So I started my cycle...I've done a cycle before, and although it was utter crap since I hadn't done good research, I had gotten HUGE off of it anyways...Everyone was complimenting my size when I had done it...but with the bulking cycle, I also developed a rather annoying belly. So I had a great chest but a belly to accompany it.

And now I'm on my second cycle but really my first since it's the first EDUCATED one I am doing...

Here it is:

Weeks 1-12* 400 mg Deca
Weeks 1-14* 500 mg Test ethan
(I got the proper Anti-E, anti-bloat, and PCT but no point mentioning it here.)

*In any case, I am considering changing this up and adding some weeks of cutting. Is that a good way to get rid of the bulking belly? Seriously, don't you guys get this belly too? How do you cope with it? I HATE the occasional comments by skinny bone people saying that I got a stomach. I feel like bashing them in the face.

So should I switch it up at like Week 10 or something and switch the Test Ethan for Winnie....and add Clen ....??? Then run that for how many weeks? I am a newbie but I think my body can recuperate pretty quickly considering the first cycle I had totally screwed up but my body still managed...

How do you guys deal with this crap? It's really ticking me off ... especially since I am on roids so I am even more likely to bash someone's head in....(by the way, I've already gained hella size in one week...very pleasing...) But still, the belly is driving me nuts.