Hey I got my blood work back and everything for the most part looks good. Feel comfortable having my base bloods so i can judge recovery or any problems that may arise.

My question involves cholesterol and the hematocrit/ RBC levels.

(Bit about me: never cycled, 29, 5'11, 203lbs bf: ?? on lower side with abs and visible muscle all over). Lift seriously 5-6 days a week and have competed in strength sports. Would be considered an elite level lifter by numbers.

Naturally my cholesterol is on the high side (although within range) and my hematocrit and red blood cell count has always tested out of range on the high side (even as a teenager). I know that steroids increase both of these.

Should I be monitoring these two factors specifically? It would seem like a good idea to give blood midway through a cycle to keep it under control. Will cholesterol be a cause for concern? What would you guys recommend to stay healthy or is it even necessary?