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  1. #1
    tall76's Avatar
    tall76 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    just got back from Dr- AAAHHHHH

    Just got back from my appt with endo and Im extremely frustrated. He basically is telling me my 288 test score is normal and didnt address any of my symptoms. Gave me a speech about how alcohol can reduce test levels so i told him i dont drink at all and havent in about 7 years. Then he went on to diet stuff- I told him for the past 2 years i have had a very structured diet with at least 20% daily cals coming from healthy fats. Then he told me about how doing steroids can cause low test (i had already told him ive never taken anything, obviously he didnt believe me) Then he ended the appt by telling me how there might be steroids in the whey protein i take- really>> ON is adding roids to their protein??? But i have been tested for AAS 3 times in the past 2 years at fitness competitions so thats BS.
    So im 31, best shape of my life but losing strength and mass since the summer (i know this bc i track my lifts) Health and fitness is my life and also how I pay my mortgage im a trainer and im pretty much devastated by whats going on with me. I thought drs. were supposed to help but I guess im on my own. Need a good Dr in Mass.

  2. #2
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Never thrust them for diet advise and TRT, mine got me on 200mg per week, i bloated up like crazy, no AI he told me at that dosage everything is good. PFFF also told me that while on TRT at that dosage i can eat anything i want and will still burn fat, and that i should gain 15-20 pounds of muscles in 6 months.

    I went to see him again after i gain that amount in less then 6 weeks, and he just laugh, HO you put on some weight yeah moron like 240 pounds of mass and fat but more fat.

  3. #3
    BigBadWolf's Avatar
    BigBadWolf is offline Member
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    Im 31 and looking at my blood work right now and the range is 348- 1197 so 288 is low. Get a copy of your bloodwork and carry it to another doc.

  4. #4
    tall76's Avatar
    tall76 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    mine says test 288 (250-1100) Yea i need to find another dr. This sux either way though I dont want to be on test for the rest of my life

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    So sorry to hear...BUT...did you do any research on this endo before you scheduled your appointment.

    This is not a surprise to be honest.

    You need to find a Physician who totally understands TRT protocols for men BEFORE scheduling an appointment for care.

    This will eliminate your frustration and get you back to health.

  6. #6
    BigBadWolf's Avatar
    BigBadWolf is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tall76
    mine says test 288 (250-1100) Yea i need to find another dr. This sux either way though I dont want to be on test for the rest of my life
    Labcorp range must be differeent. What lab did they use?

  7. #7
    BigBadWolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tall76
    mine says test 288 (250-1100) Yea i need to find another dr. This sux either way though I dont want to be on test for the rest of my life
    Being on test is not as bad as not being on it.

  8. #8
    tall76's Avatar
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    Yes this was just the dr my primary suggested. I did some research but all the ones i called that do HRT want a bunch of cash upfront to do tests ive already had several times. I have another test nxt week this dr wants it done first thing in the morning when test is at its peak to get a good reading. My 288 test was drawn at like 9A though so I dont know. The lab is quest diagnostics

  9. #9
    BigBadWolf's Avatar
    BigBadWolf is offline Member
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    Well if you wanted to be on hrt if y'all have a labcorp in Mass find a doc that uses them cause you are below their range. It would be alot cheaper than an anti-aging clinic.

  10. #10
    BigBadWolf's Avatar
    BigBadWolf is offline Member
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    Regardless I wouldn't go back to a doctor that suggested there is roids in your whey protein sounds like a douche nozzle.

  11. #11
    APIs's Avatar
    APIs is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Wow. AS in your Whey Protein huh? Sorry to hear man. I know the thought of TRT for life can be devastating news, but you just have to deal with it & move on. There's a lot of people on here that train hard like you. I was in your shoes, with Test levels in the 200's while still training with heavy weight every day. I knew something was wrong. Believe me, once you get situated with the right Doc everything gets good really quick. You just need to put the initial shock aside and accept reality. Do your homework and find a PCP/Endo in your health plan that does TRT who can diagnose you. They are out there. Otherwise, you may have to absorb the costs associated with a clinic.

  12. #12
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    very classic response from a doc that has no clue whats he talking about! Tall76, TRT is for life, there really isn't any long term treatment to boost your natural production up, at 31 my and at these numbers i don't see how you can continue without proper TRT.

  13. #13
    tall76's Avatar
    tall76 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I know I need to figure this out- not just for me but for my wife and son. Ive been miserable lately and literally pass out right after dinner, no energy to hang out with them.

  14. #14
    J DIESEL3 is offline Associate Member
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    Sorry to hear this tall...

    As gdevine said nothing like this is a surprise to me anymore either!

    Believe me I feel your pain on this topic.Just last week I had a appt. with a urologist that was a total smack off.He also said some of the same dumb ass remarks your doc did.Hey wait a minute maybe they are brothers!!

    Keep trying tall don't give up it's not worth feeling and looking like crap because of this.Maybe try your pcp again and take in some info. on trt and lab ranges for age groups.Good luck

  15. #15
    BigBadWolf's Avatar
    BigBadWolf is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by J DIESEL3
    Sorry to hear this tall...

    As gdevine said nothing like this is a surprise to me anymore either!

    Believe me I feel your pain on this topic.Just last week I had a appt. with a urologist that was a total smack off.He also said some of the same dumb ass remarks your doc did.Hey wait a minute maybe they are brothers!!

    Keep trying tall don't give up it's not worth feeling and looking like crap because of this.Maybe try your pcp again and take in some info. on trt and lab ranges for age groups.Good luck
    I would just find another doc. you can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting a doc office. If you take in any info he will dismiss it like a bitch caught cheating. I have never heard anyone taking in info to a doc that has giving them shit advice and say " well maybe I was wrong."

  16. #16
    J DIESEL3 is offline Associate Member
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    Not to the endo he went to honkeykong his primary care doc.

  17. #17
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    GD touched on it regarding doctors. Don't make blind appointments and hope for the best. Use the internet and search for TRT specialists in your area. Start calling doc's offices and ask the staff if he/she (stick with he as most she's just don't understant the hcg testicular atrophy connection) will treat you per Dr. Crislers protocols so you don't waste your time and money. If that fails call compounding pharmacies in your area. Actually, I'd stop in as face to face you will get a better response and ask to speak to a pharmacist. Ask what docs in the area treat with all three (test, hcg, AI.) Hopefully you get a positive response from one of those routes. If all the above fails, make an appt with Dr. Crisler and drive or fly to him and cut out all the bullsh*t. It's your life and the quality of it counts!

    Good luck!

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    That advise should be stickied as well..."How to find the right TRT Doctor"

    Anyone want to take a shot and write that up

  19. #19
    JD250's Avatar
    JD250 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    ^^^ Great idea!! Also I would like to know where Tall76 gets his protien powder.

  20. #20
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    ^^^Willing to split shipping with you JD!

  21. #21
    brazey's Avatar
    brazey is offline's Official Greeter
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    Hey Tall, check your PM.

  22. #22
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by brazey View Post
    Hey Tall, check your PM.
    he can't get PMs until he get 50 posts

  23. #23
    brazey's Avatar
    brazey is offline's Official Greeter
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    Ok, tks. I see he has 47 now.

  24. #24
    tall76's Avatar
    tall76 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Ok thx Braz

  25. #25
    tall76's Avatar
    tall76 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'll go help some peeps in the nutrition forum - get my posts up so I can get some help in here

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