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    longhorn814's Avatar
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    Taxes - Clinton vs Bush years

    Based on using the actual tax tables (see link below), here are some examples on what the taxes were/are on various
    amounts of income for both singles and married couples. So let's see if the Bush tax cuts only helped the rich.

    Taxes under Clinton 1999 Taxes under Bush 2008

    Single making 30K - tax $8,400 Single making 30K - tax $4,500

    Single making 50K - tax $14,000 Single making 50K - tax $12,500

    Single making 75K - tax $23,250 Single making 75K - tax $18,750

    Married making 60K - tax $16,800 Married making 60K- tax $9,000

    Married making 75K - tax $21,000 Married making 75K - tax $18,750

    Married making 125K - tax $38,750 Married making 125K - tax $31,250

    If you want to know just how effective the mainstream media is, it is amazing how many people that fall into the categories above think Bush is screwing them and Bill Clinton was the greatest President ever. If any democrat is elected, ALL of them say they will repeal the Bush tax cuts and a good portion of the people that fall into the categories above can't wait for it to happen.

    I'm not saying that Bush is the Greatest President or even a Great President, but before you vote for another Clinton you might want to Google (Whitewater and the Clintons)

    Peace !!

  2. #2
    Renesis's Avatar
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    What? As if I am even going to vote for a Dem anyway -.-

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    I Nominate This Thread For The Post Of The Year

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    longhorn814's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    I Nominate This Thread For The Post Of The Year

    thanks pookers..cant take credit for originating it as someone emailed it to me!

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    soccer#3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    I Nominate This Thread For The Post Of The Year

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    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    thanks, I think bush needs the money for his retirement which is coming up and war. lol

  9. #9
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    Thats why Im voting OBAMA!!!!!!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by green22 View Post
    Thats why Im voting OBAMA!!!!!!
    why? so you can pay higher taxes? The dems said that if they win they will repeal Bush's tax breaks and you can expect to be paying a lot more in taxes...

  11. #11
    batlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814 View Post
    why? so you can pay higher taxes? The dems said that if they win they will repeal Bush's tax breaks and you can expect to be paying a lot more in taxes...
    Hey, some people enjoy paying more taxes...... I for sure am not one of them!!!!

  12. #12
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    Hey guys... your logic is flawed brother..... you merely state tax brackets which are adjusted annually to compensate for inflationary effect =P...... his tax cuts are geared towards the higher income brackets to decrease overhead for employers and stimulate job growth...

  13. #13
    convalescence69's Avatar
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    money isn't worth as much as it was back then. The poverty level has increased dramatically under Bush

  14. #14
    kfrost06's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by convalescence69 View Post
    The poverty level has increased dramatically under Bush
    Where did you get that. my quess is you just made it up right now.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814 View Post
    why? so you can pay higher taxes? The dems said that if they win they will repeal Bush's tax breaks and you can expect to be paying a lot more in taxes...

    Yeah, for the life of me, I've never figured this one out. The Dems come straight out and tell people they're going to raise taxes and people still vote for them.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by convalescence69 View Post
    money isn't worth as much as it was back then. The poverty level has increased dramatically under Bush
    That's ridiculous. You need to watch this video. Now don't the whole thing.

  17. #17
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    I'm going to vote for neither...I will vote for the candidate who will-

    *End the Federal Reserves extortion of 350 million people.

    *End the IRS ability to enforce laws that dont exist.

    *Abolish Income Tax

    *Return to the precious metal standard/restore sound money

    *End US Imperialism.

    just to name a few.....

  18. #18
    Indymuscleguy's Avatar
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    My 0.02 worth of opinion:

    1. Make a health insurance plan for those who don't have health insurance. One which is available for those who's employers keep them just below the level of becoming covered, but yet make enough money to pay for the premium. This plan rate would be based upon one's income level. I'm speaking for those who have to work two jobs and still don't have health benefits. Honest workers who try hard to support themselves, not welfare deadbeats who sit at home, collect a check once a month and get 'free' healthcare.

    2. A tax raise is coming and will keep coming for the rest of our lives. Be realistic, you think that "oh, well we paid less taxes while 'X' president was in office! That BS! It costs money to keep our troops in Iraq. (Did you notice I didn't say war?) This isn't a war, this isn't about winning or loosing, this is about a giant EGO! Salaam and his evil sons are dead and rotten. We should have said we won then and LEFT Iraq. How many brothers and sisters would we have had if we'd left then? When our President flew in on the aircraft carrier in 2003 or 2004 saying we had 'won' made me physically ill and worried that we had a madman on our hands! Our taxes will need to raise and raise until the enormous debt we owe is paid down.

    You must believe you are in a fairy tale if you think taxes should be you think governmental funding and spending at the city, state and national level is going to go DOWN? Are you that DENSE>? Every time I hear of a politician saying they are going to CUT taxes, I just laugh and isn’t going to happen in the REAL WORLD people...face it!

    3. Clinton = Experience. Obama = a great effort and a good man who would make changes, I'm uncertain how he would handle our foreign affairs. McCain...temper...likes war...spending and spending and spending.

    4. When was the last time you heard anything about our Katrina victims? Our own country down there is still a HUGE MESS!

    5. Bill Clinton lied about a BJ and was impeached. President Bush lied about WWMD or at the very least, had bad information and didn't seek out the validity of his information...someone should be held accountable.

    I think I found the word I was looking this current administration there is no accountability for any action taken, by anyone, nor does there seem to be an apology for mistakes made or lies told to the public. Talk about the definition of impeachment!

    Flame away now

  19. #19
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    US public debt in 1999: $5,656,270,901,615.43
    US public debt in 2007: $9,007,653,372,262.48
    US public debt today: $9,244,157,340,271.49


    Whats the point of lower taxes if the country runs massive deficit and public debt grows out of control?


  20. #20
    Castradomus is offline Junior Member
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    im sorry but thats ridiculous, the reason the taxes are hiked up by the dems, is solely to get out of the debt that republicans put them in, and also for spending on social programs. I honestly dont get the logic, spend less for the time being, but receive poor service from most of ones social programs etc, which will most likely come back to bite said person in the ass further down the line. Dont get me wrong the US is amazing if your looking to turn a profit, and become a business owner, but pretty shitty if your just working a lower end job like so many people are. And outlining tax brackets tells you next to nothing, as one needs to include how many things can be written off. But then again im a canuck, so my values and beliefs are probably seen as strange from other peoples points of view.
    Last edited by Castradomus; 02-14-2008 at 11:33 PM.

  21. #21
    Castradomus is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup View Post
    US public debt in 1999: $5,656,270,901,615.43
    US public debt in 2007: $9,007,653,372,262.48
    US public debt today: $9,244,157,340,271.49


    Whats the point of lower taxes if the country runs massive deficit and public debt grows out of control?

    lol exactly, and then dems are elected, and try to clean up the mess left by the republicans, but look like turds to the average person because they dont understand the reason for new taxes etc, and as such republicans are elected again. Obviously there are many more variables than that, but my point is that this trend is cyclical.

  22. #22
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814 View Post
    Based on using the actual tax tables (see link below), here are some examples on what the taxes were/are on various
    amounts of income for both singles and married couples. So let's see if the Bush tax cuts only helped the rich.

    Taxes under Clinton 1999 Taxes under Bush 2008

    Single making 30K - tax $8,400 Single making 30K - tax $4,500

    Single making 50K - tax $14,000 Single making 50K - tax $12,500

    Single making 75K - tax $23,250 Single making 75K - tax $18,750

    Married making 60K - tax $16,800 Married making 60K- tax $9,000

    Married making 75K - tax $21,000 Married making 75K - tax $18,750

    Married making 125K - tax $38,750 Married making 125K - tax $31,250

    If you want to know just how effective the mainstream media is, it is amazing how many people that fall into the categories above think Bush is screwing them and Bill Clinton was the greatest President ever. If any democrat is elected, ALL of them say they will repeal the Bush tax cuts and a good portion of the people that fall into the categories above can't wait for it to happen.

    I'm not saying that Bush is the Greatest President or even a Great President, but before you vote for another Clinton you might want to Google (Whitewater and the Clintons)

    Peace !!
    So we got taxed more? Big whoop... We also didn't have a huge debt (we had quite the surplus of money), the dollar was worth something, and much of the world liked us... So... I personally would much rather not be a selfish human being and help my country out rather then suffer in the way we are doing now...

  23. #23
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    So we got taxed more? Big whoop... We also didn't have a huge debt (we had quite the surplus of money), the dollar was worth something, and much of the world liked us... So... I personally would much rather not be a selfish human being and help my country out rather then suffer in the way we are doing now...
    I love buying from the states or buying internationaly at the moment, so damn cheap cause the $ isnt worth much...

    We in the uk still love ya! just not to keen on ya president!

  24. #24
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indymuscleguy View Post
    My 0.02 worth of opinion:

    You must believe you are in a fairy tale if you think taxes should be you think governmental funding and spending at the city, state and national level is going to go DOWN? Are you that DENSE>? Every time I hear of a politician saying they are going to CUT taxes, I just laugh and isn’t going to happen in the REAL WORLD people...face it!

    Flame away now

    No, the people who live in fairy tales are the one who talk about putting band-aids on gunshot wounds. 100% of the total illegal income tax collected by the IRS goes towards paying INTEREST ONLY on the money that the Federal Reserve charges us to print our own money....

    What is even more of a fairy tale, is the idea that you can continue to print paper money out of thin air, with absolutely nothing of intrinsic value to back it up and still think that its not going to devalue or be worth less and less with the more you print. That is a fairy tale to most people with sanity.

    City, State, Local level funding... Property tax, gas tax, tolls, excise taxs(tobacco, alcohol, etc, etc...)

  25. #25
    Pooks's Avatar
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    Edit ****it I dont give a ****.. just remember guys if u want nicer things and more freedom vote republicans..

    and everyone should read 'Economics in One Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt.. u can find it used for cheap on
    Go order it now.. it will forever change how you view things, when u see all sides of the story.

    Buy it up guys, it will be some of the best money u've ever spent.
    Last edited by Pooks; 02-15-2008 at 03:19 AM.

  26. #26
    Castradomus is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    Edit ****it I dont give a ****.. just remember guys if u want nicer things and more freedom vote republicans..

    and everyone should read 'Economics in One Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt.. u can find it used for cheap on
    Go order it now.. it will forever change how you view things, when u see all sides of the story.

    Buy it up guys, it will be some of the best money u've ever spent.
    Im confused, whats your arguement? because from my understanding (which granted, is based off of my reading the first page) is that economics is based on self interest, and not solving the economic problem of scarcity. In other words, people do whats best for them or their groups, while alienating everybody elses needs. I.e. cutting back on social programs, while making the country more friendly to investment, which in turn makes them and their cronies richer.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    I'm going to vote for neither...I will vote for the candidate who will-

    *End the Federal Reserves extortion of 350 million people.

    *End the IRS ability to enforce laws that dont exist.

    *Abolish Income Tax

    *Return to the precious metal standard/restore sound money

    *End US Imperialism.

    just to name a few.....
    Oh Boy. You have a real awakening coming to you when you get out of school, have a family, mortgage, and real responsibilities. When I was in my early 20's, I worried about crazy, exaggerated shit as well..........

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Castradomus View Post
    im sorry but thats ridiculous, the reason the taxes are hiked up by the dems, is solely to get out of the debt that republicans put them in, and also for spending on social programs. I honestly dont get the logic, spend less for the time being, but receive poor service from most of ones social programs etc, which will most likely come back to bite said person in the ass further down the line. Dont get me wrong the US is amazing if your looking to turn a profit, and become a business owner, but pretty shitty if your just working a lower end job like so many people are. And outlining tax brackets tells you next to nothing, as one needs to include how many things can be written off. But then again im a canuck, so my values and beliefs are probably seen as strange from other peoples points of view.
    By 2011, 70% of our annual budget will be spent on entitlements. Gutting the military in order to say that you cut the debt is silly. This is all Clinton did in the 90's. Cut the wasteful entitlement spending and then we'll talk. Anyone can read about history, but it seems odd to have people in their early 20's comparing the economy as it was when they were 12 years old to today.
    Last edited by Logan13; 02-15-2008 at 08:48 AM.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13 View Post
    By 2011, 70% of our annual budget will be spent on entitlements. Gutting the military in order to say that you cut the debt is silly. This is all Clinton did in the 90's. Cut the wasteful entitlement spending and then we'll talk. Anyone can read about history, but it seems odd to have people in their early 20's comparing the economy as it was when they were 12 years old to today.
    We have to do atleast 3 things to stay afloat and thats

    1. Gut entitlements
    2. Gut the military
    3. Gut foreign Aid
    Anything else is just bullshit....

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    We have to do atleast 3 things to stay afloat and thats

    1. Gut entitlements
    2. Gut the military
    3. Gut foreign Aid
    Anything else is just bullshit....
    I enthusiasticly agree with all except #2, unless your military cuts are stemming from pulling troops out of permanent bases worldwide. As you probably know, there is a new GI bill that is being pushed through the Senate as we speak on a bi-partisan level. This is going to increase military spending, but IMO, long overdue.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13 View Post
    Oh Boy. You have a real awakening coming to you when you get out of school, have a family, mortgage, and real responsibilities. When I was in my early 20's, I worried about crazy, exaggerated shit as well..........
    lol! Welcome back Logan!

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13 View Post
    I enthusiasticly agree with all except #2, unless your military cuts are stemming from pulling troops out of permanent bases worldwide. As you probably know, there is a new GI bill that is being pushed through the Senate as we speak on a bi-partisan level. This is going to increase military spending, but IMO, long overdue.
    Absolutely my thinking.... I dont see the need for maintaining these bases it makes no sense..... Military R&D and maintaining a strong defense + taking care of our vets yes 100% But burning money on having bases in Germany and shit... nonsensical

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13 View Post
    I enthusiasticly agree with all except #2, unless your military cuts are stemming from pulling troops out of permanent bases worldwide. As you probably know, there is a new GI bill that is being pushed through the Senate as we speak on a bi-partisan level. This is going to increase military spending, but IMO, long overdue.
    Agreed. I have never heard a more ridiculous argument from McCain that "Americans dont care about our men being there, they only care about American soldiers dying." What a crock of shit, and what an arrogant prick to assume he knows what Americans care about... On a side note, yesterday McCain voted against the bill to outlaw torture.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    lol! Welcome back Logan!
    I am back, with an added edge to my responses. I am dealing with the crazy shit that gets posted in here head-on. Crazy begets crazy, as this is all that they deserve. Why be rational when the opposition is not. This includes the few "special groups" that get special treatment as well. People will be held accountable for the stupid shit that spills from their keyboard........

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    Edit ****it I dont give a ****.. just remember guys if u want nicer things and more freedom vote republicans..

    and everyone should read 'Economics in One Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt.. u can find it used for cheap on
    Go order it now.. it will forever change how you view things, when u see all sides of the story.

    Buy it up guys, it will be some of the best money u've ever spent.
    More freedom vote Republican? We've had a Republican President for the last 8 years and we've got the Patriot Act to show for it... That sure as hell doesn't make me feel more free...

  36. #36
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    I think Pooks was confusing Conservatism with Neo-conservatism which is what your voting for if you vote republican now a days...

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13 View Post
    I am back, with an added edge to my responses. I am dealing with the crazy shit that gets posted in here head-on. Crazy begets crazy, as this is all that they deserve. Why be rational when the opposition is not. This includes the few "special groups" that get special treatment as well. People will be held accountable for the stupid shit that spills from their keyboard........
    I guess thats a very subjective argument, and would depend largely on your definition of crazy...

    Some would say that, state sanctioned torture, suspension of habeas corpus, warrantless wire tapping(4th Amend.)&data mining, and an Executive branch completely unaccountable to the House of Reps, would be crazy. Especially for the staple of Democracy to the world.

    More over to be summed up, just the general disrespect, degradation, and ignorance towards the rule of law and the Constitution, thats pretty crazy.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    More freedom vote Republican? We've had a Republican President for the last 8 years and we've got the Patriot Act to show for it... That sure as hell doesn't make me feel more free...
    It should.

    It provides protection and more stability to our nation.
    lessens the fact of another 9-11-01 happening.

    Do you know what happened to our economy on 9-11? Look up the Nasdaq and NYSE charts and find out.. but spoiler being it TANKED.

    our economy tanked until another round of stimulating tax cuts in 2003.. than from 2003 to 2007 we had a bull market.. it wasn't that long ago,.. when everyone was driving brand new SUV's .. and etc..

    anyways back on point the Patriot act provides stability so that economic disturbances don't happen..

    it means more prosperity.
    and prosperity = more freedom.. cause it means lower taxes, and that leaves more money in our pockets. to start our own business's.. or start your own career, in what ever field that might be.. acting... bodybuilding, private investigator what ever..

    Those are the real freedoms. Freedom to choose your future, and be what you want to be..

    heavy taxation takes that freedom away from you.. it leaves less money in your pocket.. the gov't takes the money and spends it on things it wants.. which 99.9% of the time has no correlation with what you want.

    so lower the taxes.. start your own business, hire some employees, and support the economy that way..
    when u make a profit, but a nice car, or a nice suit..and that supports the car industry and the suit industry..

    all this is provided by security and low taxes.

    National budget is a problem but as the war winds down in Iraq the cost of that will wind down also.. leaving a stable middle-east... like we've had a stable Europe and Asia the last 50 years thx to U.S military presence on those 2 continents..

    the military expenditures and foreign aid are not the problem

    The real problem is Social Security and MediCare.. cause those budgets will only get bigger and bigger and are a serious waste of money..

    Look at your stub and see how much u pay for Social Security every year.. what for?

    with inflation collecting social security money into some stupid fund that does not gain interest is ridicioulous..

    that money needs to be put into something that outgrows inflation, and the best way to do that, is to leave that money in your pocket.

    You can use it to buy a home or some other assets that generally outpace inflation.

  39. #39
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    Bottom line.. Democrats view everyone as Idiots, and as if they need to be taken care off.. Like a Mother takes care of a baby. They take your money and spend it for you.. but they don't really know what u want or need.. the deeper inner desires and aspirations beyond clothes and food.

    Republicans.. believe people are intelligent and can take of themselves. Treats people like grown adults. They let you keep your money and you can choose to spend it as u like.

    Now which of the two above, sounds like more freedom?
    Last edited by Pooks; 02-15-2008 at 01:17 PM.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    More freedom vote Republican? We've had a Republican President for the last 8 years and we've got the Patriot Act to show for it... That sure as hell doesn't make me feel more free...
    So how has the Patriot Act affected your life, specifically.

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