11-23-2017, 02:17 PM #1
pre- vs mid-cycle blood results - High E2 ??
just had mid-cycle blood test done 8 weeks into my first cycle.
My E2 levels have almost doubled compared to pre-cycle blood results and Testosterone & Free Test are through the roof.
I'm wondering if these results are considered normal while on a cycle or is my E2 too high??
PRE-CYCLE (vs) MID-CYCLE [reference range for both]
12.2 (vs) 178 nmol/L [6.0 - 28.0]
Free Testosterone
290 (vs) >2,000 pmol/L (7,520 approx. calculation) [200 - 600]
Oestradiol (E2 estradiol)
114 (vs) 216 pmol/L [<150]
24 (vs) 20 nmol/L [15 - 50]
(if you prefer to read results in a different measurement, let me know)
My weekly cycle includes:
500mg Testosterone Enanthate (250mg every 3.5 days)
600iu hCG over (300iu every 3.5 days)
0.25 Arimidex EOD (5 days a week)
Both pre-cycle and mid-cycle bloods were done at the same lab and all results have the same reference range.
I should note that the pre-cycle test was done in the afternoon, whereas the mid-cycle had been done in the morning around 9am (and 84 hours after last 250mg test injection).
Should i up the dosage of arimidex, and if so by how much?
11-24-2017, 10:38 AM #2
Well, one thing for sure your gear is good! You also should have run (or did you) CBC's and CMP. As your estrogen test was not a Sensitive Assay I'll assume it's accurate for this discussion and say that estrogen is always better a little higher than lower. That said, if you feel fine where you are I'd consider leaving it alone. If you feel you must add more adex I would not add more that .125 extra on the day of injections.
Timing of the BW (re hormones) is only important when testing endogenous T levels.
11-24-2017, 08:26 PM #3
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