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  1. #41
    Rockin Z28's Avatar
    Rockin Z28 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    AAS users (myself included) defend to the death their drugs, literally. there is a direct correlation between long term use and an early demise and to ignore such obvious statistics is just ignorant. people misinterpret the idea of "using steroids as safely as possible" with the keywords being "as possible" and not "safely".

    can you live forever cycling year round? of course..i also know a man in his late 40s that smokes 2 packs a day and is as healthy as a mule (has been smoking since 14)

  2. #42
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    One big difference between what the average gym going steroid user does and what amateur and pro bodybuilders use lay in the use of diuretics. Those drugs have a significant impact on electrolyte levels in the human body and a significant impact on cardiovascular health when used improperly in the manner they are used by pro bodybuilders. The MAIN factor that predisposes professional bodybuilders to cardiovascular events is the constant weight 40+/- pound weight fluctuation year after year. Adding in all the other factors mentioned previously, and it is a nasty recipe for early death.

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