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  1. #1
    ineedinfo is offline New Member
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    Did any of you take steroids at age 20 or younger? did it effect your future?

    The title asks it all. Im wondering at what ages you all took steroids at, especially those who took them in early twenties or younger. I am curious as to if it messed any one up, and also answer if you were fine as well. I'd like to compare answers etc to people I know and their experiences.

  2. #2
    AXx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ineedinfo
    The title asks it all. Im wondering at what ages you all took steroids at, especially those who took them in early twenties or younger. I am curious as to if it messed any one up, and also answer if you were fine as well. I'd like to compare answers etc to people I know and their experiences.
    There is a thread right below this that has the same title with multiple comments. Check em out

  3. #3
    ineedinfo is offline New Member
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    Im looking but cant find it haha but sorry I didnt see it.

  4. #4
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by ineedinfo
    Im looking but cant find it haha but sorry I didnt see it.
    Lemme see

  5. #5
    bodybuilder87 is offline Banned
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    No, but hmmmm under 20....still having natural growth....hmmm im sure taking steroids wont do anything but stop your natural growth cycle...Nothing important!!

  6. #6
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Here it goes...

    I was 19 or 20. Started my 1st cycle. Ate like a horse, got big, felt like King of the World. Took enough to shut me down. Started to feel sluggish towards the end and quit my cycle early. A few months later I started to notice a dark spot on my shoulder. Didn't think much of it. The next month I am wrapping up with a gorgeous girl after a couple hours of incredible sex. As I got up to walk to the bathroom, she says "OH MY GOD!" - I said... "Yep, I get that a lot", being all cocky. She said "No, look at your back!" - so I go to the mirror and my entire back is covered in dark spots, ALL OVER IT. Very embarrassing. I go see a doc and he tells me it's hyper pigmentation. At the time I told him what I took (I would never do that today), and he confirmed it was from the juice. Tried every topical, pill, injection you could think of. Nothing worked. It spread to my shoulders and stopped at my delts.

    Fast forward about 5 or 6 years. Erections started to get weak. Didn't think much of it. Another year goes by... WTF??! No wood. Nothing. Started to research on my own because I didn't want to go see the doc. Tried everything OTC. Nothing helped.

    When I turned 27, I decided enough is enough, I have GOT to get laid. So I went to the doc. After results, the doc says "Austinite, you do not produce any natural testosterone ." Number are too low to count. Well? What does that mean? Fix me, Doc! Ok, you will need to administer Testosterone Injections. Ok.. no problem, how many injections? two? Three? Doc says, No. For the rest of your life.

    I said no thanks! And I left. Back to my research...

    I fell into deep depression. Friends are all going out and partying. Everyone has a hot chick on their side. I'm sitting at home, depressed out of my brains. 2 years later (I will not go into detail, but suicidal thoughts were very frequent). Got on anti-depressants and was addicted for a short while until I snapped out of it. Finally at age 31, I had enough and went into a longevity clinic for TRT.

    So today, at age 36, I produce no natural testosterone, I am a TRT patient for life, I still have to use cialis to get an erection and lastly, no matter how much I grow, get big and get a rockin' body, I can never take my shirt off in public. That REALLY sucks Especially when I'm at the beach, seeing random guys showing off and I know... I look better.

    Are these all common for everyone? No. But I heard about the dangers before I did that cycle. You know what the last thing I said before I injected? "THAT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN TO ME!"

  7. #7
    ineedinfo is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybuilder87 View Post
    No, but hmmmm under 20....still having natural growth....hmmm im sure taking steroids wont do anything but stop your natural growth cycle...Nothing important!!
    Yeah I am aware that will happen im just curious if people took them and ended up on TRT for life, or depressed, etc. I know people who have been taking them around the age of 20 and seem to be fine after, and then I hear of people who do and are screwed up.

  8. #8
    ineedinfo is offline New Member
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    Hey Austinite im sorry to hear that. did you pct properly? and I wish you the best and hope everything is going good right now.

  9. #9
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by ineedinfo View Post
    Hey Austinite im sorry to hear that. did you pct properly? and I wish you the best and hope everything is going good right now.
    I did everything right. The only thing that changed was I stopped the cycle 2 weeks early.

    thanks for the kind words.

  10. #10
    jawknee is offline New Member
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  11. #11
    lstbred's Avatar
    lstbred is offline Senior Member
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    Damn bro, serry to hear that!

  12. #12
    ineedinfo is offline New Member
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    Also another question (not that I want to get away from the main question of this thread, so if anymore can add some answers and experiences in I would really appreciate it), is do you notice that people like Arnold Swarzenegger did them from a young age, even younger then 20, and seem to be fine? Is it just some people get messed up and some dont?

  13. #13
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ineedinfo View Post
    Also another question (not that I want to get away from the main question of this thread, so if anymore can add some answers and experiences in I would really appreciate it), is do you notice that people like Arnold Swarzenegger did them from a young age, even younger then 20, and seem to be fine? Is it just some people get messed up and some dont?
    Do you know anything about Arnold's health concerns? No...

  14. #14
    ineedinfo is offline New Member
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    yeah true. "seems" to be fine. may not be.

  15. #15
    stpete is offline Banned
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    The only people that know are him and his doctor.

  16. #16
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I started when I was 19 or 20. Not the best cycles but very moderate amounts. By age 24 started using heavier doses and multiple compounds. From 26-28 I was on cycle the entire time...three full years. I did have some cruise points of 200mg of test per wk. After I came off everything I had some erectile dysfunction issues. Jumped on a TRT dose of testosterone for about 10wks...this was following about 6 months of no AAS use. After the 10wks of test I ran a course of HCG at 1,000iu/ed for two weeks followed by 5 weeks of Nolvadex . After that I was fine. No more erectile dysfunction, test levels eventually stabilized at a healthy level.

    Fast forward to 31 years of age. I had not touched a steroid of any kind for over year and had not done in hard cycles in since I was 28. I decided to take one more stab at bodybuilding. Jumped on a big cycle for about 6wks and had to stop abruptly due to some personal crises in my life. I felt fine for about 3-4months and then started really going downhill. I was extremely tired all the time, sex drive non-existent and began to get sick. My blood pressure got really low and I was constantly having flu like symptoms. This went on for a few months. Later that year I would receive a TRT script and have been on it ever since.

    I spoke with a half a dozen doctors about my condition...they examined me to the point of about driving me crazy. In the end, the consensus was that my condition wasn't a result of years of steroid use but a result of the massive cycle I had undertaken at the end and abruptly stopped. One doctor said it was like running face first into a brick wall. Are they correct? I'm not entirely sure. Some have said they believe at my age they could still reset my system and do away with the need for TRT. Currently I'm still on TRT and considering various options.

    As for your question where you mentioned guys like Arnold, the issue really boils down to a few different things. Everything we put in our body affects everyone differently to a degree. Our own genetic makeup plays a role, our response to varying hormones plays a role, etc. What happens good or bad with one guy may not happen with the next, and with the next guy it may be something entirely different. There are no direct black and white one size fits all answers. While basic rules apply with all hormones to all people, the variances of our individualistic nature and life circumstances and how we live our overall lives all plays a role.

    Overall side effects experienced during steroid use:

    *Gynecomastia : slight lump once, immediately corrected with Letrozole
    *High Blood Pressure: once but only slightly
    *High Cholesterol (LDL): never
    *Low Cholesterol (HDL): sometimes but normally correctable
    *Elevated Liver Enzymes: slightly at times but never at an alarming rate
    *Hair Loss: definite thinning
    *Prostate Enlargement: never
    *Acne: only if I used Clomid during a PCT phase. Was never extreme, back and shoulders and cleared once use was stopped.
    *Kidney Issues: never
    *Body Hair Growth: definitely
    *Sterile: no
    *Anxiety: never
    *Night Sweats: never
    *Rapid Heart Rate: never

  17. #17
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Here it goes...

    I was 19 or 20. Started my 1st cycle. Ate like a horse, got big, felt like King of the World. Took enough to shut me down. Started to feel sluggish towards the end and quit my cycle early. A few months later I started to notice a dark spot on my shoulder. Didn't think much of it. The next month I am wrapping up with a gorgeous girl after a couple hours of incredible sex. As I got up to walk to the bathroom, she says "OH MY GOD!" - I said... "Yep, I get that a lot", being all cocky. She said "No, look at your back!" - so I go to the mirror and my entire back is covered in dark spots, ALL OVER IT. Very embarrassing. I go see a doc and he tells me it's hyper pigmentation. At the time I told him what I took (I would never do that today), and he confirmed it was from the juice. Tried every topical, pill, injection you could think of. Nothing worked. It spread to my shoulders and stopped at my delts.

    Fast forward about 5 or 6 years. Erections started to get weak. Didn't think much of it. Another year goes by... WTF??! No wood. Nothing. Started to research on my own because I didn't want to go see the doc. Tried everything OTC. Nothing helped.

    When I turned 27, I decided enough is enough, I have GOT to get laid. So I went to the doc. After results, the doc says "Austinite, you do not produce any natural testosterone ." Number are too low to count. Well? What does that mean? Fix me, Doc! Ok, you will need to administer Testosterone Injections. Ok.. no problem, how many injections? two? Three? Doc says, No. For the rest of your life.

    I said no thanks! And I left. Back to my research...

    I fell into deep depression. Friends are all going out and partying. Everyone has a hot chick on their side. I'm sitting at home, depressed out of my brains. 2 years later (I will not go into detail, but suicidal thoughts were very frequent). Got on anti-depressants and was addicted for a short while until I snapped out of it. Finally at age 31, I had enough and went into a longevity clinic for TRT.

    So today, at age 36, I produce no natural testosterone, I am a TRT patient for life, I still have to use cialis to get an erection and lastly, no matter how much I grow, get big and get a rockin' body, I can never take my shirt off in public. That REALLY sucks Especially when I'm at the beach, seeing random guys showing off and I know... I look better.

    Are these all common for everyone? No. But I heard about the dangers before I did that cycle. You know what the last thing I said before I injected? "THAT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN TO ME!"
    Hey my brotha...this makes me sad. I knew there was a story but this is the first time I heard the whole thing. I'm glad you found peace and a home on this board. I'm sure you have heard it before man but you should own those spots. Like a mother with stretch marks, man you earned em and fuk everyone else!

  18. #18
    bp2000 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    I did everything right. The only thing that changed was I stopped the cycle 2 weeks early.

    thanks for the kind words.
    I have never heard of hyperpigmentation. I didn't know Testosterone could do that to you?

  19. #19
    Sharmthetics is offline Banned
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    I'm only twenty (turn twenty one in February next year) and I'll be starting my first cycle in just under two weeks. I'll let you know how it does.

  20. #20
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    ^^^^^ doesn't listen

  21. #21
    bp2000 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I started when I was 19 or 20. Not the best cycles but very moderate amounts. By age 24 started using heavier doses and multiple compounds. From 26-28 I was on cycle the entire time...three full years. I did have some cruise points of 200mg of test per wk. After I came off everything I had some erectile dysfunction issues. Jumped on a TRT dose of testosterone for about 10wks...this was following about 6 months of no AAS use. After the 10wks of test I ran a course of HCG at 1,000iu/ed for two weeks followed by 5 weeks of Nolvadex . After that I was fine. No more erectile dysfunction, test levels eventually stabilized at a healthy level.
    Just curious what did the docs say about quitting abruptly? On a normal cycle don't you quit abruptly? What was different about your last cycle? Just the higher dosage?

  22. #22
    songdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ineedinfo View Post
    yeah true. "seems" to be fine. may not be.
    No he was not fine! When he got married they tried to have kids and couldnt.There was a lot of tension in that house.He spent a lot of money to get that fixed.And he got lucky a lot aint so lucky.I can see wat you are doing.You are trying to calulate the odds.You are sitting on the fence just wating for someone to say he did it and is fine.Then you will jump off.Happens all the time here.

  23. #23
    binsser's Avatar
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    stated at 18 now 33 neer had any real prolems except acne from test-e which is now gone and a very slight rash down the trunk of my back from what im hearing lateley i was lucky 500mg sust 750 mg of tren first cycle crashed hard but recovered and for some reason now i recover very quickly after cycle may of luckerly actually done me some good but like i say very lucky!

  24. #24
    ineedinfo is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the answers everyone. If anyone else wants to contribute their stories that'd be great.

  25. #25
    ineedinfo is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by binsser View Post
    stated at 18 now 33 neer had any real prolems except acne from test-e which is now gone and a very slight rash down the trunk of my back from what im hearing lateley i was lucky 500mg sust 750 mg of tren first cycle crashed hard but recovered and for some reason now i recover very quickly after cycle may of luckerly actually done me some good but like i say very lucky!
    at 500mg of sust and 750mg of tren first cycle very lucky is right lol

  26. #26
    Firepal is offline Junior Member
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    Wow theres some intence stuff in this thread. I took M1Ts when i was 15-16ish was just a dumb kid Ive been depressed alot since but i was sorta depressed before to so i dont think much changed.

  27. #27
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bp2000 View Post
    Just curious what did the docs say about quitting abruptly? On a normal cycle don't you quit abruptly? What was different about your last cycle? Just the higher dosage?
    Most guys will end their cycle and go into PCT. I was unable to. Further, with large cycles, and I'm referring to large competitor style cycles, we're talking about total doses that are pretty much beyond reason and stopping abruptly with the added stress I was going through was just too much for my body to handle. Basically it was like my body just gave up.

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