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  1. #1
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    A Roberts blog shut down

    So I hear....
    So it appears that once again this idiot is rightfully in hot water. For those who dont know this wack jobs erronious contribtuions to the steroid world include but are nor limited to:
    Nizoral shampoo clears acne
    benadryl clears beta receptors
    t4 miraculaously has unlimited conversion to t3 in the body
    nolvadex is dangerous with 19 nors
    The misinformation goes on and on. Its a clear example of what happens when someone lacks scientific knowledge but in efforts to appear to possess some -they venture in ridiculous scientific speculation and perpitarte serious misinformation. The only accurate info ive seen him "publish" is info he stole from others with no credit or reference to them. Trying to make the info appear his own. All in an effort to gain attention and appear knowledgeable with no regard for the well being for those that may be effected by his lies and with no morals or ethical fiber whatsoever.

    He regularly tries to appear to be a supplement industry watchdog - however lets look at his motivations. A small example:
    Recently he "introduced" the supplement world to another useless grass clipping from africa - bulbine natalensis. Of course he has an affiliation with one manufacturer and some form of relationship with another. On his blog he proceeds to bash another company putting out a bulbine product. Saying people should stick to repuytable companies because this company released a run that contained on 75 caps instead of 90. Ok - not a good sign I agree. HOWEVER he then went on to reccomend the 2 companies he has affilaitions , directly or indirectly, with. One of those companies is I Force. Little inside info on i force. They recently released another useless grass clipping product - fadogia. AR was involved in this "discovery" as well.This product was released by iforce claiming 500mgs fadoogia and 25 mgs of some rare russian sterone (*L*). Well it turns out the entire product run was released containing only 328 mgs of fadogia. A consumer discovered this issue and brought it to their attention. No quality control whatsoever was done on iforces part. This is the same reason he bashed the other company (BPI) for saying no one should buy their products.. Now listen I think both companies did a poor job. Iforce especially handled the situation poorly. Rather than do an industry wide recall...their solution was for one rep , on one board , to make a thread sdayin "pm me and you will get a replacement". What about ALL the people that didnt get what they paid for that arent mebers of that board? A large portion of the people who purchased that product surely remain unaware and have effectively been ripped off.
    My point - AR RECOMMENDS a company he is in bed with ...while bashing another compnay that made what i consider a smaller mistake - it remains to see if they will handle their error appropriately. IForce was and is a disgrace for their error and handling - but because AR is in their pocket -he RECOMMENDS them. He rountinely attacks companies looking for publicity and seeking to line his pockets. I suspect the recent pulling of his blog is related to attacks on progenix among other companies.
    Now anyone that knows me knows i HATE the things that go on in a largely corrupt supplement industry., However a slimbag like AR with his BS "knowledge" and selfish alterior motives merley contribute to this problem. He does so under the guise of being part of the solution. He is the epitomy of corruption.
    All in all this guy is garbage. I hope he is gone for good this time......

  2. #2
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    Jul 2010
    does Aroon Rogers have any affiliation with AR as in our sponsor?? or is this just a coincidence?

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