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Thread: Help interpret the seriousness of my blood test please

  1. #1
    boisebeast is offline Member
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    Help interpret the seriousness of my blood test please

    Hey everyone, I just finished up a 7 week ostarine cycle and got my post cycle bloods back today. I'll be running a PCT to bring my Test levels back up to normal, but I'm not sure how serious some of these other results are. If you could help me decipher my results I would really appreciate it. Thanks

    Help interpret the seriousness of my blood test please-screen-shot-2016-05-18-9.32.42-am.png

    Help interpret the seriousness of my blood test please-screen-shot-2016-05-18-9.33.15-am.png

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Lymphs and EOS just indicates a minor infection or similar.
    AST is fine and absolutely nothing to worry about.
    Cholesterol, HDL and LDL stink. Work on them.
    LH is in the toilet (bet you thought it wouldn't be effected much?) therefore so is your T and E.

    Run your pct and check basic hormones after a couple months. You'll be fine.
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  3. #3
    boisebeast is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Lymphs and EOS just indicates a minor infection or similar.
    AST is fine and absolutely nothing to worry about.
    Cholesterol, HDL and LDL stink. Work on them.
    LH is in the toilet (bet you thought it wouldn't be effected much?) therefore so is your T and E.

    Run your pct and check basic hormones after a couple months. You'll be fine.
    Thanks kelkel, you are super helpful! Much appreciated feedback

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    No worries. Obviously get a cholesterol panel again along with:

    E2 Sensitive
    CBC and CMP cause they're cheap.
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  5. #5
    boisebeast is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    No worries. Obviously get a cholesterol panel again along with: LH FSH E2 Sensitive TT FT CBC and CMP cause they're cheap.
    I will definitely do that about a month after PCT, thanks again man.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
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    TWO months.....
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  7. #7
    boisebeast is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    TWO months.....

  8. #8
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Wow. Dont get it. You said you was feeling ok and you did not notice any loss of sexual desire. I thought you would have total test 200, but you are below that too.
    Well, its like this for everybody. That socalled harmless ostarine shoot you down like deca . Even at a moderate dose and even before week 8, as the always negative Tiger Fitness shouts. But nothing to worry about, if will raise fast, thats the beaty of sarms , recovery is much easier. But, clomid 100 50 50 50 is necessary im afraid.

    Next, lymphs/eos got nothing to do with ost.

    Next, little surprised about the liver, ast, mine was fine after 6 weeks with lots of others also and my diett was not super at that point, but i used liverdetoxpills, did you forget that? Sarms are not toxic but yet they stress liver a bit, so detox may be neceassry for optimal liver. But, increased enzymes do not fact liverdamage, just that your liver is working a bit hard.

    Next, Cholestrol, total is bad, but your hdl is worse and ldl surprisingly high. So is ratio.
    I thought you would have 30, due to your good diett, but 26 just tell about the sarms big problem. They are just as bad for cholestrol as most steroids , evet at at moderate dose with a weak sarm.
    All in all as a 45 year old with moderate good diett i had better cholestrol than you after my ost weeks(im not trying to be a dick, just to show my point, read on please) and that tells me that sr9009 actually may be good for cholestrol, as i run 20 mg sr9009 ed along with my ostarine cycle.

    All in all, nothing to worry about, it will soon be ok, just be nazi with you diett until you fixed your levels.

    My last point, this strengthen me in my suggestions that a sarmsbridge may be dangerous. If you now should start a cycle, with that bad cholestrol, in a rare unhealthy case, it migth lead to heartattach:-(

    So bridging is fine, but use mk677, sr9009 and gw, not sarms. Not until we get our hands on version 2, 100% of the sarms out there is version 1. They really need to fix the cholestrolissue before it will be safe to bridge with them.
    Havent studied rad140 and cholestrolimpact, but i guess it will be the same as lgd/ost
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 05-18-2016 at 08:08 PM.

  9. #9
    boisebeast is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Wow. Dont get it. You said you was feeling ok and you did not notice any loss of sexual desire. I thought you would have total test 200, but you are below that too.
    Well, its like this for everybody. That socalled harmless ostarine shoot you down like deca . Even at a moderate dose and even before week 8, as the always negative Tiger Fitness shouts. But nothing to worry about, if will raise fast, thats the beaty of sarms , recovery is much easier. But, clomid 100 50 50 50 is necessary im afraid.

    Next, lymphs/eos got nothing to do with ost.

    Next, little surprised about the liver, ast, mine was fine after 6 weeks with lots of others also and my diett was not super at that point, but i used liverdetoxpills, did you forget that? Sarms are not toxic but yet they stress liver a bit, so detox may be neceassry for optimal liver. But, increased enzymes do not fact liverdamage, just that your liver is working a bit hard.

    Next, Cholestrol, total is bad, but your hdl is worse and ldl surprisingly high. So is ratio.
    I thought you would have 30, due to your good diett, but 26 just tell about the sarms big problem. They are just as bad for cholestrol as most steroids , evet at at moderate dose with a weak sarm.
    All in all as a 45 year old with moderate good diett i had better cholestrol than you after my ost weeks(im not trying to be a dick, just to show my point, read on please) and that tells me that sr9009 actually may be good for cholestrol, as i run 20 mg sr9009 ed along with my ostarine cycle.

    All in all, nothing to worry about, it will soon be ok, just be nazi with you diett until you fixed your levels.

    My last point, this strengthen me in my suggestions that a sarmsbridge may be dangerous. If you now should start a cycle, with that bad cholestrol, in a rare unhealthy case, it migth lead to heartattach:-(

    So bridging is fine, but use mk677, sr9009 and gw, not sarms. Not until we get our hands on version 2, 100% of the sarms out there is version 1. They really need to fix the cholestrolissue before it will be safe to bridge with them.
    Havent studied rad140 and cholestrolimpact, but i guess it will be the same as lgd/ost
    I was quite surprised myself. I think the negative effects of ostarine are understated and the positive effects overstated. Regarding your PCT suggestion, I'd rather lean more heavily on the nolva than clomid (I have both on hand). I'm thinking of doing:
    Nolva: 40/40/20/20
    Clomid: 12.5/12.5/12.5/12.5 (with the potential to increase dosage depending on side effects)
    I go over this in my log as well, but I've read most people recover completely fine from a hard shutdown with nolva alone, but adding in clomid aids in the process. I'm apprehensive about the clomid side effects, so I'd rather start the dose on the lower end and up it as needed. If you think this is a horrible idea feel free to blatantly say so, although after quite a bit of PCT research it seems completely reasonable for someone who's test levels are still close to the 200 mark.

    To address the liver enzymes, I suspect that it has to do with an oral medication that I'm on. I also take milk thistle daily. I'm going to further refine my diet to limit saturated and trans fats-- the nolva and clomid should help with my HDL:LDL ratio too.

    I 100% agree that a sarms bridge would be potentially dangerous for someone coming off cycle (at least with osta and LDG, I haven't seem enough bloodwork from the others to say the same). I think the supressiveness of SARMS is generally very understated across the board due to the marketing of the SARMS companies. I'm going to write up a lengthy post in the next few days about my opinion of ostarine, but overall it is not good and I can't see myself running it again unless I needed it for injury recovery (the only place it truly shined in my opinion).

  10. #10
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    I agree on your last point. I used it for my pecinjury and it worked good i think. But, it lowered my hdl in the 20s and i shouldnt start the gear, but i started a real nazi superhealthy diett, so the hell with it.
    Under no circumstances are its effect on the cholestrol worth its tiny musclegains potential, if u ask me.

    Ah..yeah, i think your oral meds explains the asat. I often read that OTC products often are as bad for the liver as Dbol . Not far from the truth i guess.

    Im no superexpert on pct but my studies and own experience sofar tells my that Clomid is much better than Nolva for testboosting. 75 50 50 50 without nolva should not give any sides.

  11. #11
    boisebeast is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    I agree on your last point. I used it for my pecinjury and it worked good i think. But, it lowered my hdl in the 20s and i shouldnt start the gear, but i started a real nazi superhealthy diett, so the hell with it.
    Under no circumstances are its effect on the cholestrol worth its tiny musclegains potential, if u ask me.

    Ah..yeah, i think your oral meds explains the asat. I often read that OTC products often are as bad for the liver as Dbol . Not far from the truth i guess.

    Im no superexpert on pct but my studies and own experience sofar tells my that Clomid is much better than Nolva for testboosting. 75 50 50 50 without nolva should not give any sides.
    Be careful with the gear you choose to run now that your cholesterol isn't in the excellent range. I agree that osta's effects on cholesterol need to be corrected in the lab before it would be worth running... that's a great point I'll be sure to mention in my log. I also think that your SR may have had a benefit to your cholesterol, even if only a small amount. It would take a bit more research to confirm but I think that your results compared to mine are very interesting.

    Thanks for the PCT input, I'm going to grab a few more opinions and if the consensus is that my plan is bad then I'll go the heavier clomid route. By the way, be sure to keep a log for your next cycle so that I can follow along !

  12. #12
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Yes i update my 2016 summer gear cycle 2-3 times a week.
    And i look forward to follow your next one and im curious about what ya gonna try. And i promise i will give you my opinions and comments aswell. Your blogs are very informative with lots of info.

  13. #13
    boisebeast is offline Member
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    Link me to your summer cycle thread if you don't mind , I'm assuming it's a different one than the log in the sarms section since that one hasn't been updated in a bit

    Thanks for all your feedback throughout my cycle, it's been really nice to have someone to compare results and bounce ideas back and forth with. I'll be taking at least 3 months off after my PCT; when I do my next cycle really depends on how my bloodwork looks after my PCT. I'll be sure to let you know though so that I can get you in there to get your opinions

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