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  1. #1
    Dpyle's Avatar
    Dpyle is offline Productive Member
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    Knoxville, Tennessee

    Real man's handicraft!

    Taught myself to weave chain mail today. Was all done by hand. Spun and cut my own rings as well.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Real man's handicraft!-image-437676731.jpg   Real man's handicraft!-image-1572210254.jpg  

  2. #2
    GettingReal is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2013
    Yeah that stuff is awesome. I've always wanted to build a forge and craft some weapons. I keep telling myself my next house I'm going to make sure it has the space to do it. Right now my garage is just big enough for my gym.

    What are your plans to build first with the chain mail?

  3. #3
    Dpyle's Avatar
    Dpyle is offline Productive Member
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    Knoxville, Tennessee
    Quote Originally Posted by GettingReal
    Yeah that stuff is awesome. I've always wanted to build a forge and craft some weapons. I keep telling myself my next house I'm going to make sure it has the space to do it. Right now my garage is just big enough for my gym.

    What are your plans to build first with the chain mail?
    Seeing as those two pieces took around 3 hours to make and weave the rings, it'll probably just be small stuff for now ( jewelry and such). Could turn in to some spare cash eventually though. I've read that full shirts go for a grand or more, and given the time it would take I can see why.

  4. #4
    Dpyle's Avatar
    Dpyle is offline Productive Member
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    Knoxville, Tennessee
    Already getting faster with this. First shot was just a random weave I tried working with. The last two are just a traditional English 4 in 1 pattern, first as a flat weave and second rolled into a boxed 4 in 1.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Real man's handicraft!-image-2033290422.jpg   Real man's handicraft!-image-2232944998.jpg   Real man's handicraft!-image-741577688.jpg  

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