Yeah, this is how I do every other arm workout - great for size gains and a huge pump:

[S-1] Standing Barbell Curls
[S-1] Standing Rope Extensions


[S-2] Incline Bench Cambered Extensions
[S-2] Standing Reverse Grip Curls


I do the S-1's nonstop for 20 mikes. Rest about 5-6 mikes then the S-2's nonstop for the final 20 mikes. The program is based on Escallated Density Training (EDT). Every subsequent workout you try and handle a heavier load in the same time frame. Your first try at it you may only be able to get through the Barbell Curls with just the bar as the load - or you may end up stripping down to just the bar trying to finish the 20 mikes. The trick is to just stay focused on form and consentrate. After about 10 mikes I kind of get a little rejuvenated but I'll be honest that the last five are the toughest... you just have to keep pushing through it and NEVER short change yourself on the clock... do the entire 20 mikes... like I said the last 5 are the toughest and really get you swelled up...