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Thread: Still nervous

  1. #1
    tlow is offline New Member
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    Still nervous

    254 Now i have been bump up to three pumps of now 365. Anxiety has decreased but still getting nervous in the mornings . Also 100 zoloft . Have not taken ativan in three week . So i guess just takes time to beat this anxiety and nervous? Have any of you had any of this . Any feed back is welcome thanks

  2. #2
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    How long have you been on TRT?

    Also, do you see a therapist?

    I was borderline OCD and very anxious when I was low T. When I started TRT I also found a good therapist that I worked with for a couple of months. Since that time, my anxiety and OCD-ishness are both gone, but I've been on TRT for just over a year now. It probably took a 2 - 3 months. I was at 800ish, not 365. You may want to consider injections.

    Also, your E2 levels can cause some anxiety, at least it seemed so for me. A month into TRT my E2 actually cratered (I was taking some herbal supplements that I think contributed to this). I was a trainwreck again for a bit until I quit the supps and they exited my system. I've had low E2 at times since then, and it will trigger some anxiety symptoms (although not nearly as pronounced as it was pre-TRT).

  3. #3
    tlow is offline New Member
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    I have been gel for 9 weeks . Have gone from 254 to 365 . No therapist at this time. . Just seem to have got over the anxiety but have gained anticapation nervousness. I think I'm getting better but the nervous is getting old quick. Thanks

  4. #4
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    I don't know much about gel unfortunately. I started on pellets first and switched to injections after the pellets wore off. Injections seem to be the method of choice, although I'm sure many have success with gels. I only bring this up as an option to consider... I was a little needle-phobic before I started, but now it is a cinch.
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  5. #5
    LowT Mike is offline HRT Specialist, P.A. -
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    Gel and cream work for a very small % of people effectively. Injections are gold standard.

  6. #6
    tlow is offline New Member
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    Feeling better now only nervous now and then thanks again bw in five weeks

  7. #7
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    I had a bad alcohol prob and quit last December. Dr put me on Ativan. Before I started therapy I quit cold turkey. I feel great now. I had anxiety most of my life and that's why I drank a lot. Something just clicked one day and I swallowed my anxiety some how. Working out was a big help. Not everyone can get rid of anxiety like I did. I'm talking heart skipping beats if I went out in public. Plus I toured in a band and had to be onstage for years.

    Now that I've started TRT it's only gotten better. I feel super right now. I'm about six weeks in and the last three weeks have been life changing.

    It seems like the gel just isn't getting through for some reason for you. As my test climbed any nerves that I had left were really set at ease.

    I know how it feels to have anxiety and have to medicate it. Hopefully you get dialed in and can enjoy.

    Good luck.

  8. #8
    tlow is offline New Member
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    Thanks bro i know my number are coming up as it feels like it anyway . But my main concern has been being nervous that my anxiety will come back . Thanks

  9. #9
    rt12008's Avatar
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    I was having issues with my numbers until I rubbed the gel on my under wrist area and then rubbed that into the sides of my stomach. Dr Crisler has a video on YouTube. I highly suggest you try applying it that way.

  10. #10
    V-ROID's Avatar
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    I agree with Zen about high E2 and anxiety. Labs soon will tell. Do you have an AI?

  11. #11
    tlow is offline New Member
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    No ai , feeling good just dealing with being nervous and trying to float through it . Thanks

  12. #12
    tlow is offline New Member
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    Had blood work done again . 254,365,220. Six weeks later . Last two on 3 pumps of andrgel. But i felt fine . Anxiety also has decrease . She wants want to try axiron at three pumps . We will see in 6 four weeks i guess i will go with shots . Thunbs down for androgel

  13. #13
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    do your best to get on injections man, look your test dropped lower then when you started..

  14. #14
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Injections are the way to go. It can suck thinking about pinning yourself all the time but the end result is worth it 150%. I feel like a million bucks since I started TRT and would never look back.

  15. #15
    EverettCD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tlow View Post
    Had blood work done again . 254,365,220. Six weeks later . Last two on 3 pumps of andrgel. But i felt fine . Anxiety also has decrease . She wants want to try axiron at three pumps . We will see in 6 four weeks i guess i will go with shots . Thunbs down for androgel

    What are the lab ranges & what are the numbers you posted? If those numbers are your total test levels while on aerogel then your body is not absorbing the topical test well at all. I did fair on topicals & then after a few months they stopped working. Now I am using Test Cyp injected IM & feel great. I would do what you need to do in order for your Dr to Rx you injectable testosterone . Have you seen the cash cost for most of the topicals since most insurance companies do not cover them? I know for me Axiron is around $800 per month cash price, Test Cyp is about $11 cash price & the vial lasts 10 weeks.

    Are you currently taking Zoloft?

  16. #16
    kiruf is offline New Member
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    How long TRT usually lasts?

  17. #17
    EverettCD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiruf
    How long TRT usually lasts?
    How long does TRT last? If you're asking how long you need it, most are on TRT for the rest of their lives. Few are able to do a restart.

    Sent from my iPhone that was manufactured in a sweat shop in China

  18. #18
    tlow is offline New Member
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    Zoloft 100 mg since may trying to get off of it but cant get my t up . If axiron dont work im going to shots been fighting this since may . I feeling pretty good but number is lower than when i started .

  19. #19
    tlow is offline New Member
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    Cutting back to 75 mg of zoloft to see if i can get off of this . After four days i cant tell anything has changed .

  20. #20
    tlow is offline New Member
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    Well im down to to 50 mg of zoloft and have times where i get alittle nervouse but noithing like it was months ago . Wondering if i would feel even better off of it . Still on axiron hoping numbers will come up thanks

  21. #21
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    i'd hop off it completely and see how you feel.
    I'f you could switch to injections you probably wouldn't need it at all. Need to get that t up to 6-800 though.

  22. #22
    tlow is offline New Member
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    Yeah i hope to get off of it for good . Feeling alot better on axiron and back to doing thing i enjoy . Anxiety is about a 4/10 scale . Where before trt it was a 10/10 scale .

  23. #23
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    Get on the needle.

    Yes, needles suck, but low T sucks worse, no brainier for me.

  24. #24
    Ryanmcd is offline Associate Member
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    zoloft + TRT = need a good doctor, if not you maybe going back and forth because you will not know what is doing / helping the other and trying to play doctor maybe years of frustration. Save the money and see a good doc, it's well worth the money.

  25. #25
    tlow is offline New Member
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    Thanks i got a good dr . It just takes time which i was told , but dang this is slow . Im not in that deep dark hole every one has been in . Thanks

  26. #26
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GSXRvi6 View Post
    Get on the needle.

    Yes, needles suck, but low T sucks worse, no brainier for me.

    I don't know man. I been on shots for over a month and I like androgel better

  27. #27
    tlow is offline New Member
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    I could not get the androgel to work for me . Axiron seems a little better thanks

  28. #28
    tlow is offline New Member
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    Well still on axiron and feeling a lot better i am down to 12.5 zoloft with no anxiety . Working my way to 0 on the zoloft . Thanks for looking

  29. #29
    EverettCD's Avatar
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    Good deal. I am willing to bet you'll feel even better after you're off Zoloft for a while.

    Sent from my iPhone that was manufactured in a sweat shop in China®

  30. #30
    tlow is offline New Member
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    Thanks everettcd im fireman also man at first i thought i would never get out of that black hole . Feeling alot better now consider were i was dam it was bad . Thanks bro

  31. #31
    tlow is offline New Member
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    Everettcd you are right im off. The zoloft for two weeks now and man what a difference it has made . I have even found the gym again . I am hoping it only gets better . Thanks again
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  32. #32
    tlow is offline New Member
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    A little nervous today after being off Zoloft for 5 weeks whats the deal i thought i was done with anxiety . Thanks again

  33. #33
    2Sox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tlow View Post
    A little nervous today after being off Zoloft for 5 weeks whats the deal i thought i was done with anxiety . Thanks again
    What thoughts have you had about where your anxiety or nervousness might be coming from? Have you observed some sort of triggers? What seems to bring it on? Does it feel like something close to "stage fright"?

  34. #34
    tlow is offline New Member
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    Well 24 hours later anxiety has eased up . The only thing i can think of that triggers it . I passed out in class without breakfeast and had a rock star energy drink . Makes me nervous of classes coming up thanks again .

  35. #35
    2Sox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tlow View Post
    Well 24 hours later anxiety has eased up . The only thing i can think of that triggers it . I passed out in class without breakfeast and had a rock star energy drink . Makes me nervous of classes coming up thanks again .
    It's amazing that there are so many threads right now discussing the same topic. You ought to take a look at this one:
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  36. #36
    tlow is offline New Member
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  37. #37
    tlow is offline New Member
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    Well guys i think i found my problem had blood work done and im low 200s starting shots in the morning and not looking forward to it. Hope this will help . No more smearing gel . Thanks again guys

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