Hi everyone, I know I haven't posted before so a bit of background;

21 years old
203 ibs
12-15% bf
Diagnosed extreme body dysmorphia and had severe depression for just over 18 months.

Competed three times and cycled since I was 18. Some contest prep cycles and some lean mass cycles.

Finished a 12 cycle of test prop and masteron 7 weeks ago. I messed my pct up badly due to losing my house so excuse me for it not being watertight.
The clomid was affecting my depression too badly so I finished at two weeks instead of 4.

Blood results show;

Fsh 4.7 (1-18 normal range)

LH 3.5 (2-9 normal range)

Testosterone 4.14 (8-29 normal range)

I have an appointment in two weeks for some
More in depth results at my request.
I don't know whether to run serms again or hcg as my LH and Fsh are in the normal ranges.

I have no motivation to train and my appetite is none existent .... Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm concerned I may need TRT at a young age, yes, it is my own fault.