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  1. #1
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
    cherrydrpepper is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?
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    CDP presents The Roast of the Lounge

    This thread inspired by the comedy central roasts of various people like David Hasslehoff and Bob Saget heres an example . Ok the rules to avoid flaming someone are this. You cannot use their name you can only use dumb S you have seen in their threads. Yes you are allowed to use long standing members as long as you dont make it too personal and you are allowed to use banned members. If you are totally kidding make this clear so you don't piss the member off.

    Ok I'll start


    You come in here giving all this crap advice talking about eating one meal a day. You are Gods gift to the hall of shame thread from valhalla itself. It is still in question whether you're a troll or your mom dropped you on your head while she was getting railed by Bob Sapp. Sometimes when I think of you in the gym I start laughing for no reason people eye ball me like wtf bro. If the lounge could catch a V D we would have named said veneral desease after you. People would go around slapping each other saying god damn you done caught (your-name-here). When Ferocious Bubbles reads your posts he immediately tweets his friends about how good he feels about himself. DSM wouldn't play with your cock for fear of catching The Stupids. Gixx had to take down his pics of his gf because he was intimidated as you're obviously the biggest tit in here.

  2. #2
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    "Sometimes when u think of him in the gym" ?? Sounds like a regular occurrence

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