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Thread: 1.25 Years on Gear - coming off

  1. #1
    SlammiN's Avatar
    SlammiN is offline Junior Member
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    1.25 Years on Gear - coming off


    I have been on for 1 year 3 months, with 2x 6 week PCTs (last was August)

    I have been on 500mg test and stayed on HCG throughout

    Added boldenone in last few weeks but my hair which was so thick is now thinning slightly on top.

    I am coming off for a while in an attempt to save using HGH as its not bad yet, most cant tell yet but I can and I would like to save it

    What I have for PCT

    • More HCG 9 x 1500 iu vial Organon
    • 2 x box Alpha Pharma clomid 50 pills per box
    • 2 x box Alpha Pharma tamoxifen 50 pills per box
    • 1 x box Alpha Pharma anastrozole 30 pills per box
    • Fenugreek

    As I said I will also be adding growth in and really I just want some recommendation best way to go about this

    My balls havent shrunk too much from my HCG use but I can imagine this will be a hard PCT

    Anything else I need to add I will do


  2. #2
    Nephets's Avatar
    Nephets is offline Senior Member
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    I don't have an answer for you so I'll wait for a vet to jump in here, but im curious. what are your stats.

  3. #3
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you've used hcg throughout it doesn't necessarily have to be that bad.
    Be prepared for the worst though, but think positive. (Kinda contradictory I know)
    But I will say that I've recovered from longer "cycles", within 2 months, and without PCT (it was long ago and we didn't really use SERMs back then)
    So with PCT it might not be that bad.

    How old are you?

    As for advice it seems you allready know the layout.
    Stop hcg once the AAS has left your system, since the primary point here is to recover hypo/pituitary function and hcg will be suppressive on that.

    Somatrophin will be great to add to your PCT, not only to keep gains, but it helps you recover HPTA as well.

    Running SERMs as your PCT u won't need an AI, that's just gonna crash your E levels totally.

    Ofcourse there are variations on PCT, but these are the normal guidelines.

    I've seen hcg and adex being used as PCT, but I'm not so sure how smart that is, at least when u have been good and used hcg through the cycle.

  4. #4
    SlammiN's Avatar
    SlammiN is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks Doctoxin8 for that detailed response, the armidex was really for use while on so I won't use it while I am off, thanks for that

    I am 30 years old

    Since I have been on so long would you say to run the HCG for 2 or 3 weeks before the nolva and the clomid?

    Should I also add in stuff like fenugreek and tribulus etc for good measure, think I'm going to add some herbals if they are considered beneficial

    Best get that growth right away


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Keep a log of your recovery. Run HCG until the last injection and then just rest for 3 weeks (you've been taking some long esters) before you start your PCT. Do a strong PCT of nolvadex and clomid (40/40/20/20 and 100/100/50/50) respectively. Then just rest for 90 days and then get blood work. You need to see if you're coming back to normal or your Test has crashed. You might be a candidate for TRT. But the numbers are the true judge.
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  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Slammin read this thread please:

    Power PCT Advice.....
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    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  7. #7
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlammiN View Post

    I have been on for 1 year 3 months, with 2x 6 week PCTs (last was August)

    I have been on 500mg test and stayed on HCG throughout

    Added boldenone in last few weeks but my hair which was so thick is now thinning slightly on top.

    I am coming off for a while in an attempt to save using HGH as its not bad yet, most cant tell yet but I can and I would like to save it

    What I have for PCT

    [*]More HCG 9 x 1500 iu vial Organon[*]2 x box Alpha Pharma clomid 50 pills per box[*]2 x box Alpha Pharma tamoxifen 50 pills per box[*]1 x box Alpha Pharma anastrozole 30 pills per box[*]Fenugreek

    As I said I will also be adding growth in and really I just want some recommendation best way to go about this

    My balls havent shrunk too much fromy HCG use but I can imagine this will be a hard PCT

    Anything else I need to add I will do

    Why fenugreek?
    Only studies ive seen are the ones raising test. from lowered DHT. U wont that. DHT is 5 times more anabolic than test.
    And if it worked it could be supressive. U dont wont supressive stuff at any cost now.

  8. #8
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I have no faith in stuff like tribulus, but I don't think it hurt either.

    As said above, use hcg until the AAS clears your system.
    From the then on rely on the SERMs.

    I would do blood tests often.
    If u do one while still on the SERMs, LH and FSH should be raised,
    and hopefully T levels within range at least.
    But the blood test after the SERMs have left your system shows u how well u really recovered. If T levels ain't good at that point, and LH isn't high,
    you can consider trying a SERM to keep stimulating the pituitary.
    But if that won't give normal T levels either, it's time to think about TRT.
    Just don't forget you'll need some time to assess this properly.
    When you've been running for such periods, especially with long esters, they can accumulate in your body. Meaning they may linger in supressive doses for longer than you'd think from the half life.

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