Quick question for you all. I know this has probably been asked many times before, but I am in a hurry today and don't have a ton of time to do a search. For that I apologize.

My question is:

If on an 75mg ED fina injection cycle, would 6 injection sites be enough? I am on my seventh day of the cycle and my injection sites went like this: Day 1 right quad, day 2 left quad, day 3 right delt, day 4 left delt, day 5 right pec, day 6 left pec. I am saving my glutes for my Test Enan injects twice a week at 250mg. I am comfortable with those injection sites and am a little nervous about shooting bi's, tri's, lat's, or calves. Do you think that I would be okay to go back to my right quad again today? Or should I maintain on the one inject per site per week mentality?

Any help is much appreciated bro's! Sorry for asking a question without doing research first.