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  1. #1
    streeter's Avatar
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    All this talk of high "E" has me worried

    So I am on day eight after my first injection on HRT 200mg of test cyp e10d and am getting my next injection thursday now I have a question. I understand the reasons why someone on a cycle takes arimidex at 250mg 2xweek but should I be worrying about this as well? Should I be taking arimidex during HRT at 200mg e10d? My HRT doctors do not seem to think it's necessary. As a matter a fact I don't think they even check it on the monthly BW. So I can get other BW done through my family practitioner but should I be taking something now and how much? Would I benefit from maybe .5mg of arimidex a week or do I need to take more. I am not on a cycle and am just paranoid about it.

    So if I need to take this how much while on HRT?

    P.S. Before going on HRT I had it checked and it was 30
    Last edited by streeter; 10-13-2010 at 12:47 AM.

  2. #2
    Dr.Roidz is offline Banned - peachass!
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    I would not be concerned at that dosage and to be honest an AI can due as much harm as good. You doctor should be checking it tho. See what the results are on the next blood test and go from there.

  3. #3
    n00bs's Avatar
    n00bs is offline Member
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    If your doc isnt checking e2 on hrt find a real dr.

  4. #4
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You are prolly ok - just make sure he checks next BW.

    Everyone if different so it wouldnt hurt to get it checked around week 5 or 6 if you can get it through your family doc.

  5. #5
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    30 is an ideal score to have IMO. As suggested, run labs in 6 weeks and see where it's at. The reason you need to have a AI handy is because the medicine you are taking can and will go through the aromatization process and convert to estrogen. We need estrogen, but only so much. It's one of the most important variables to look at when administering TRT.

  6. #6
    streeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    30 is an ideal score to have IMO. As suggested, run labs in 6 weeks and see where it's at. The reason you need to have a AI handy is because the medicine you are taking can and will go through the aromatization process and convert to estrogen. We need estrogen, but only so much. It's one of the most important variables to look at when administering TRT.
    I knew 30 was a good score I am glad you think its ideal so now I want to keep it that way so vetteman08 you have a rep here for great advice and knowing your stuff so let me ask you between BW should I take some LiquiDex (Anastrozole) as a preventative my doc said he might let me get my shots every 7 days so I am thinking maybe I should take .5mg 2xweek just to keep my "E" in check what do you think?

  7. #7
    subnet's Avatar
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    streeter - I'm not vette, but I have a feeling I know what he'll say In fact, he already did - run labs in 6 weeks to see where it's at, then you'll know and then you can start adding the liquidex IF NEEDED. Don't just assume that you'll need it - it's easier to start slow and add later, than add it now when you might not need it, and then really have no clue what your body does on its own...

  8. #8
    streeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by subnet View Post
    streeter - I'm not vette, but I have a feeling I know what he'll say In fact, he already did - run labs in 6 weeks to see where it's at, then you'll know and then you can start adding the liquidex IF NEEDED. Don't just assume that you'll need it - it's easier to start slow and add later, than add it now when you might not need it, and then really have no clue what your body does on its own...
    That's good advice thanks, but now that makes me think of another question...How long does it take if your gyno prone to go from 30 to a level where you start seeing signs of it I just had my second shot today and I am just curious as to how fast this can happen to someone? I guess the reason I ask is my pecs seem hard as a rock right now or since I started TRT and went up in weight on everything I do. It's not around the nipple its my whole Pec they just seem like they are growing and when I flex seem harder maybe it's just for years I have been trying to make my muscles grow and now maybe they just are and its freaking me out.

    Here is another example I do a lot of stomach crunches but before trt I never did more than 50 at a time the last three days I have done 150 crunches straight it scared the crap outa me I just stopped because I was afraid I would hurt myself. I know its only been 10 days but I swear I can tell small differences already.
    Last edited by streeter; 10-13-2010 at 11:20 PM.

  9. #9
    Epic Ed's Avatar
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    Most people do not need an AI when running a TRT dose. Some do (for a variety of reasons -- body fat %, etc.) but 100-200mg of test a week isn't enough to merit an AI for most people. I do not run one when I'm not on a cycle.

  10. #10
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by streeter View Post
    I knew 30 was a good score I am glad you think its ideal so now I want to keep it that way so vetteman08 you have a rep here for great advice and knowing your stuff so let me ask you between BW should I take some LiquiDex (Anastrozole) as a preventative my doc said he might let me get my shots every 7 days so I am thinking maybe I should take .5mg 2xweek just to keep my "E" in check what do you think?
    Quote Originally Posted by subnet View Post
    streeter - I'm not vette, but I have a feeling I know what he'll say In fact, he already did - run labs in 6 weeks to see where it's at, then you'll know and then you can start adding the liquidex IF NEEDED. Don't just assume that you'll need it - it's easier to start slow and add later, than add it now when you might not need it, and then really have no clue what your body does on its own...
    Exactly, just go with the BW in 6 weeks and see what the numbers tell you.

    In my case, I've been on a maintenance dose of 0.5mg x 2/wk, which works for me. I also take HCG , so there's a good chance that I would be taking 1/2 that amount or even none if my protocol was only cyp. I'll be running labs this month myself, so we'll see what the current story is. My E2 was 29 last time, and I'm aiming to hopefully repeat a similar score.

    Also, the weekly shot deal sounds great. Get the doctor to run with it, I think you'll be much happier! Just make sure you run those 6 week labs, let us know how they turnout. Thanks!

  11. #11
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Streeter, if you go weekly will you be doing something in the range of 150mg? Just curious if your doctor has discussed the dosage adjustment or not. Can you remind me what your baseline "T" score was prior to jumping on TRT? Is there a number you're aiming for now that you're on TRT?

  12. #12
    streeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    Streeter, if you go weekly will you be doing something in the range of 150mg? Just curious if your doctor has discussed the dosage adjustment or not. Can you remind me what your baseline "T" score was prior to jumping on TRT? Is there a number you're aiming for now that you're on TRT?
    Well the amount is 200mg each shot but I talked him into boosting it a little so its really around 250mg along with B12 thats why I am concerned with gyno a bit. He did not say he would adjust it down if I go weekly he just said he would go every 7 or 8 days to prevent crashes if I want. My next shot is in 9 days if I feel rotten day nine were gonna try 8 but he said no sooner than 7

    Oh Yea my baseline...well I had BW done 4 times in the last 4 months remember I was cutting weight from 260 pounds to 170 I am now 182pounds my numbers were as I was cutting weight 189, 304, 495, 485 I did a lot of sprints and eating right to try to raise it naturally but never could get it any higher than 495 and felt terrible so thats why I asked and went to go on TRT with a wellness center.
    Last edited by streeter; 10-14-2010 at 11:55 AM.

  13. #13
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    I wouldn't stress it too much. It's not like one day you'll wake up with a set of 48 DD cups. Long before the gyno sets in, you will begin to notice things like sensitivity and or puffiness in your nipples. Your libido and arousal will diminish significantly. The good news is, it's not the same as gyno and those symptoms will go away once you get your E2 back in line. Follow Vetteman and subnet's advice; get the tests in 6 weeks or so and see what they say. In the mean time, if you begin to experience any of the symptoms I described, talk to your Doc.
    Last edited by forrest_and_trees; 10-15-2010 at 08:11 AM.

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