I recently injured my ALC and need to modify my workout program to avoid further injury. It looks like surgery could be in my future but wanted to wait until after summer to make a final decision. I would call my injury mild but Dr. said surgery is the only option if I want to resume squats and full deadlifts. Dr. stated that many people live with my injury with only minor movement limitations. I typically base my training on either a 5x5 or 5/3/1 program. I’m currently trying to figure how to modify my training to get my through summer. I’m hoping that I can perform RDL’s in place of deadlifts. Dr. told me no squats or leg extensions so I’m a little worried about quads. What do people think of the following?

Age 41
Weight 195
BF 15%

Day 1
Military 5/3/1
Chins/Pull Ups 5 sets to failure
Dips - Weighted 5 x 10
Planks 3 x 60 sec

Day 2
RDL's 5 x 10
45 roman 5 x 10
Seated Calf 5 x 10
BB Curls 3 x 12

Day 3
Bench 5/3/1
Inc DB 5 x 10
BB Rows 5 x 10
Med Ball Twist 3 x 35

Day 4 (I need help w/ adding 1 additional movement to replace squats)
Chins/Pull Ups 5 sets to failure
Push Downs 3 x 12
Standing Calf 5 x 10
Planks 3 x 60 sec