to around 50 (the number is based upon percentage in your blood, so a 50 HC level means your blood is 50%. Athletes typically shoot for a Hematocrit level of about 55 or slightly higher. Once, you approach 60, you are asking for trouble . This is what those cyclists (Festina) in the past did not understand since it was new stuff. Based upon your Pre-EPO Hematocrit level you should determine when you should recheck it. Everyone has different Crit this is a step that must not be skipped. If anyone is going to use it please consult me and I will help make sure you are as safe as can be. Remember, the reason that those cyclists in the past died was because of lack of knowledge on how to use it.

    EDIT: this can be found along with other EPO threads via the search function. I have NOT personally used epo. I just remembered that I have read up on it quite a bit and there's a lot of helpful threads.
    You really have to monitor your hematocrit level and as stated above, your blood can get incredibly thick and it's not a pretty sight.
    It's tough to find legit stuff. And even harder to find good info as its a very underground drug.
    Last edited by ChiveOn; 07-31-2013 at 07:52 PM.
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  23. #23
    Gewiss-Ballan's Avatar
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    It's safer to use micro-doses of EPO because they have a smaller impact on RBC-concentration for a given increase in RBC-mass (youtube "explanation of the blood dope simulator and discussion of dope physiology" by Dr. Michael Puchowicz).

    Try 10 iu/kg daily for 1-2 months.

  24. #24
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    Or you could replicate the dosing in this study:

    Current markers of the Athlete Blood Passport do not flag microdose EPO doping.
    Ashenden M, Gough CE, Garnham A, Gore CJ, Sharpe K.


    The Athlete Blood Passport is the most recent tool adopted by anti-doping authorities to detect athletes using performance-enhancing *censored* such as recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO). This strategy relies on detecting abnormal variations in haematological variables caused by doping, against a background of biological and analytical variability. Ten subjects were given twice weekly intravenous injections of rhEPO for up to 12 weeks. Full blood counts were measured using a Sysmex XE-2100 automated haematology analyser, and total haemoglobin mass via a carbon monoxide rebreathing test. The sensitivity of the passport to flag abnormal deviations in blood values was evaluated using dedicated Athlete Blood Passport software. Our treatment regimen elicited a 10% increase in total haemoglobin mass equivalent to approximately two bags of reinfused blood. The passport software did not flag any subjects as being suspicious of doping whilst they were receiving rhEPO. We conclude that it is possible for athletes to use rhEPO without eliciting abnormal changes in the blood variables currently monitored by the Athlete Blood Passport.
    The dosing was as follows:

    Week 1-4: 10 iu/kg 2*/week

    Weeks 5-8: 20 iu/kg 2*/week

    Weeks 9-12: 30 iu/kg 2*/week

    But don't expect quick results. The increase in Hb-mass was only 2.6% after phase 1 (w1-4).

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    First of all BIGGG thanx for all the info, much obliged.

    EPORON 10.000 IU/ x 1ml Injection

    That is the stuff I have each syringe has 10,000 iu which is a bit of a problem if I'm supposed to take 5000iu every week then I don't know how I'm going to split these injections, I mean I don't think I can shoot half and then save the rest for later can I???
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails EPO - Erythropoietin-dsc00040-1-.jpg  
    Last edited by Gezzz; 08-03-2013 at 07:39 PM.

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    any one have any more info, especially on my last post on how to use the syringe

  28. #28
    frenchendurance42 is offline New Member
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    I don't know much about the way EPO is dosed, however, if you have a syringe of liquid that is measured in IU (international units), IU simply stands for the measurement of the amount of substance based on it's biological effect. Therefore, if you need half the substance, you should be able to half the volume (C1V1=C2V2 equation from high school. If concentration 1= 10000 and volume 1=10mL (theoretically) and concentration 2 is 5000, the math says that volume 2 should be 5mL, or half of volume 1)

    I would warn you however, against taking biosimilars (generics) of EPO. I work with it on a cellular level in the lab and the biosimilars are not proven to work as well and they can have various side affects that can be difficult to predict. I test them against the name brand and often find that the biosimilars are not only less potent or more variable, but also more dangerous to the system.

  29. #29
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    I am so sorry for my slow reply. I did send a personal reply to the author of this thread. "Gezzz" Needs to proform as an endurance athlete. That type of athlete need oxygen to muscle tissue for maximum preformance. Steroid type muscle builders do help some, for they do increase oxygen carrying red blood cells. But they are not NEARLY as effective as Erythropoietin!! Do you think Lance Armstrong relyed on testosterone for preformance? NOT! Although surely small doses couldn't hurt. But large muscle mass is detrimental to an endurance athlete, because then you have to supply all the extra tissue with oxygen. Bulk that is uneccessary for endurance running, swimming, biking, etc. Plus the good thing about Erythropoietin, you can stay on it as long as you want with no negative side effects as long as you know what you are doing.. Periodic blood tests are important to determine hematocrit levels. YES, over doseing on it can be deadly! But with knowledge, EPO is very safe. One can cause bodily harm using to much of ANYTHING! You can even die from drinking to much water for pete sakes.

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