Before I start my cycle I was planning on getting a baseline blood test done. Then after my cycle I plan on getting another blood test done to see where the cycle has put me at. I've never had a blood test done before. There should be a difference between the the baseline and the post cycle results. If my doctor asks me what I've been doing should I tell him I did a prohormone or should I be upfront and say I took gear? I'm worried if I admitted to him saying i took gear there's possibilty my insurance could be canceled for this. Sorry for post a ignorant question just trying to be honest with the docotor.

Age 21 ( I fully understand what I am putting my body through)
Weight: 192lbs
Height: 5'11
BF% 12% measured yesterday 10/26/10
Cycle history: none
Training history: I'm a ex army ranger. Started training at the age of 16. It was more endurance training. I do ruck marches and many other physical activites. I started lifiting weights while I was deployed in Iraq.

Reason why I am running a cycle is because I am currently doing EP work and per the clients request they have asked that I getting bigger, if not in will be pulled from my current assignment. I am on a time restraint so this is the reason why I have turned to gear.

Sorry if there are grammatical errors I typed this on my phone.
