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Thread: Mid Cycle lab results

  1. #1
    MrRightT is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Mid Cycle lab results

    This is my 8 week lab on cycle. 4 more weeks to go of cycle. Im planning on going on trt rather than doing a pct since last cycle my pct made life absolutely miserable. Here is what im currently running weeks 9-12

    Primo: 700mg/week
    test e/deca : 200mg/wk of each
    anavar :50mg day broken down into 25mg twice a day.

    Currently 6'1 225lb

    Not taking any ai although i do have it on hand. I noticed my estradiol was on the low side and free test >50. I noticed sgpt was high. Wanted to see if this is to be expected or cause for concern.Just wanted to get an opinion on how things look from another set of eyes.
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    Last edited by MrRightT; 04-09-2021 at 01:32 PM.

  2. #2
    MrRightT is offline Junior Member
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    May 2018
    Im sure a few people share the same bday but youre prob right.

  3. #3
    MrRightT is offline Junior Member
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    May 2018
    True true, got me thinking and i figured you know, might as well be safe lol

  4. #4
    MrRightT is offline Junior Member
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    Ya i believe your right regarding ALT. I used to be a heavy binge drinker before supplementing(early 20's) so i think that might be why? I have a telemed doctor that's going to review it with me so ill get some more information. I pulled estrogen as well and it was pretty low considering test is so high which i was a little surprised by .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    ALT and AST are liver values.

    Oral steroids and things like AIs and SERMs can raise your liver values.

    The anavar is raising your value IMO.
    Cylon357 likes this.

  6. #6
    MrRightT is offline Junior Member
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    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    ALT and AST are liver values.

    Oral steroids and things like AIs and SERMs can raise your liver values.

    The anavar is raising your value IMO.
    Appreciate the info. To be honest i almost forgot about the Anavar . Any reason my Estradiol would be as low as it is? My understanding is you need a decent amount of estrogen to help build and grow. Test levels look good but i thought estradiol would at least be in the 20-30+ range

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Total guesstimate...

    Your SHBG is probably really low...

    SHBG binds to hormones which in turns lengthens their half-lives.
    (SHBG and Albumin bind to hormones and transport them around the body. People commonly claim that only free test matters or what not...
    While hormones can't be used when bound... they are not permanently bound. Your body makes SHBG and Albumin for a reason.)

    Are you very lean??
    Fatter people generally convert more test to estrogen.

    If you are worried about your estrogen being too low... Perhaps bump the test up and cut the primo down. Save some money.

    I am not a believer that estrogen needs to be super high but a little higher wouldn't hurt you.

  8. #8
    MrRightT is offline Junior Member
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    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Total guesstimate...

    Your SHBG is probably really low...

    SHBG binds to hormones which in turns lengthens their half-lives.
    (SHBG and Albumin bind to hormones and transport them around the body. People commonly claim that only free test matters or what not...
    While hormones can't be used when bound... they are not permanently bound. Your body makes SHBG and Albumin for a reason.)

    Are you very lean??
    Fatter people generally convert more test to estrogen.

    If you are worried about your estrogen being too low... Perhaps bump the test up and cut the primo down. Save some money.

    I am not a believer that estrogen needs to be super high but a little higher wouldn't hurt you.
    When i was younger i was extremely lean and probably under weight until about the age of 20. Played basket ball and baseball throughout hs and college so i struggled to put on weight. I was 6'1 about 155 and that was with weight lifting and eating a lot throughout hs. Kept training naturally for about 5-6 years and was able to get to 195.Did first cycle at 25, Now im sitting at 220 age 28 probably 15% bf(highest i got was 230), at a calorie deficit and eating very clean. Fats are under 50g, carbs are right about 220g and protein around 200(struggling to hit protein while keeping fat low) The testing i got was included with the trt clinic so thats why its not as comprehensive and doesnt show shbg. Im interested in starting trt since last few cycles felt like they've been a waste as soon as i come off , the fat comes right back even when training 5x a week and doing 1hr of cardio 2x a week. Seems like without test i can get lean but with no muscle mass or i eat a ton and gain some muscle but the fat is much more prominent. Once this cycle is over im going to test again and see where things are at .

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