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    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    Where were these teachers when I was in school.

    Another Florida teacher arrested.

    Anyone remember Debra Lafav(SP)?

  2. #2
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    ya serious, i dunno when i was younger i thought it would be cool to. but who knows if it would mess you up ya know.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    ya serious, i dunno when i was younger i thought it would be cool to. but who knows if it would mess you up ya know.
    I think I would have managed hahaha

  4. #4
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    me to but working in the recovery industry that i do a lot less weirder shit then that has happened to people that really ****s them up. I think i would have been ok too, but its hard to say.

  5. #5
    420daytona's Avatar
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    And these are just the teachers you hear about, think of how many are actually fvcking their students and getting away with it.

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    I had one. DAMN I wish I would have realized it at the time....

    She was a music teacher and the principals wife. Cute, blond and in mid 20s. She wanted me to stay after school to learn to play the ??? private lessons for free. I remember her hand on my leg/thigh and thinking this is strange.... but nice. I wish I would have taken her up on it. BTW I was in 6th or 7th grade I think...

    To all the kids that ended up ratting out the female teachers, they need the sh*t kicked out of them. I don't care who they told/bragged to when it comes down to it they should deny, deny, deny.....unless they really do feel like they where molested and did not want to participate.

    I remember in high school I wanted to become a gym teacher because I knew I would always like high school girls. lol
    You know the saying; I may be getting older but the girls stay the same age.

  7. #7
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    ya but think about it what if these kids had already been abused let say by a male once in their life. Then by a female they would have some major ****en issues kids know if its rite or not ya know.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    me to but working in the recovery industry that i do a lot less weirder shit then that has happened to people that really ****s them up. I think i would have been ok too, but its hard to say.
    Yeah I know what you mean. It would have made high school go by a lot faster though.

  9. #9
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    At 14 the ugly teachers would have been walking crocket if I would have had a chance.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    ya but think about it what if these kids had already been abused let say by a male once in their life. Then by a female they would have some major ****en issues kids know if its rite or not ya know.
    I still think it all depends on mostly if it's a boy or girl and 2nd if the individual is being FORCED. I had a few other things happen growing up with neighbor girls, baby sitters (female) and family friends (girls). I dont remember some 100% clearly but wish I did. lol I dont think it hurt me in any way and I dont have any issues/problems with it except I wish I could do it all over again, and again, and again. lol

    Hmmm maybe that explains something. If you have ever known a girl who had a sexual encounter at a young age Im sure you know even if they say it was wrong or it bothered them they are horny b*tches now and always want sex.

    Like they say, women with issues are usually the best in bed. lol

  11. #11
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    Something is wrong if a female teacher in there late 20's or early 30's wants to bang a 15 year old boy. The adult should show some self control. I find it disgusting. I do understand that I most don't feel but I do.
    Last edited by Hunter; 02-15-2010 at 11:47 PM.

  12. #12
    lovestospooge23 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter View Post
    Something is wrong if a female teacher in there late 20's or early 30's wants to bang a 15 year old boy. The adult should show some self control. I find it disgusting. I do understand that I most don't feel but I do.
    well it follows the banging the two twins rule

  13. #13
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    they all had there ***** in there dads/family members mouth, a stripper told me that, she said any woman who does that or strips has a story

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    I had a verbally sexual type of relationship with my second grade teacher but my parents knew about it because she was bestfriends with my mother. (who was a teacher at the same school)

    Long story short I always use to tell her "i like your boobies" and she would laugh and was cool about it. I would push the envelope a lot of times too and ask her for hugs right after she just hugged me and she would go along with it I guess because she knew my mom and thought it was cute.
    I remember she use to come over for dinner sometimes for my mom and my mom would joke about how much I loved her boobies. It was a different situation though and nothing ever came out of it except a lifelong obsession with double ds.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    I had a verbally sexual type of relationship with my second grade teacher but my parents knew about it because she was bestfriends with my mother. (who was a teacher at the same school)

    Long story short I always use to tell her "i like your boobies" and she would laugh and was cool about it. I would push the envelope a lot of times too and ask her for hugs right after she just hugged me and she would go along with it I guess because she knew my mom and thought it was cute.
    I remember she use to come over for dinner sometimes for my mom and my mom would joke about how much I loved her boobies. It was a different situation though and nothing ever came out of it except a lifelong obsession with double ds.
    I always figured you for a petite girl small breast kinda guy. Learn something new every day.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by PharmDoc-Cyrus View Post
    Another Florida teacher arrested.

    Anyone remember Debra Lafav(SP)?
    It seems like I should have grown up in Florida...

  17. #17
    energizer bunny's Avatar
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    i would of loved it if some of my teachers did that to me!

  18. #18
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    Oh man there were a few teachers I had going through highschool that I would have loved to "stay after school" with! What a hot damn fantasy and these friggin kids that keep turning these people in need to grow up! Dont they know their dads would kill to have that opportunity when they were their age?! Jeesh.

  19. #19
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    If I found out my son was banging his hott teacher I might buy him a beer . Lord knows I'd have killed for the chance! It would be different if it was your daughter... I'd have to kill the teacher with a bat.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    If I found out my son was banging his hott teacher I might buy him a beer . Lord knows I'd have killed for the chance! It would be different if it was your daughter... I'd have to kill the teacher with a bat.
    Good point man. If it were my daughter, NO GO. My son, WAY TO GO!

    Seriously, these retarded kids turning their nose up at some mature snatch then when they are 20 and cant get laid for the life of them I bet they will be kicking themselves in the ass! Dummies.

  21. #21
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    I wouldnt' want her touching me! She's not exactly a Maggie Laughlin or a debra lafave

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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    I wouldnt' want her touching me! She's not exactly a Maggie Laughlin or a debra lafave
    Dude, its a mugshot not a glamour shot. Plus the kid was only 15. Should be happy with what he got. Im sure he was no Justin Beiber either. haha

  23. #23
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    Any holes a goal and by god I'd be happy out if I got to tap some Teacher ass back in the day.

  24. #24
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    lafave wasnt guilty because she's too pretty for prison.....the too pretty for prison law...martha stewart and marion em

  25. #25
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    i banged my younger brothers high school english teacher when i was 22. she fits the profile of these teachers my brother says

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    If I found out my son was banging his hott teacher I might buy him a beer . Lord knows I'd have killed for the chance! It would be different if it was your daughter... I'd have to kill the teacher with a bat.
    Why do so many people have double standards about this?

    I have a daughter. If she was already sexually active and she was interested in the teacher and not forced into or black mailed who cares, it's her choice.

    I would like to knock the sh*t out of the boys who rat out the teachers though.

  27. #27
    fattymcbutterpants's Avatar
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    One of my friends graduated 2 years before me had a teacher that hands down wanted his dick. It was so obvious, she was only like 24 i think at the time and he was 17 about to be 18.....i remember looking at his phone and seeing pictures of her naked....what a great day haha she is still like that tho she wants some highschool meat

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Why do so many people have double standards about this?

    I have a daughter. If she was already sexually active and she was interested in the teacher and not forced into or black mailed who cares, it's her choice.

    I would like to knock the sh*t out of the boys who rat out the teachers though.
    So you would have no problem with your daughter 14 sleeping with a 39 year old man?

    You don't think the adult should say no what I am doing is disgusting? These aren't normal urges?

    So would you sleep with a 14 year old girl if she was sexually active and wanted it? Cause your kinda sounding like a pedophile indirectly or that your at least o.k with pedophiles.
    Last edited by Hunter; 02-17-2010 at 04:31 AM.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter View Post
    So you would have no problem with your daughter 14 sleeping with a 39 year old man?

    You don't think the adult should say no what I am doing is disgusting? These aren't normal urges?

    So would you sleep with a 14 year old girl if she was sexually active and wanted it? Cause your kinda sounding like a pedophile indirectly or that your at least o.k with pedophiles.
    First look up the definition of a pedophile instead of just using big words you have not concept of the meaning. Did you know in many states it still legal for a girl of 14 to get married. Hawaii just raised the age of consent a few years ago from 14 to 16.

    I still think it's funny how most people tend to forget that less than 100 years ago in the US women/girls got married and where starting families at 14. NO it's not just because people only lived to 50. It's genetics. You can change the laws but you cant change the hormones.

    14 and 39 might be stretching it but if she was not rapped, forced or blackmailed into it I would still not be 100% ok with it but would I turn him in? Probably not but I may have a talk with him and for sure my daughter to get the full scope of what was going on.

    There are girls who are 14 that look 10, then there are those who are 14 that look 21. Dont be so quick to generalize. All I'm saying is why all the double standards, hypocrites who say Hey boy hit it. Ohh if it's a girl (my daughter) Ill kill him...LOL

    BTW, you are sounding like an ignorant redneck making stupid accusations.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 02-17-2010 at 06:42 AM.

  30. #30
    dangerous dan's Avatar
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    tut what is this world coming to!!!!! id have banged that shit straight away at 14

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    First look up the definition of a pedophile instead of just using big words you have not concept of the meaning. Did you know in many states it still legal for a girl of 14 to get married. Hawaii just raised the age of consent a few years ago from 14 to 16.

    I still think it's funny how most people tend to forget that less than 100 years ago in the US women/girls got married and where starting families at 14. NO it's not just because people only lived to 50. It's genetics. You can change the laws but you cant change the hormones.

    14 and 39 might be stretching it but if she was not rapped, forced or blackmailed into it I would still not be 100% ok with it but would I turn him in? Probably not but I may have a talk with him and for sure my daughter to get the full scope of what was going on.

    There are girls who are 14 that look 10, then there are those who are 14 that look 21. Dont be so quick to generalize. All I'm saying is why all the double standards, hypocrites who say Hey boy hit it. Ohh if it's a girl (my daughter) Ill kill him...LOL

    BTW, you are sounding like an ignorant redneck making stupid accusations.
    I do know what pedophile means which is why I used that term instead of child molester maybe you should look about the difference. Yes I understand it actual applies to prepubescent children but I figured it was a better term to use then child molester.

    So 14 year old girls were commonly marrying 39 year old men 100 years ago? must have been a short marriage since you just said the average life expectancy was 50. Or did you mean they married guys there closer to there own age and started families. Really tho this doesn't hold much validity. Times(socially) have changed so much, don't you agree?

    You are right on the fact you cant change hormones. I agree with you 100% on that. You also have to agree then that there brains are not completely developed at that age either so there decision making probably isnt the best and you really can't say its gonna be a healthy companionship. Do you really think its normal for a 39 year old to be attracted to a 14 year old or healthy in any way especially acting on it?

    I am not a hypocrite by the way since if you read my first post I said I think the adult should show self control towards either sex.

    Just because a 14 year old looks 21 doesn't mean she has the maturity level of a 21 year old.

    I by no way meant to insult you and probably should have used a better term. However I still find it disgusting and think anyone who is in 39 and sleeps a 14 year old is a pervert.

    I looked up those marriage laws I didn't find one state that allowed a 14 year old to get married without some form of parental consent unless they are pregnant or already have a child. You left that part out.
    Last edited by Hunter; 02-17-2010 at 07:13 AM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter View Post
    I do know what pedophile means which is why I used that term instead of child molester maybe you should look about the difference. Yes I understand it actual applies to prepubescent children but I figured it was a better term to use then child molester.

    So 14 year old girls were commonly marrying 39 year old men 100 years ago? must have been a short marriage since you just said the average life expectancy was 50. Or did you mean they married guys there closer to there own age and started families. Really tho this doesn't hold much validity. Times(socially) have changed so much, don't you agree?

    You are right on the fact you cant change hormones. I agree with you 100% on that. You also have to agree then that there brains are not completely developed at that age either so there decision making probably isnt the best and you really can't say its gonna be a healthy companionship. Do you really think its normal for a 39 year old to be attracted to a 14 year old or healthy in any way especially acting on it?

    I am not a hypocrite by the way since if you read my first post I said I think the adult should show self control towards either sex.

    Just because a 14 year old looks 21 doesn't mean she has the maturity level of a 21 year old.

    I by no way meant to insult you and probably should have used a better term. However I still find it disgusting and think anyone who is in 39 and sleeps a 14 year old is a pervert.

    I looked up those marriage laws I didn't find one state that allowed a 14 year old to get married without some form of parental consent unless they are pregnant or already have a child. You left that part out.
    Yes you could have chosen better word. You start calling me a Pedo and we will surly have a flame war or worse. You can call me a pervert anytime.

    Do I think it's right for someone 39 or around there to be doing a 14 yr old. No Does that make it moraly wrong? Yes. Not because I think so but by the US standards. Now in many other countries it is very common for young girls to marry older men. I dont mean 18 and 30. I mean younger and older. I also dont think WE should put our morals on the rest of the world but it does not mean we have to participate either.

    All Im saying is dont be so black and white on everything. Try to have an open mind.

    YOU had a GF when she was only 12 years old. Yes you where 13 at the time but did you NOT have sex with her before she was 18? Even if you were also under age it's still wrong. Also since you are a year older than her when you turned 18 and she was 17 legally every time you had sex with her you where also breaking the law and you are technically a sex offender and where having sex with a minor. Maybe you should turn yourself in?

    See now we can go by the letter of the law or you can take it case by case even if you automatically think it's wrong. Get my point?
    Last edited by lovbyts; 02-17-2010 at 09:12 AM.

  33. #33
    NVR2BIG1 is offline Banned
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    I seriously almost jumped in my car and drove to Ocala FL. to find Debra Lafarve after she was put on house arrest. I wanted to knock on her door and be like "Yea Hi, you dont know me but I've seen you on TV before and I'm a big fan of yours, and I understand your on house arrest and probably bored out of your mind. I just wanted to know if you wanted someone to **** so you wouldn't be so bored cooped up in that house all by yourself"

  34. #34
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    im to tired to read everything but,

    if any of u think its ok for a 14 year old girl to marry a 39 year old man then u are sick fvkers.
    i dont care what happened 100 years ago, or what happens in any other country, it doesnt matter as this is happening in the USA, where we have laws against this.

    and the arguement about well she looks 21 is just fvking stupid. there are countries for sickos like some of u, and u should go back there.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Yes you could have chosen better word. You start calling me a Pedo and we will surly have a flame war or worse. You can call me a pervert anytime.

    Do I think it's right for someone 39 or around there to be doing a 14 yr old. No Does that make it moraly wrong? Yes. Not because I think so but by the US standards. Now in many other countries it is very common for young girls to marry older men. I dont mean 18 and 30. I mean younger and older. I also dont think WE should put our morals on the rest of the world but it does not mean we have to participate either.

    All Im saying is dont be so black and white on everything. Try to have an open mind.

    YOU had a GF when she was only 12 years old. Yes you where 13 at the time but did you NOT have sex with her before she was 18? Even if you were also under age it's still wrong. Also since you are a year older than her when you turned 18 and she was 17 legally every time you had sex with her you where also breaking the law and you are technically a sex offender and where having sex with a minor. Maybe you should turn yourself in?

    See now we can go by the letter of the law or you can take it case by case even if you automatically think it's wrong. Get my point?
    This particular case is black and white. Its wrong.

    I know in the state I grew up in if a girl was guy was 18 and the girl was within a year of his age it was fine.

    Also huge difference between 17-18 and 14-39.

    I do see the world 99% of the time in black and white. More people should and the United States wouldn't be so ****ed. 99% of the time things are either right or wrong, black or white.

    I don't give a shit about other countries. Marrying a 14 year old to a 35 year old or however old they are is ****ed up.

    You can call me a ignorant redneck, but I am college educated and very proud of how my parents raised me and very proud of my roots.

    I very rarely voice my opinion. Its just a shame, that united states morals have fell so low.
    Last edited by Hunter; 02-17-2010 at 12:19 PM.

  36. #36
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    I asked to be assaulted on a daily basis when i was in grade school. I wish i went to a catholic school, i would have gotten all the free man play i would have wanted !

  37. #37
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    How did this even get to marriage and underage girls?

    Thread is about another Florida female teacher and a male 14 year-old student.
    Again I wish I had the chance in highschool, I was to damn skinny and ugly.

  38. #38
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I asked to be assaulted on a daily basis when i was in grade school. I wish i went to a catholic school, i would have gotten all the free man play i would have wanted !
    Hope you are being sarcastic. Not all Catholics sexual assult and Catholic schools - I guess I just donīt see the connection.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PharmDoc-Cyrus View Post
    Hope you are being sarcastic. Not all Catholics sexual assult and Catholic schools - I guess I just donīt see the connection.
    Most just block it out....

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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I asked to be assaulted on a daily basis when i was in grade school. I wish i went to a catholic school, i would have gotten all the free man play i would have wanted !
    ^Seriously, dude?

    I fail to see any humor in that, much like you would if I made some crass generalization that all "homosexuals are X (insert derogatory adjective here)".

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