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  1. #1
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Anybody had their jaw broken?

    I'll set the stage:

    A couple years ago I walked outside a party and found a friend being jumped by a number of guys, i ran over got into it, and while in the middle of the hooplah, one of the shit heads came behind me and whacked me upside the jaw with a baseball bat. It shattered my entire right side and split the jaw in half down the middle.
    Got the surgery done by this incompetent doctor who missaligned my jaw. By the time the wires were removed and the missalignment was discovered, the jaw was healed and it was too late.

    Well, now my jaw is in excalating, emmense pain on the left side. I cant even chew on my right side(feels like the left is coming unhinged). I believe it to be from overcompensation.

    Have any of you experienced this, and if so what was your course of action for getting it corrected. I would like to avoid surgery again for obvious reasons, even with insurance the last surgery cost me $800.
    Sueing the surgeon is being considered, but thats a diff. story.

  2. #2
    dern180 is offline Member
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    Sorry to hear that your jaw is fucked up. But I can't give u adivce on this it's never happen to me. If I was u I'd find the asshole that did it too me me and take some revenge.

  3. #3
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Originally posted by dern180
    If I was u I'd find the asshole that did it too me me and take some revenge.
    Thats already been taken care of.

  4. #4
    jarrett is offline Senior Member
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    sounds like you might need to get some supplemental insurance to waver the cost of the 800 dollar deductable.. shoot me a PM i might be able to help.

  5. #5
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Originally posted by jarrett
    sounds like you might need to get some supplemental insurance to waver the cost of the 800 dollar deductable.. shoot me a PM i might be able to help.
    I've got the cash if I need to dish it out, but I don't want to deal with surgery if i don't have to. The realignment of my jaw from surgery would definately require my jaw being shut again. Last time that happened I lost 22Lbs.
    I'm hoping to find a possible removable piece that can aleviate the over-compensation. If I have to have surgery again, then I'm waiting untill after summer to 1. Enjoy the warm time of year and 2. Put on as much weight possible to prepare for the loss that would occur.

    I've gained 34Lbs since getting those wires off, I'm not ready to loose it.

    If I do go the surgery route, I will get ahold of you Jarret. Thanks for the offer.

  6. #6
    jarrett is offline Senior Member
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    man all i can say is eat the shit out of the baby food if they have to wire your jaw shut again .. they can not jsut fuse the bones back together??

  7. #7
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Originally posted by jarrett
    man all i can say is eat the shit out of the baby food if they have to wire your jaw shut again .. they can not jsut fuse the bones back together??

    The bones are still fused together. Theirs just pressure on the joint. If it were to be realigned through surgery, the only way I can see it being possible would be to break the jaw and align it again.
    I don't know, I'm heading to the docs for my two week blood work on Monday. I'm going to hit her up for a referal to a specialist to see what can be done.

  8. #8
    jarrett is offline Senior Member
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    yeah sounds like its gunna be a big pain in the ass .. pm me with what kind of work you do etc.. i'll see what kind of saving i can get you for time spent out of work your deductable etc.

  9. #9
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    If I was u I'd find the asshole that did it too me me and take some revenge............again.

    They're should be some sort of compensation pay since the Doc didn't do it right the first time.

    I've had my jaw broken before, but it was only a crack in the bone. They had to throw the wires in the gums on both the top & bottom, but then I just had to wear these rubber bands all the time that held my jaw in place. I could chew on the other side, but not as hard as I wanted - had to cut everything up into small pieces. Now I've got a titanium plate that spans the crack on the left side of my jawbone.

    * got all 4 wisdom teeth removed in the same surgery - a 2 for 1.

  10. #10
    Butch is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by jarrett
    yeah sounds like its gunna be a big pain in the ass .. pm me with what kind of work you do etc.. i'll see what kind of saving i can get you for time spent out of work your deductable etc.
    Now you see why us brokers don't like your're almost worse than Ambulance chasers.....

  11. #11
    jarrett is offline Senior Member
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  12. #12
    Tapout's Avatar
    Tapout is offline Senior Member
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    i had my jaw dislocated in nov 98 and still have problems. not anywhere what happened to you but it was painful ,more so later than when it happened. now i have bad tmj because of dislocation when open mouth jaw pops and goes sideways--i have to wear a splint at night to help it---i'm at about 70% any better i will need surgery and its not gaurenteed so just dealing with it dont want surgery either

  13. #13
    darmadoc is offline Member
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    Pheedno, have you seen an oral or maxillofacial surgeon for options on how to get this fixed? As an under 30 year old guy this is not something you want to spend the rest of your life with. You need to hear from a specialist about this.

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