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  1. #1
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    Supplements...trying to figure this out

    Supplements...trying to figure this out

    I am a subscriber to Flex magazine and I find the section on Nutrition /Supplements very interesting to read. But, as I was reading the section last night I started thinking to myself, every time I pick up an issue they are telling me this will help this, or this supp will do this. So I was wondering what do you actually need. Obviously I know, Whey protein , multivitamin, BCAA. But I mean is Arginine, Leucine, Glucosamine, Lysine, the list could keep going on forever. So I was just wanting to see what you guys think are the bare essential supplements to take on a regular basis. By the way I am one of those guys that for the past year or so anytime I read an article and it said this supp would do this, I would give it a try. So I am just trying to simplify my daily supplements . Seeing how its time to buy again as I am getting low.

  2. #2
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    I like anything that will increase NO. Here's what I take:

    L-arginine (Bed, Wake and afternoon)
    L-citrulline (Bed, Wake and afternoon)
    L-Ornithine (Bed, Wake and afternoon)
    Acetyl l carnitine (Bed, Wake and afternoon)
    Icarriin 60 (This is what's in Horny Goats Weed (Epimedium) but at a maximum strength. It's a known and proven PDE5-I and's the shits, trust me!) (Bed, Wake and afternoon)
    EPONOX (NO Stack) (Bed, Wake and afternoon)
    Cialis 5 mg (Daily)

    Besides an amazing pump and ongoing vascularity my erections are impressive as hell
    Last edited by 1; 09-29-2011 at 06:32 PM.

  3. #3
    APIs's Avatar
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    IMO all the supps being pushed are a load of crap. I only take 2-3 Meal Replacements which averages an extra 120 grams of Whey Protein per day along with a Centrum Multi and Flax Seed Oil. Just lift hard & eat right. I just put up 405 again recently so I must be doing something right? To each their own I guess. My $0.02...
    Last edited by APIs; 09-29-2011 at 04:53 PM.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Agree with API. I do the same amount of whey each day also. It's the first thing that goes into me when I wake up every day, without question. Then another 1-2 depending on my workout schedule, etc. I take my fair share of vitamins now but a lot more thought goes into it and it's more targeted, so to speak. Basic compared to when I was a kid and thought I had to take everything that I read about. The mags are all about making money....

    Good push btw API! Been awhile since I've thrown that around on the bench!

  5. #5
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    IMO all the supps being pushed are a load of crap. I only take 2-3 Meal Replacements which averages an extra 120 grams of Whey Protein per day along with a Centrum Multi and Flax Seed Oil. Just lift hard & eat right. I just put up 405 again recently so I must be doing something right? To each their own I guess. My $0.02...
    agree 100%!

  6. #6
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    I feel like Centrum is low in a lot of vitamins and some minerals, I take Puritans Pride... my hair and fingernails grow so fast I can hardly keep up with them.

    I was taking arginine and orthinine together in pretty high doses and my liver function came up 3x what it had been. Now I cannot say for sure these supplements did it, because my pharmacist had told me that pesticides can cause liver function to go up as well, and about a week before my blood test, my Fiancee' and I were on our way back and were stuck right behind a truck that was spraying for mosquitos.. so i'm sure we got a nice dose of it. Then again the test could have just been a fluke as nothing has really changed in my diet and i've never had any liver issues.

    My current supplements are:

    Fish oil 4g's a day split up twice a day ( a VERY important supplement and IMO probably the most important )
    R-ALA ... 100 mg's just once a day, it's supposed to have good antioxidant properties.
    Milk thistle (for the high liver numbers)
    1000 mg's Vitamin C with rose hips
    Garlic... a very nasty pill
    Ubiquinol 200 mg's 1x daily.

    Now to your average person, all of these may seem excessive, however there is a history of cancer in my family... so I take all of the antioxidants I can... as well as the multivitamin which has a lot of good stuff as well.

    I also use Whey of course, but you have to be careful, as a lot of it is very high in cholesterol.

  7. #7
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    I have one protein drink a day and sometimes creatine . Im not into all the hyp of supplements its just a money go round . Best thing to do is eat as normal as possible it saves you 1000s in the end .

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    IMO all the supps being pushed are a load of crap. I only take 2-3 Meal Replacements which averages an extra 120 grams of Whey Protein per day along with a Centrum Multi and Flax Seed Oil. Just lift hard & eat right. I just put up 405 again recently so I must be doing something right? To each their own I guess. My $0.02...
    X4...prolly would have got the 405 without the flax or multi either

  9. #9
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    Thanks for the responses guys.

  10. #10
    bigboy67's Avatar
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    everybody does the supplement thing backwards. they go adn get all the supplements to give them an edge in the beginning. waste of time and money. If you are fat or just out of shape, get yourself in shape first before using supps. Think about it, if you just indiscriminately bang supps into your body, how do you know what is actually working for you vs. just costing you 50 bucks a month and you dont even get benefit. Get in great shape, then add in supps one at a time to help you fine tune.

    Just my thoughts.

    P.S. - Whey protein, vitamins, fish oils, those are NOT supplements in the vein of what I am discussing.

  11. #11
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigboy67 View Post
    everybody does the supplement thing backwards. they go adn get all the supplements to give them an edge in the beginning. waste of time and money. If you are fat or just out of shape, get yourself in shape first before using supps. Think about it, if you just indiscriminately bang supps into your body, how do you know what is actually working for you vs. just costing you 50 bucks a month and you dont even get benefit. Get in great shape, then add in supps one at a time to help you fine tune.

    Just my thoughts.

    P.S. - Whey protein, vitamins, fish oils, those are NOT supplements in the vein of what I am discussing.
    this is kind of my mindset also with going to the diet forum to get body building diet advice when your 25 plus bf% as if you would need to be that strict IN THE BEGINNING of a weight loss program with those stats

  12. #12
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigboy67 View Post
    everybody does the supplement thing backwards. they go adn get all the supplements to give them an edge in the beginning. waste of time and money. If you are fat or just out of shape, get yourself in shape first before using supps. Think about it, if you just indiscriminately bang supps into your body, how do you know what is actually working for you vs. just costing you 50 bucks a month and you dont even get benefit. Get in great shape, then add in supps one at a time to help you fine tune.

    Just my thoughts.

    P.S. - Whey protein, vitamins, fish oils, those are NOT supplements in the vein of what I am discussing.
    I completely agree. I do Whey, Fish Oil, and a multi right now. But I also had a lot of other stuff I was taking. For example...Tribulus Testris, Creatine, Glucosamine, Arginine, Lysine, DIM, Nettle Root, ZMA, BCAA, ALA, Glutamine, Chro,iu, Picolinate, Vitamin E and C. Vitamin A and D. So I was just trying to narrow things down. Now some of it has been added since TRT(DIM, Vitamin A and D, Nettle Root), so I will probably keep those for sure.

  13. #13
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    I always thought Crisler's take on dietary supplements a good base to start from...but he's still missing things like why men need D3 daily and/or resveratrol for men over 50.

  14. #14
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    Another thing to consider is your liver. Taking a lot of extra supplements can put a strain on your liver. For example, if you're taking 5+ different supplements daily, throwing in your oral meds and then maybe an NSAID or Tylenol on top of that; your liver gets taxed trying to process this on a daily basis. I've experienced it first-hand myself.

    Have you ever seen the show "30-Days" on cable? They had one clown who was flabby, weak, married to a huge pig, depressed & he goes to an anti-aging clinic for help. The clinic gives him weekly Test injections & about 10+ oral supplements to take per day. Near the 30-day mark the guy's liver enzymes were off the chart - doy! The wife makes him go off the treatment & the show totally bashes TRT while preaching the virtues of just "growing old gracefully" with his fat-pig wife in-tow. Wish I could remember the TRT doc's name. Anyway, the guy's liver values were obviously off due to all the oral supplements & not the TRT. Of course, this wouldn’t have fit with the show's theme on bashing anti-aging clinics. And oh-yeah, I remember the show even blamed the guy's short-temper on the TRT as possible Roid Rage in action lol. Very entertaining it was...
    Last edited by APIs; 10-03-2011 at 01:24 PM.

  15. #15
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    Another thing to consider is your liver. Taking a lot of extra supplements can put a strain on your liver. For example, if you're taking 5+ different supplements daily, throwing in your oral meds and then maybe an NSAID or Tylenol on top of that; your liver gets taxed trying to process this on a daily basis. I've experienced it first-hand myself.

    Have you ever seen the show "30-Days" on cable? They had one clown who was flabby, weak, married to a huge pig, depressed & he goes to an anti-aging clinic for help. The clinic gives him weekly Test injections & about 10+ oral supplements to take per day. Near the 30-day mark the guy's liver enzymes were off the chart - doy! The wife makes him go off the treatment & the show totally bashes TRT while preaching the virtues of just "growing old gracefully" with his fat-pig wife in-tow. Wish I could remember the TRT doc's name. Anyway, the guy's liver values were obviously off due to all the oral supplements & not the TRT. Of course, this wouldn’t have fit with the show's theme on bashing anti-aging clinics. And oh-yeah, I remember the show even blamed the guy's short-temper on the TRT & possible Roid Rage in action lol. Very entertaining it was...
    its funny how many stupid show like this are our there! i haven't seen this one but i bet its funny... but i have seen a movie called Supper Size Me, this one is kind of the opposite, a perfectly healthy guy decided to eat what average American eats, basically live on fast foods and within one month his liver was at risk of shutting down, and he gained like 20 pounds or so in one month! anyway, these show always have an agenda bur some are really educational! LOL, i am still laughing about the show you described

  16. #16
    APIs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    its funny how many stupid show like this are our there! i haven't seen this one but i bet its funny... but i have seen a movie called Supper Size Me, this one is kind of the opposite, a perfectly healthy guy decided to eat what average American eats, basically live on fast foods and within one month his liver was at risk of shutting down, and he gained like 20 pounds or so in one month! anyway, these show always have an agenda bur some are really educational! LOL, i am still laughing about the show you described
    The show 30-Days is actually written & hosted by the same guy who made Super Size Me. Forget his name...

  17. #17
    DaNKahoLIc is offline Junior Member
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    other the creatine and protien, most of that stuff is a waste of $, id rather just take juice works much better and cost around the same

  18. #18
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    you're taking all of that stuff plus cialis? Did you clear that with your Doc I hope? That seems excessive.

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