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  1. #1
    MSmith02 is offline New Member
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    First Cycle....Deca + Clen

    Hey bros,

    I found this site about a month ago and boy am I glad that I did. I was going to go out and get some AAS with the knowledge I had at the time which I thought was plenty, then I realized I didnt know anything whatsoever. I have always had my eyes set on taking deca for many reasons. One, low side effects and the great ability to keep the gains with it. I have considered others, but I do not want to overdo it the first cycle, I figure I will see what the deca does for me, and go from there.
    I am also planning on running clen during this cycle, but im not sure exactly when to start it. I know I need to do a 2 week on and 2 week off for the clen. The deca I have is Deca 300 and the name on the box is NANDRO PETS 300. My buddy got it in mexico when he went down last time and gave me a good price on it as well.
    I know I need to do PCT afterwards, and I believe that I need to take Clomid 3 weeks after the last deca shot? Is Clomid easy to obtain, or is it also relatively difficult to obtain? I do not want to start this cycle without having the proper PCT plan lined up.
    I will be taking one shot a week of the deca @ 200mg per week. The clen I am going to asses my tolerance too it as per the clen handbook posted in the educational forums and go from there. If someone could help me out with maybe when to start Clen in the cycle and if possible let me know where I can get Clomid from if its easy to obtain I would appreciate it.

  2. #2
    UrbanDawg's Avatar
    UrbanDawg is offline Banned
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    forget the deca & clen - your 1st cycle should be Test only. If you dont like freq. injections pick Cyp.
    go 500 per week split into biweekly injections.
    go 12 weeks

    Quote Originally Posted by MSmith02
    Hey bros,

    I found this site about a month ago and boy am I glad that I did. I was going to go out and get some AAS with the knowledge I had at the time which I thought was plenty, then I realized I didnt know anything whatsoever. I have always had my eyes set on taking deca for many reasons. One, low side effects and the great ability to keep the gains with it. I have considered others, but I do not want to overdo it the first cycle, I figure I will see what the deca does for me, and go from there.
    I am also planning on running clen during this cycle, but im not sure exactly when to start it. I know I need to do a 2 week on and 2 week off for the clen. The deca I have is Deca 300 and the name on the box is NANDRO PETS 300. My buddy got it in mexico when he went down last time and gave me a good price on it as well.
    I know I need to do PCT afterwards, and I believe that I need to take Clomid 3 weeks after the last deca shot? Is Clomid easy to obtain, or is it also relatively difficult to obtain? I do not want to start this cycle without having the proper PCT plan lined up.
    I will be taking one shot a week of the deca @ 200mg per week. The clen I am going to asses my tolerance too it as per the clen handbook posted in the educational forums and go from there. If someone could help me out with maybe when to start Clen in the cycle and if possible let me know where I can get Clomid from if its easy to obtain I would appreciate it.

  3. #3
    MSmith02 is offline New Member
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    Why does everyone say the first cycle should be Test only? I have read that in quite a few posts, but never knew why?

  4. #4
    flexshack is offline Member
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    first of all, don't even think about taking deca on its own. if you are dead set on deca, you need to add a test of equal amount or more and run it at least 3 weeks longer than the deca.
    btw, if you are curious why, deca can cause something known as deca dick. i recommend that you read around a bit more before you get started. don't rush.

  5. #5
    immy's Avatar
    immy is offline Associate Member
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    my first cycle was deca 400 week and sust. at 500 week i gain about 15 pounds it was good for me i am getting ready to do my 3rd cycle and i plan on doing deca dbol and test e.

  6. #6
    jerseykid23's Avatar
    jerseykid23 is offline Junior Member
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    Why the Clen /Deca ? Clen is generally used for cutting, Deca for bulking.

    First cycle should be Test as anybody on this board has, or will tell you...

  7. #7
    MSmith02 is offline New Member
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    The Clen /Deca combo I read about on another couple websites that I had found. It said something along the lines that with the high levels of test that deca will bring that clen will not catabolize the muscle and you will still burn fat. If thats wrong, then I definately need to reevaluate what I am gonna do.

    If anyone wants to reccommend a good test to throw in there with the deca im more than willing to consider that, but of course I am gonna have to research that as well. The reason I chose deca is that I have probably done the most research on it, so I feel the most comfortable about taking it. I know many people that have cycled or are currently cycling just deca, and the guys are huge.

    Whoever said don't rush in....great piece of advice and I couldn't agree more. It has taken me more than a year to decide to finally get roids after a lot of research.

    Just for clarification.....deca dick = limp dick right?

  8. #8
    MSmith02 is offline New Member
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    For the PCT aspect of it though.....Clomid I have found out is a black market substance, so I guess I am gonna have to find someone to get me that as well before I start my cycle unless there is something that can be legally obtained that would be a good substitute? Because the purpose of the Clomid is to boost the HPTA after the deca , so I am assuming there may be products out there that do this, maybe just not as effective as Clomid?

  9. #9
    RJM03's Avatar
    RJM03 is offline Senior Member
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    Deca does not elevate test levels it suppresses natural test production. A good first cycle is test only, I will jump on that bandwagon, but if you do want to use your deca and clen then I think you could. Test enanthate or cypionate is a must in this cycle. You mentioned you wanted to keep the dose low, and that you have currently deca 300 so if you really are dead set on using the deca you can run it like this:

    1-12 test E 400mg/week
    1-10 deca 300mg/week
    Nolva 10mg ED
    PCT 2 weeks after last inject
    Clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off (dosage you have to figure out for yourself it varies, check the clen handbook)

  10. #10
    RJM03's Avatar
    RJM03 is offline Senior Member
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    Oh and nolva and clomid is a must there is no OTC substitute, check out research sites on the web that sell the liquid versions of these products.

  11. #11
    MSmith02 is offline New Member
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    Also an interesting quote I just found on THIS website (the steroid .com part of it)...

    "Despite this we recommend that steroid novices stay away from all testosterone compounds. To make it very clear: Those who have never taken steroids do not yet need any testosterone and should wait until later when the "weaker" steroids begin to have little effect."

  12. #12
    RJM03's Avatar
    RJM03 is offline Senior Member
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    Very outdated info, that was the way BB's thought in the 70's.

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