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    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Marcus300 Interviews TITANIUM

    marcus300 interviews TITANIUM
    marcus300: Where do you live and what's it like living there?
    TITANIUM:I reside in the North Eastern part of the US. Living here was great growing up, and I was just a regular kid. School system was adequate for the time. Everyone’s mothers were housewives, and fathers worked for the same company their whole lives. I was really fortunate to have grown up at such a time and place. The only regret is the snowy, cold winters.

    marcus300: What are your stats?
    TITANIUM: Stats-Age? 44 Height? 5’10” Weight?195 lbs BF% 12% Cycle Exp? Starting 4th cycle January 3rd. PCT Knowledge-HCG, Clomid, Nolva, and Tore. These are my staples in PCT protocol. • Training Exp-29 years. Crossing my fingers for another 29!

    marcus300: What are your hobbies outside Bodybuilding?
    TITANIUM: Bodybuilding isn’t a hobby. It’s a lifestyle. I like motorcycle riding. I collect firearms and love shooting. I have this thing for buying and collecting tools. (but, I use them). I love watching movies and collecting the DVD’s and music CD’s. Books are an another hobby, as I love reading and the feel of paper. The most recent hobby or pastime is this forum. I enjoy it so much and find the people here real, not plastic. It is a learning environment, so I am drawn to it. I spend hours on the computer, just surfing along and reading articles of interest. I just bought 5 books on machine shop and mechanical engineering. The application of mathematics to engineering and CNC application. So, I guess that's a hobby. Pretty boring stuff to most I think, but it is for filling and makes me happy.

    marcus300: Why did you pick that screen name?
    TITANIUM: Interesting question, I received a polio vaccine in grammar school. This is back when they still used the actual viruses in them,(attenuated poliovirus). I actually was afflicted with a rare reaction to the vaccine. Then actually coming down with polio itself. It only affected my knees, and was gone in about 2 years. Anyway, when I started BB at 15, they were fine, by age 23, or there about, osteoarthritis started forming. Then surgeries started and that was the end of my heavy squatting. (Doctors orders).Started racing bicycles, and found that there was still hope in some sport. I raced with and was trained by some of the best. By the time I was 40, they were down to the bone. Had them replaced about 2 years ago with titanium ones. They work great, and fought with the insurance companies to have them done. I hate insurance companies. Their blessing and a curse at the same time.

    marcus300: What was your childhood like for you? You mentioned in your 11 facts that you was abused, in what way and how did it effect you?
    TITANIUM: My childhood was poor in respect to child abuse from my mother. I’m not sure if she herself was abused as a child. I would get the beatings of a life time from her. Now, the easy part was the beatings for me. The hardest part was the mental abuse. She would lie to my father about some self diluted idea, and would start with my dad the second he came home. This went on every day of my childhood life. I would actually put my arms out to defend myself, which only made things worse of course. It took years of psychiatric treatment to get through it all. Could not have done it without them. My dad passed in 2003, and still do not talk to my mother to this very day.

    marcus300: Did the abuse you suffered from your Mother have any impact on your life and how you brought up your children?
    TITANIUM: The impact was devastating, and the long term damage was immense. I was brought up in a time when you could spank your children. I think that my father spanked me all of two times. Now, my mother is a polar opposite of that notion. I first started seeing a psychiatrist at age 15. I looked one up in a phone book, called and made an appointment all on my own. Parents never knew about it. The doctor never even charged me for seeing him. If it was today, the department of social services would have pulled me out of that home. But, it was so different back then. Child abuse was defined as a broken arm or a laceration of some sorts. But putting that aside, kids turned out better at that time it seems. I spanked my son on the bottom occasionally, but never touched my daughter. That was the way back then. And I think that it was the norm. Now, my mother did hit my sister, and my sister was abusive to her 2 daughters something awful. It makes me sick and angry just typing these words. Usually, if you were abused, then you abused your kids. I was saved by getting help as a teen, and being told that that was not the way to punish your child. My sister never saw a psychiatrist that I know of. She did 4 years in the navy, so I would have hoped that it would have broken that mindset somehow. But, it didn't. Its all in the past now though, since she is 4 years older than me, her children are adults now. I never got involved with her disciplinary politics, as I think it may have fallen on deaf ears. So, my children came from a bad marriage, a so called broken home. But seem to gravitate towards me on their own. Its actually a beautiful thing to watch happen. I help them whenever I can, which seems to be often. But that's part of the responsibility of having kids. You learn that you are not number one anymore. Your children are.

    marcus300:What do you do for a living?
    TITANIUM: I am a machinist by trade, with some mechanical engineering background. When production moved overseas, so did most of the jobs. So, things changed quite abet for myself, and had to improvise. When I was on a bmx freestyle team in the late seventies, I got to know a lot of the local store owners.I started working on bicycles on the side. One thing led to another, and now have been head wrench and service manager in three pro bike shops ever since. Its not glamorous, but it pays the bills. It is amazing how much money you can make working in the pro shops. I’m thinking about getting back into machining, as I absolutely love doing it. Very challenging, and that's what makes it so appealing to me.

    marcus300: Are you married and do you have any children?
    TITANIUM: Yes, I am currently married. Actually, this is a grey area; lets call her a life partner. I have two kids from my first marriage. A daughter that is 16, and a son that is 14. Great children with no health problems. That first marriage was truly a complete catastrophe. The only good thing that came from that are my children. I divorced her about 10 years ago. But, until my kids reach 18, I am still entangled due to child support. I want to try to buy a house, so that they can live with me. That's what they want, and what I want. Hopefully, things will work themselves out. Patience is sometimes a rare commodity when needed.

    marcus300: What's the relationship like with your wife?
    TITANIUM: Its actually not bad at all. She comes from a different childhood all together than myself. Her childhood is more self inflicted in nature than anything. But, all things considered, she has learned a lot about “Life” itself and asks me to help her constantly. There is no problem with that, but it does become a lot when coupled with other aspects of everyday things. We seem to understand each other very well, and open communication is always in motion. This is a key point with the way I handle relationships. I don't dodge any questions and will say what needs to be said no matter what. It’s going to get to that point anyway, so just say it. Then sort it out from there. I have lost relationships over being like this, but understand that it is not said in a cruel or vindictive way. If she feels, at anytime, that she wants to leave or move on in her own life, I understand. Freedom of choice may take her in a separate direction than myself. This is not to say I don’t love her of care about her at all. Actually, it is the opposite altogether. If people need to find themselves, I get it. This gets into the whole maturity thing that , unless you have been through hell and back, most won’t either understand or incorporate. It’s an age thing also, but that was the way I have been for years. Any way’s, she has a good job, for the moment, and does fairly well. She is going back to college to finish out her accounting courses, (she is 42), and that says a lot. I have her into riding road bikes, but she seems to be terrified at times. I was riding motorcycles since the age of seven, so It’s different all together for me. But she seems to be coming along. She drives a Mitsubishi eclipse GT, a 2006.She goes through rotors and pads like nothing! Learn to down shift and engine brake!!! I have a class 1 license, so again what I take for granted, you need to teach others.( I don’t use the clutch , only to start and stop). There’s that tangent again! There are good family ties with her, as on my side, there are almost none, except my kids. Sex life? Hmmmmm. It’s good when it’s good, but I don’t need that so much anymore. Last cycle killed it, and I am just getting it back now. The cool thing is, is that she gets it, and there is no problem. This I will pass on to the younger crowd. If you can take sex out of the relationship, and the relationship is still strong, bingo! If that is what it is really based on, then it’s no good. Unless, that’s what kind of relationship you want, casual dating. Never my thing, since jealousy seems to creep in the back door somehow and screw it up. Honestly, I could move into the middle of nowhere and be completely alone, and be absolutely in bliss. And she knows this. (she frequents the forum here and sees what I’m posting).I’m not hiding anything, so it’s great. Keep your relationships honest and open, and you will make out better in the long run.

    marcus300: Have you ever been unfaithful?
    TITANIUM: Never. There are always opportunities, but attraction is purely physical. So, I stay away from that scenario all together. If you feel the need to be unfaithful, then you are in the wrong type of relationship. That will somehow come back and haunt you. It’s just a matter of time.

    Members question: Do you have anymore tattoo's other than the ones on your back?
    TITANIUM: Yes, I have two on each arm, and one on my chest.

    marcus300: Why do you have 2 guns tattooed on your back?
    TITANIUM: I get a lot of PM’s about that one. As most of the members know, I have core beliefs. These core beliefs are the US Constitution and the bill of rights. These rights I swore to uphold when I joined the core in 1984. While the rest of the world has changed, I have not. The pistols themselves are Colt 1911’s of actual size. John Moses Browning designed them before the year 1911. This was our US adopted side arm for almost 100 years. In between them, is says “The Right to Keep and Bear Arms”. And the NRA across my shoulders. And no, I am not an extreme right wing fanatic, but more conservative I think. I grew up in a time when you could walk down the road on a Saturday afternoon, to go shooting in the sand pits. My father grew up in a time when he would take his shotgun to school to go duck hunting. That was the normal part of life. The US that you see and live in today, is not what I fought for or my father did. If just one of our rights goes, then the rest are sure to follow. And to some that feel that it is outdated, they are just been a product of the current political propaganda machine. OK, sorry about that tangent I just went on. The pistols mean a lot of things, not just the obvious one people jump to.

    marcus300: In some ways i can understand not changing with the times but it’s something what we can’t control no matter how extreme we feel, taking a shotgun to school may be something they did in times gone by but nowadays that's an impossibility, surely you wouldn't want people running wild with guns?
    TITANIUM:I use it as a metaphor, as in relationship to responsibility, and accountability. It’s funny, because the people that abide by gun laws are not the ones responsible for the problem. Yet, we are the ones who suffer for it. A lot of the crime is based on political statistics, and not ATF statistics. I have an FFL, and the statistics for crime in the US by a lawful gun owner is less than 1% overall. You won’t hear that on any main stream media outlet. It’s all political agenda. We have a gun problem due to: number one, really poor punishments for gun related crime in the US. It’s deplorable at best. Most of the crime here is been found to be gang related. It’s a sad reality, but a real one. People will kill people no matter what. It has been that way since our conception, and will continue that way. Just like our country sending troops to Afghanistan. Same thing, not any different. Loss of human life on both sides. It’s all because someone has something that someone else wants. Think about it? What we really need is not firearm control, it’s prosecuting those people that use firearms in a illegal manner. Project “Exile” is a crime deterrent. Anyone that uses a firearm in a crime goes to prison for 10 years, and no plea bargaining. The NRA thought of it a long time ago, and I believe Georgia adopted it. Texas has lethal injection, which I completely agree with. Another statistic that is fascinating, is that the licensing system has never shown to be an ineffective way or reducing gun related crime. Why? Because criminals don’t care about the laws that govern the law abiding citizen. My grandfather was a chief of police of Boston. And so was his father.(yes, we are going back to the early 1900’s). It’s all propaganda that is spun for political votes. I know the laws in England, Marcus, but statistically speaking, since they adopted a complete ban on all firearms, now the police have to be armed. Why? Same reason as here. But, your country’s prosecutes the offenders more harshly than here. So, that is a positive thing. You will never be able to get firearms away from criminals, but you can take the criminals away from the firearms. And I really hate when you need a pointless licenses to exercise a civil Constitutional right. A false security blanket is all it is. You have the god given right to defend yourself and your family, and if that means taking a human life then that is what it takes. I would do anything to protect my loved one’s. And police can’t be everywhere all the time. There is a reason police do not get mugged in the US, but that should be obvious. Guns do not kill people, people do. It is that simple.

    marcus300: What guns do you own?
    TITANIUM:I have a rough estimate of about maybe 50 to 60 firearms at the moment. Types vary a lot, as some are very specialised in nature. I own a lot of custom handguns, rifles, and shotguns. I am a gunsmith, so I have a lot of tools specific to certain firearms themselves. Calibre's range from.22 long rifle up to .300 Win Mag. I am buying a .50 cal in the spring. ( I want one before the politicians ban them). I have some beautiful commemoratives also. There are so many different models and makes. I have a thread running in the lounge about calibre's and gun selection going right now. Members, again feel free to ask what questions you have. I will answer all the PM’s and e-mail I get. It’s not a problem. I actually enjoy answering the questions.

    marcus300:Ive never fired a gun and Ive always wanted to, I think the next time I go to the States i will try it out, which do you prefer hand guns or rifles?
    TITANIUM: The only thing that they have in common is that they discharge bullets.Other than that, they have nothing in common.I was taught on a .22 rifle, so that was my first exposure to them. If I was to teach someone now, probably a small caliber handgun , like a .22 Ruger. There easy to use, and recoil is minimal. I taught my wife to shoot with a 9MM S&W sigma, which is basically a Glock. (actually, S&W was sued over pattern rights from Glock over it).You could go to a nice indoor range, or outdoor one, and just rent one. As long as you are with an instructor, or someone that holds a valid license, your good to go. I think that that you would enjoy it, and find that they are not a scary thing that the media spins them out to be. So, your choice, but I recommend a .22 to start with.


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    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    marcus300:How long have you been training and what kind of cycles do you use?
    TITANIUM: About 29 years now. Cross trained for about half of that time. I have a set way of training, which is old school in nature. Same body part, twice a week, with different exercises. Just plain muscle confusion, and it works fine. I hate machines and only work with free weights. They fill you out differently than machines do, due to the use of the surrounding stabilising muscles. I know, I’m a dinosaur, but it works just great for me. Cycles have been productive, for the most part. Test is always the base. I like sust for this application. Deca is a solid performer, but slams the HPTA down hard. D-bol is usually thrown in at the beginning. I love var, just not the dam price! I like to keep the cycles simple and predictable. More is not always better, and I keep the stacks to a limit of three compounds max. I wish the new members could learn this. Start on just simple test and see how you respond. I am putting together my next cycle now, Tren/mast/sust. Should see some good results with that stack. Tren is a tricky one, so extra care is needed. Just got my blood work back, and have a baseline established. All systems are go. I’ll keep members posted on the progress of this cycle. Maybe I’ll blog it.

    marcus300: Have you ever done any competitions
    TITANIUM: I was just about to enter my first natural competition when my knees started to have problems. Man, it was devastating. I knew if I could not squat, then I was screwed. I was all ready pre registered when the problems started. I guess I could have done it anyways, but felt it would have been pointless. I am lucky that I have legs to walk on, and now I can squat again with the new titanium knees. Just heavy weights are not recommended, so I don’t. But I heard they are working on a new type of material that wears better and has a longer life span. The implants stay in, that’s for life. But the bearing surfaces are replaced. HAZ knows more about these things, since he reps for some of the companies.

    Members question: If you had the power to implement a law and get it to stick, whether it be domestic or international, what law would you make?
    TITANIUM: Domestically, I would pass a law to preserve the US Constitution. It is being circumvented slowly by the politicians, and has completely been abolished by the passing of the Patriot Act. Most of our members know about the Patriot act that the Busch administration punched through Congress after the 9/11 catastrophe. So, I would repeal that bogus piece of legislation, and put into place a law that would keep the true meaning of the Constitution intact. An obviously, that would take care of the ridiculous, ineffective gun laws that effect the rights of the law abiding citizen.

    marcus300:Who would you most like to meet for AR?
    TITANIUM: That would have been T-MOS, since; in the short time that I knew him we just seemed to “click”. He helped me so much in PM’s and kind of showed me the ropes and how it all works. I miss that guy so much and his just plain down to earth language and personality that everyone could relate to. He made this place feel like home. I hope he truly rests in peace. He is sorely missed.

    marcus300: What would you change about AR if you could?
    TITANIUM: Probably, at the moment, nothing. The site has an easy to understand sénce to it. If I can navigate it, then anyone can. I didn’t even own my first computer until 2004. (Ya, I got on the bus real late. Now, I can’t live without it). The mods are great, and the Vets do their jobs. It is truly the best site going. It sets the bar for the rest to follow.

    marcus300: What would you change about your past?
    TITANIUM: That is an open ended question. There would be so much to change. But then you get into fate and destiny. Then that leads us into religious beliefs. I would have to say if there was one thing that I would have changed; it would have to be staying in school. Because that would have changed or influenced the rest of the things, for the most part, that I do not like about my life today.

    marcus300:Are you religious at all?
    TITANIUM: I was brought up Roman Catholic and went to CCD ones a week. That is one class a week at a Catholic school, not fun. I really don’t know what to believe anymore. This whole topic is a real tough discussion. Some people need to believe in a master plan, or divine intervention. I think that when you die, it’s lights out. If there is a god, then it would seem he may have forsaken us. And if there is a heaven, you don’t get there by going to church. Acceptance into such a place would be based on that persons heart, not my means of a confession. I’ve read a lot of the bible and it seems to be just written by prophets and Jesus was definitely one of them. I do believe in the end of days though. But, you don’t need to read revelations to see that one coming. The writing is on the wall. Just have to read it.

    marcus300: What advice would you give the newbies coming to the site?
    TITANIUM:This is the easiest question yet Marcus! First, realise that you need to wait until you are at least 25 years of age to run gear. We are not telling you this to discourage you from aas, just to help you keep from making mistakes and screwing up your bodies. Learn to listen to what we are saying, and have patience in doing so. I have a lot of patience than most here, and get so many pm’s and e-mails from newbies that are afraid to ask anyone anything else in fear of being called stupid. Questions are not stupid, not asking them is. And understand that we do get burned out sometimes and wish that the stickies are read. So, sometimes you get some short and sweet response that you may not like. But, it is still an answer just the same. Run just one compound first cycle. Why? So you know how your body reacts to aas. Also, if something starts, like sides, then you know which one is the culprit. You can learn to stack something new next time around. Educate yourselves as much as possible. You need to know about the compounds you are using. Don’t listen to your buddies friend at the gym. That always spells trouble for the most part. Learn and research PCT protocol. This is of the upmost importance. Since your whole cycle of gear and hard work of gains can be lost here. And that your natural test needs to get up and running again. You only have one body, and that body is the only one you’ll ever have. No second chances for anyone. Injections. Learn injection protocol, and sterility. Never ever reuse a syringe. If you even think that the needle touched anything at all, swap out the pin. Alcohol wipes are cheap, and so are syringes in boxes of 100. There are no excuses or exceptions for this. If you can afford to buy gear, than you can spend 20 bucks on a whole box of syringes.

    macus300: What makes you angry in life?
    TITANIUM: Government Intervention and laws in general. Most laws are really unnecessary and fall into the parameters of common sénce. I hate politicians and what they try to pass in the legislation and Congress. Look at the current steroid laws? Women talking on cell phones when driving big SUVs’ that they have no perception of how big the dam thing really is!heheh

    marcus300: If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be, and why?
    TITANIUM: That’s a tough one. Probably Archimedes of Syracuse c. 287 BC – c. 212 BC. He was a Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer. The Greek culture and history is nothing short of amazing. This man was so far ahead of his time, that he is still considered one of the greatest, and most intelligent men in history. I think that having dinner with him would prove to be an educational discussion. I would want to record the conversation, and then type it all into my computer. That way I’ll have the rest of my life to figure out what he meant!

    marcus300:What are your strengths and weaknesses?
    TITANIUM: Strengths are many, I think. But then there would have to be the same amount of weaknesses. Doing what is necessary at the time, to do the right thing. Putting others first, before myself. Discipline and having honour. Working , no matter what. (actually, that is discipline).A good attitude towards situations and events, as well as people. Weaknesses, seeing people cry, especially women or children. But, I think that is more of an emotional response. I guess the thing that would be considered a weakness would be apprehension. This would be like being afraid of going out and starting my own business. Then working for people that can’t run there’s. And then running there business for them. I don’t think I am wording this correctly. Maybe the members can ask this question more precisely after reading all of this interview.

    marcus300: What car do you drive?
    TITANIUM: Toyota 2006 4.7 tundra 4 door, and a 2008 Suzuki Hayabusa .Both are modified, especially the Busa. Hit over 200 mph on the Busa about three times on open highways. Hard to do with the congestion here in the North east.

    marcus300: You know all to well that some people on this site have hidden agenda's lol, why do you come here every day and what's your agenda for being here?
    TITANIUM:I come here to help. There are no hidden agendas with myself. I am learning that there is a lot of animosity here between some members. It really serves no purpose at all. Anyway, I come here to help out and just learn as much as I can. I feel at home here. It’s kind of a home away from home, and a sort of mental outlet to plug into. My life seems to have more of a profound impact here. Or at least I hope it does. Hopefully in time, I can somehow contribute more to the forum itself. But that is a lot of books and research I have to do. And , I still love reading paper books, and find I retain material better that way.

    marcus300: What as been your finest accomplishment in life?
    TITANIUM: There has been a few of them. As a kid, I made it onto one of the top bmx freestyle teams in the state. Finishing top of my class in my machine shop class, and honour roll.(that was like having a masters in a college major then) I loved algebra and trig. Then my BB career, though cut short, but to be continued…Owning a small gym and personal training. There wasn’t a lot of this stuff going on in the late seventies and early eighties. Mostly private business and such.(getting your hands on something about aas in print was nearly impossible).Serving in the core was an accomplishment in itself. Having children goes without saying. There has been a lot, to be thankful for.

    marcus300:If you had a time machine, where would you go and why?
    TITANIUM:I would go back to about 2001, and tell my father to go to the doctors. Maybe, if they could have caught his pancreatic cancer, he would be alive today. He passed in 2003. He was my best friend I ever had. I think of him every day, and try to be more like him.

    Members question: If you were a porn star what would be your name and why?
    TITANIUM: What the hell? Man, what kind of question is this guys? I have to contend with my wife here! OK, how about “Marcus” of the AR forum.LOL. And why?, I guess I would have to ask his significant other or ADMIN .hehehe……..J/K big M

    Members question: If you could make love to any fictional character who would it be and why?
    TITANIUM:. Probably, Jennifer Love Hewitt, just something about her presses my buttons. She plays in movies like; I know what you did last summer as Julie James. I think she has a series going now called Ghost Whisper. She is just is just plain “real”, so to speak. ( I will get in this immature conflict over this from my wife).

    marcus300: Where have you travelled to in the world and where would you most like to visit?
    TITANIUM: I’ve been to Iraq, South America, and around the US. I would love to travel to Japan, as I find their culture fascinating. Rome is beautiful, as Italy. Paris, France, and the Isle of Man for the TT.

    Members question: Could you shoot someone dead for million dollars if you knew you wouldn’t be caught?
    TITANIUM: No. It would not. It has to be warranted. I don’t do contract work. And my military background is long ago and in the past. (besides, they don’t pay that well).

    marcus300: 3 wishes, what would you wish for?
    TITANIUM: You have to watch how you answer these questions; due to the fact of they need to be quoted precisely. My first wish would be that everyone I know lives healthy lives. (Since I know myself, I fall into that wish).Second, that I would somehow be financially well off. I would buy myself a house, so my kids could find salvation. If I hit the lottery, I wouldn’t know what to do with it all, so I would help the less fortunate. Third, would be world peace, but that seems to be a pipe dream as of late. I doubt I will see that in my life time. I fear for the future of my children at this point. What kind of world are they going to be left to inherit? T

    marcus300: I would like to thank you for being so honest about certain aspects of your life and personality, is there anything else you would like to express to the AR community?
    TITANIUM: No problem at all. Honesty is the best policy. I think that this is why members seem to gravitate towards me. (I think it’s my patience, it is a virtue here). I don’t mind all the PM’s and e-mails that I get, as I do answer all of them. This is a good site that does have some issues, but they do get resolved in time. I think that big thanks should be given to Marcus for having the patience to do these interviews. And also the Hall of Famers, vets and mods that make this board what it is. And of course ADMIN, who gets just an overwhelming amount of issues to resolve on a daily basis. It takes a lot of work to run this board. We just jump on and post, and take the rest for granted; where they are always working to making the wheels turn here.

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