Hey Guys:
Please, provide any comments or suggestions to the following cycle:

1-3- test prop @100/ed
1-12- test enanthate @ 500/w
1-12- equipoise @400mg/w
4-11- cytomel -125mcg using 5%-40%-55% method
13-15- test prop @100ed
9-15- tren @ 75ed
9-15- var @40ed
12-13- clen (tapering)
16-17- clen (tapering)
1 to finish clomid- lqdex @.5/ed
clomid- 300/100/50
nolva on hand in case of gyno symptoms

Your feedbacks and recommnedations are really appreciated!!

My stats are, 205lbs, 11%bf, and 5'11. I am 29 years old.