Hey guys,
Looking for a bit of guidance regarding my recent bloodwork. I haven’t cycled in quite some time however have felt as though my levels were off. I did a hormone panel and am concerned with the results. Tests is quite a bit lower than it was a few years back. Estrogen is high and AST is high.
I have been feeling as though I’ve been fighting an uphill battle with the gym and physique. Not to mention just all around with fatigue and feeling of lethargy etc.
I’m 31 I am in the gym usually at least 3 times a week. My diet has not always been the best but not the absolute worst and I’ve been slowly cleaning it up. I’m kicking it into high gear and in the gym closer to 4-5x a week and started my MMA training again as well. In addition to these things what can I do? I haven’t brought it to my PCP yet because I usually get shrugged off. I know levels fall after 30 and my prior test was 3+ years ago. I also underwent a vasectomy which not sure if matters or not. But just looking to understand a bit more.
Thanks in advance.