Hi here s the blood work for 4th week of my first cycle

var/tbol bioidentical test

1st/4th week comparison

cholestrol-208/224 range 130-230
triglycerides-175/149 range 30-170
hdl-31/32 range 30-70..
Ldl-142/162 range 100-150..
Cholestrol-hdl ratio-6.7/7.0 range less than 5

fsh 2.82/1.89 range 1.7-12.0..
Lh 0.746/0.40 range 1.1-7.0
prolactin 21.89/22.09 range 3.46-19.40
estradiol 16.0/25.0 range 11-44
tsh 2.08/2.69 range 0.2-5.7
cortisol 134/138 range 50-250
test 219.7/536.0 range 166-877

additional results for 4th week only

free test 18.51 range 4.25-30.37
t3-72.6 range 70-204
t4-6.0 range 4.2-11.8
insulin -5.97 range 6-27(fasting)
dhea-s..169 range 80-560
shbg..8.53 range 13-71
progesterone..1.06 range 1.5-3.8

weight 2kgs up/5kgs up...

Lh/fsh/shbg/prolactin/progesterone/ldl all these showing negative levels..what supplements should i add on to get it alright

also the t3 is on the lower side whats up with that

current supplements
e-400/c-1000/milk thistle- 2caps/liv 52-2tabs/flaxeed oil-2caps/policosanol -10 mg/phytosterols -800mg/epa-180 mg/dha-120 mg/b6-200mg/coq10-60mg/multivitamin-1cap/antioxidant-1cap

do i need to tweak anything here..thanks