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  1. #1
    LM1332 Guest

    Now that i have my Lindows

    Now that i have it i have to install it but i dont want to install it over windows just yet so the question is How do i create a new partition on the drive where i can install Lindows and run it?

  2. #2
    bubbathegut's Avatar
    bubbathegut is offline Member
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    PLZ dont IM me 4 Source's
    u mean linux

  3. #3
    Dally's Avatar
    Dally is offline The Dally Lama
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    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by LM1332
    Now that i have it i have to install it but i dont want to install it over windows just yet so the question is How do i create a new partition on the drive where i can install Lindows and run it?

    if its linux .. the install will do that for you .. but you have to specify that you want to create a separate partition.

    if not, and its lindows.. which I have never heard of or google searched.. I would get partition magic (software program) and use it .. very easy to use and good for backups and allows you to select the OS on startup.


  4. #4
    critter's Avatar
    critter is offline Junior Member
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    like others have mentioned partition magic is your best bet for a n00b. but since you are a n00b i would even go as far as suggesting putting linux on a different hard drive if you have one so you wont mess up your mbr (master boot record) on your windows drive even though you can always use grub or lilo as your boot manager for a newbie things could get complicated if you dont read anything and just click the NEXT button.. best of luck

  5. #5
    LM1332 Guest
    try to searching for linspire. After microsofts lawsuit they had to rename them selfs. Anywho i still havent installed it yet because i just feel wierd cause i once lost **** load of info because of virus and i dont wanna by an accident erase everything one again. But ill check all those progs out and ill come back and tell ya wha sup

  6. #6
    lamb88ert is offline New Member
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    i heard lindows isnt really that great....if your a newbie id suggest going straight into linux (maybe a redhat version or something user friendly) so you can just become familiar with linux itself... But obviously you already have lindows and plan on using it, but I also believe the lindows OS can be ran off of your cdrom (these could be another os im thinkin of, tho)..........but ya id recommend just settin up like a 1 gig slave harddrive and running lindows on that rather than screwin with your master HD like critter said

  7. #7
    ripsid's Avatar
    ripsid is offline Senior Member
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    Dual Bootie! Try Fedora or Sarge they're pretty good as well, infact setting up my firewall using Sarge and development box with Fedora but this one may change.
    There's like 14 versions of linux look for the user friendliest (I'm not sure which one)


  8. #8
    LM1332 Guest
    Thanks bro but i decided not to use Lindows anymore i just dont wanna screw up and in the end line up with nothing i have too many valuable stuff on my pc. SO ill just stick to my old Windows

    Quote Originally Posted by lamb88ert
    i heard lindows isnt really that great....if your a newbie id suggest going straight into linux (maybe a redhat version or something user friendly) so you can just become familiar with linux itself... But obviously you already have lindows and plan on using it, but I also believe the lindows OS can be ran off of your cdrom (these could be another os im thinkin of, tho)..........but ya id recommend just settin up like a 1 gig slave harddrive and running lindows on that rather than screwin with your master HD like critter said

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