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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #201
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Ronnie I have say that you are the s@#t you dont seem to get pissed when you get all the questions. I have a couple for you, if you could answer.

    I have been working out for about 8 years off and on but the last 1 or 2 more serious. I have done 3 cycles since (mild). I am ready to start gaing some mass. I got ahold of some gear can you help direct me on how it should go. How would i use this while on your program? (should i add anything to it)

    Age 36
    Wt 215
    Bf 18 to 20%
    Ht 6'

    TEST SUS 250MG/ML (80ML)
    DECCA 200MG/ML (100ML)
    DANABOL 50MG (100 TABS)
    ARIMIDEX 0.25MG (100 TABS)
    NOLVA 10MG (50)

  2. #202
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    answers above.
    Thank you.

  3. #203
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by itsallfun View Post
    2nd and final warning. next time you break our rules, your gone

    Who broke which rules?

  4. #204
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    I have found it best not to split up back workouts into lat width and lat thickness because there is too much overlapping and over-training comes about much easier. I have found the same to be true with leg work because you hit the hams pretty hard with squats, leg presses and lunges. Leg curls just finishes them off.

    If you are dead set on splitting back into two separate workouts tell me how many sets you are planning on doing for both back width and thickness (include exercises) and I will make a suggestion.
    Thank you again, perhaps I won't split up my back, I'll just focus on one more than the other every other week, so one week do deadlifts, and rowing type excersizes. The next week do deadlifts and then do pull up type excersizes. But still do deadlifts as my main excersize for my back either week.

  5. #205
    Hi im new to this site, i have done a few cycles before ( a few years ago now say 5 or 6) im lookin for the lean look whislt putting a bit of mass on im currently 80 kg 5ft 9, i have tried dbol tablet form but find i hold too much water.
    Im thinking about taking - sus250 with decca or maybe winstrol with decca, could u advice me on the amounts to take ie, how many times and how much per week and how long for

    thanks for ur help

  6. #206
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    K So I take hcg at 2500 iu evey other day for 14 days during both deloads. Then after my second deload and doing HCG for those 2 weeks then i will start Clomid and Nolva, so I wait 2 weeks after my last injection to start Clomid/Nolva and during those 2 weeks(Deload) inject HCG correct?

  7. #207
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Oh and what about front loading? Like say the first week beginning a cycle do double dose? And then first week starting a reload after a deload do double dose? Would you recommend doing that for a 20 werk cycle,

  8. #208
    run it

  9. #209
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by MTL View Post
    Ronnie I have say that you are the s@#t you dont seem to get pissed when you get all the questions. I have a couple for you, if you could answer.

    I have been working out for about 8 years off and on but the last 1 or 2 more serious. I have done 3 cycles since (mild). I am ready to start gaing some mass. I got ahold of some gear can you help direct me on how it should go. How would i use this while on your program? (should i add anything to it)

    Age 36
    Wt 215
    Bf 18 to 20%
    Ht 6'

    TEST SUS 250MG/ML (80ML)
    DECCA 200MG/ML (100ML)
    DANABOL 50MG (100 TABS)
    ARIMIDEX 0.25MG (100 TABS)
    NOLVA 10MG (50)
    Thank you for the compliments!

    I would do a 20 week cycle. A good plan would be as follows with the gear you have chosen to use-

    Phase 1

    8 week reload:Weeks 1-8
    d-bol 25 mgs per day
    test 750 mgs per week
    deca 400 mgs per week

    2 week deload:Weeks 9-10
    test 500 mgs per week

    Phase 2

    8 week reload: Weeks 11-18
    d-bol 50 mgs per day
    test 1 gram per week
    deca 400 mgs per week

    2 week deload: Weeks 19-20
    test 500 mgs

    Note: I would run .025 mgs of arimidex eod only if you are prone to gyno. If .025 eod is not enough to deter gyno go to .05 mgs eod. If you are not prone to gyno I would not run anything. I would use nolva, clomid and add some hcg at the begining of your 3rd reload (phase 3) if you want to go off them and do a full blown pct.

  10. #210
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ARNIEINTHEMAKIN View Post
    Hi im new to this site, i have done a few cycles before ( a few years ago now say 5 or 6) im lookin for the lean look whislt putting a bit of mass on im currently 80 kg 5ft 9, i have tried dbol tablet form but find i hold too much water.
    Im thinking about taking - sus250 with decca or maybe winstrol with decca, could u advice me on the amounts to take ie, how many times and how much per week and how long for

    thanks for ur help
    I would do a 20 week cycle. A good plan would be as follows with the gear you have chosen to use-

    Phase 1

    8 week reload:Weeks 1-8
    test 500 mgs per week
    deca 400 mgs per week

    2 week deload:Weeks 9-10
    test 250 mgs per week

    Phase 2

    8 week reload: Weeks 11-18
    test 500 mgs per week
    winstrol 50 mgs of injectable eod at 50 mgs

    2 week deload: Weeks 19-20
    test 250 mgs

    Note: If you begin to experience joint pain during phase 2 (test/winnie cycle) I would highly recommend adding some deca back into the equation to lubricate the joints. I would run .025 mgs of arimidex eod if you want to hold less water. If you are not prone to gyno or have no concerns about some water I would not run anything. I would use nolva, clomid and add some hcg at the begining of your 3rd reload (phase 3) and do a full blown pct.

  11. #211
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Juicedupmonkey View Post
    K So I take hcg at 2500 iu evey other day for 14 days during both deloads. Then after my second deload and doing HCG for those 2 weeks then i will start Clomid and Nolva, so I wait 2 weeks after my last injection to start Clomid/Nolva and during those 2 weeks(Deload) inject HCG correct?
    You have it mixed up! Just wait and do your PCT after the 20 weeks. Save the hcg/clomid/nolva for the PCT not the deloads.

  12. #212
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Juicedupmonkey;4951***
    Oh and what about front loading? Like say the first week beginning a cycle do double dose? And then first week starting a reload after a deload do double dose? Would you recommend doing that for a 20 werk cycle,
    You can but you do not have to. It will be your decision.

  13. #213
    Currently on my first cycle and my initial cycle plan was something like this:-

    Week 1-7 Deca. 200mgs per week in one shot (Monday)
    Week 1-8 Sust, 500mgs per week in two shots (Sunday & Thursday)

    After going through your thread i have decided to make some changes. i.e

    Week 1-8 Deca, 200mgs per week in one shot (Monday)
    Week 1-8 Sust, 500mgs per week in two shots (Sunday & Thursday)
    Week 9-10 Sust,250 mgs per week (Monday)
    Week 11-12 PCT of Nolva and Clomid

    Does this looks fine?

    From week 4 till week 8(For last 5weeks of the cycle) i am planning to run HCG, What does would you recommend?

    I am in Week 3 of my cycle and have gained roughly about 5.5 lbs, No Sides till now.

    Thankyou for taking time to ans my questions.

  14. #214
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Indian Muscle View Post
    Currently on my first cycle and my initial cycle plan was something like this:-

    Week 1-7 Deca. 200mgs per week in one shot (Monday)
    Week 1-8 Sust, 500mgs per week in two shots (Sunday & Thursday)

    After going through your thread i have decided to make some changes. i.e

    Week 1-8 Deca, 200mgs per week in one shot (Monday)
    Week 1-8 Sust, 500mgs per week in two shots (Sunday & Thursday)
    Week 9-10 Sust,250 mgs per week (Monday)
    Week 11-12 PCT of Nolva and Clomid

    Does this looks fine?

    From week 4 till week 8(For last 5weeks of the cycle) i am planning to run HCG, What does would you recommend?

    I am in Week 3 of my cycle and have gained roughly about 5.5 lbs, No Sides till now.

    Thankyou for taking time to ans my questions.
    Looks good! Wait and run the hcg during weeks 11-12.

  15. #215
    ronnie....with slingshot training...can it be done similar to fst-7????say 3 sets incline press..3 sets of decline press..6 sets of flyes???

  16. #216
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Thank you again Ronnie! I think I have asked you everything. I'm sure I'll have more questions for you in the future.

  17. #217
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Thanks Ronnie but i have one more for you, you said in your reply that on my second reload that i am to only take 1 gram of test a week, is this correct?

  18. #218
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by MTL View Post
    Thanks Ronnie but i have one more for you, you said in your reply that on my second reload that i am to only take 1 gram of test a week, is this correct?
    Yes, increase it by 250 during second reload. With your experience 1 gram per week should do well.

  19. #219
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    ronnie....with slingshot training...can it be done similar to fst-7????say 3 sets incline press..3 sets of decline press..6 sets of flyes???
    Absolutey! In fact, Slingshot Training and F-ST7 are pretty much the same in exception to a few things:

    1) With FST-7 you would wait only 30 second between 6 sets of high rep leg extension at the end of your quad workout. With Slingshot Training you would wait longer between sets to allow for the use of more weight. Slingshot Training will not only stretch out the fascia as much as FST-7, it allows for the use of more weight for isolation movements which I feel is essential for increasing muscle mass.

    2) With FST-7 it's my understanding there is never a deload-hence over-training is going to occur easier. Slingshot Training involves a 1-2 week deload after 8 weeks of higher volume training.

    3) With FST-7 there is no limit in how many work sets one can do for each body part. Slingshot Training involves stopping at 12 intense work sets because at that point the muscle stops firing with efficiency. This helps prevent over-training and joint problems. However, FST-7 does not need large amounts of volume to work. I'm not sure where the cut off point for volume is though?

    NOTE: Overall I like FST-7 a lot and it closely resembles STS (probably more than any other training program out right now). Both STS and FST-7 are being used by top-level bodybuilders. Some of the popular low volume routines on the internet are not going to development the body like these two higher volume routines. It's not the say the low volume training programs do not work, but I am saying they are not as effective.

  20. #220
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ronnie can you give an example of workout order for us. Im used to training 3-4 days a week with a day off inbetween to let body rest. If i train chest monday i know for a fact i will be sore the next 2 days. In what sequence would be best to let certain muscle groups recuperate? I hear that gear lets you recup faster.

  21. #221
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Absolutey! In fact, Slingshot Training and F-ST7 are pretty much the same in exception to a few things:

    1) With FST-7 you would wait only 30 second between 6 sets of high rep leg extension at the end of your quad workout. With Slingshot Training you would wait longer between sets to allow for the use of more weight. Slingshot Training will not only stretch out the fascia as much as FST-7, it allows for the use of more weight for isolation movements which I feel is essential for increasing muscle mass.

    2) With FST-7 it's my understanding there is never a deload-hence over-training is going to occur easier. Slingshot Training involves a 1-2 week deload after 8 weeks of higher volume training.

    3) With FST-7 there is no limit in how many work sets one can do for each body part. Slingshot Training involves stopping at 12 intense work sets because at that point the muscle stops firing with efficiency. This helps prevent over-training and joint problems. However, FST-7 does not need large amounts of volume to work. I'm not sure where the cut off point for volume is though?

    NOTE: Overall I like FST-7 a lot and it closely resembles STS (probably more than any other training program out right now). Both STS and FST-7 are being used by top-level bodybuilders. Some of the popular low volume routines on the internet are not going to development the body like these two higher volume routines. It's not the say the low volume training programs do not work, but I am saying they are not as effective.
    just making sure ronnie....pretty much what i gathered...funny like you say... there are alway going to be guys looking for short cuts.... that are non--existent..but they sure as hell sound good!! looks like slingshot still rules....fst coming in a second overall..

  22. #222
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by biggerguns View Post
    Ronnie can you give an example of workout order for us. Im used to training 3-4 days a week with a day off inbetween to let body rest. If i train chest monday i know for a fact i will be sore the next 2 days. In what sequence would be best to let certain muscle groups recuperate? I hear that gear lets you recup faster.
    There are many good training splits. Here's a few of good ones-


    DAY 2 OFF
    DAY 4 OFF
    DAY 6 LEGS
    DAY 7 OFF

    SPLIT 2

    DAY 2 OFF
    DAY 4 OFF
    DAY 5 LEGS
    DAY 6 OFF

    SPLIT 3

    DAY 2 OFF
    DAY 4 OFF
    DAY 6 OFF

  23. #223
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Thanks for listing the splits.

  24. #224
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by biggerguns View Post
    Thanks for listing the splits.
    Another favorite of mine for training eod is the old Arnold split:

    DAY 5 LEGS

  25. #225
    Great Post!

  26. #226
    Quote Originally Posted by Indian Muscle View Post
    Currently on my first cycle and my initial cycle plan was something like this:-

    Week 1-7 Deca. 200mgs per week in one shot (Monday)
    Week 1-8 Sust, 500mgs per week in two shots (Sunday & Thursday)

    After going through your thread i have decided to make some changes. i.e

    Week 1-8 Deca, 200mgs per week in one shot (Monday)
    Week 1-8 Sust, 500mgs per week in two shots (Sunday & Thursday)
    Week 9-10 Sust,250 mgs per week (Monday)
    Week 11-12 PCT of Nolva and Clomid

    Does this looks fine?

    From week 4 till week 8(For last 5weeks of the cycle) i am planning to run HCG, What does would you recommend?

    I am in Week 3 of my cycle and have gained roughly about 5.5 lbs, No Sides till now.

    Thankyou for taking time to ans my questions.
    Week 11-12 i will be on PCT, So you suggesting to run HCG during PCT? I have always heard that HCG to be run during cycle.

  27. #227
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Indian Muscle View Post
    Week 11-12 i will be on PCT, So you suggesting to run HCG during PCT? I have always heard that HCG to be run during cycle.
    You run it during PCT!

  28. #228
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    You run it during PCT!
    Alright, So i will run HCG during PCT but please suggest the dosage.

  29. #229

    Workout Routines

    Friends 8 weeks of cycling (with higher dosages, and then coming of or bridging for 2 weeks is best) is enough to good health.

    Workout Routine

  30. #230
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Indian Muscle View Post
    Alright, So i will run HCG during PCT but please suggest the dosage.
    2500iu eod for 2 weeks.

  31. #231 do you figure...slingshot is more user friendly.. than other popular routines like dc....fst-7....german volume...max ot...5x5..???

  32. #232
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I asked this question on the wrong thred, so ill try this one. My brother and I started taking 75mg of Tren eod and we have not had any side affects like Tren couch. Does this mean we might have bad gear?

    How does HCG last once its mixed?

  33. #233
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by MTL View Post
    I asked this question on the wrong thred, so ill try this one. My brother and I started taking 75mg of Tren eod and we have not had any side affects like Tren couch. Does this mean we might have bad gear? No! Not everyone coughs during the injection. Be glad you don't! However, most people do get some night sweats and/or insomnia. If you feel nothing try taking 150 mgs eod and see what happens. It could be watered down but if you feel nothing at 150 mgs eod I would be concerned.
    How does HCG last once its mixed?. Around a week. If you put it in bacteriostatic water it will last around 3 weeks longer than if you just put it in sterile water.
    Answers above in bold.

  34. #234
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post do you figure...slingshot is more user friendly.. than other popular routines like dc....fst-7....german volume...max ot...5x5..???
    You can get hurt using any training method and that goes for Slingshot Training as well. As you get older or if you are prone to injuries you must do each repetition slower while using less weight to stimulate the muscle.

    There are things I like about each training system you mentioned. To answer your question here are my opinions.

    1) DC = rest pause=increased chance for tendon tears.
    2) FST7 = 7 sets at end of each muscle group where you wait only 30 second between sets = slinging weight due to fatigue and increasing chance of injury.
    3) German Volume = 10 sets for one exercise=over use injuries.
    4) MAX OT=training to failure on a long term basis using only 4-6 reps=joint problems.

    NOTE: Slingshot- 1) no rest-pause. 2) must wait enough time between sets to allow atp levels to replenish. 3) allows the use of 6 sets only for any exercise. 4) can do heavy sets with compound movements during 8 week reloads. This allows just enough time to gain some strength while yet allowing you to get away from low rep training before joint problems set in.

  35. #235
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Answers above in bold.
    I used the small vials that came with HCG, what kind of solution is that?

  36. #236
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I am currently on an 8 week cutting cycle and I wanted to know if I could still do the sling-shot to a mass cycle? I asked you a few days ago how you would take the next cycle that I will be doing next and this is what you wrote.

    PHASE 1
    8 week reload: weeks 1-8
    d-bol 25mgs per day
    sus 250 at 750mgs per week
    deca 200mg/ml at 400mgs per week

    2 week deload: weeks 9-10
    test 500mgs per week

    PHASE 2
    8 week reload: weeks 11-18
    d-bol 50mgs per day
    test 1 gram per week
    deca 400mgs per week

    2 week deload: week 19-20
    test 500mgs per week

    Now how would I transition from a cutting cycle to this cycle without taking to much time off?

    I allso wanted to know how long I can do the sling-shot without having to do a full blown pct?

    Thanks for all the help Ronnie, its just that I have been out of game for a long time and am having to relearn alot.

  37. #237
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by MTL View Post
    I used the small vials that came with HCG, what kind of solution is that?
    In order to be 100% sure you'll need to ask the supplier that you brought them from. Sounds like sterile water too me.

  38. #238
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by MTL View Post
    I am currently on an 8 week cutting cycle and I wanted to know if I could still do the sling-shot to a mass cycle? I asked you a few days ago how you would take the next cycle that I will be doing next and this is what you wrote.

    PHASE 1
    8 week reload: weeks 1-8
    d-bol 25mgs per day
    sus 250 at 750mgs per week
    deca 200mg/ml at 400mgs per week

    2 week deload: weeks 9-10
    test 500mgs per week

    PHASE 2
    8 week reload: weeks 11-18
    d-bol 50mgs per day
    test 1 gram per week
    deca 400mgs per week

    2 week deload: week 19-20

    Now how would I transition from a cutting cycle to this cycle without taking to much time off? 2 weeks by way of a deload

    I allso wanted to know how long I can do the sling-shot without having to do a full blown pct? This is an individual choice. Some never do PCT because they are on HRT. If you want to have kids one day I would do a full PCT after 2 Slingshot Phase (consisting of 2 reloads and 2 deloads). The PCT woud last for 10 weeks (3rd Slingshot Training Phase).

    Thanks for all the help Ronnie, its just that I have been out of game for a long time and am having to relearn alot.
    Answers above in bold.

  39. #239
    great info, thanks, gives me some direction....

  40. #240
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    What do you think that a good PCT would incorperate? Like what kind and how much gear, after a 30 week sling-shot?

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