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  1. #1
    W.J.A.B. is offline New Member
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    just got my 1 year program, advice needed.

    hey guy's, just gotta a few questions, i just picked up (The Chris Report) by Mick Hart, its a one year program, cycles, routines, and meals are all listed, anyone try it or know anybody who has, were the gains really good, and the question most needed help on, if i bought all my gear right away, i know too keep it in a cool place, but too buy it all right away could it go bad, i'll have to get 410 pills of d-bol, 336 pills stromba (stanzolal), 3080mg of nolvadex , 14 viles of sustenon 250, 14 viles of deca , 25 shot of winny, and 2450mg of proviron . if needed i can list the cycles, routines, and meals for the day if it would help you guys to give me better advice, this is going to cost me big bucks to do so i wanted to hear what the more expereinced guys think of this, any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    dirtybrit55's Avatar
    dirtybrit55 is offline Member
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    i just got prop and winny tabs, prop was made in feb 2004 and expires feb 2009. The tabs made feb 2004 and expire feb 2008. I am sure if you got a good source you wont have any trouble.

  3. #3
    palequail's Avatar
    palequail is offline Banned
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    I have heard of that book but never read it...Please list the cycles and some of the meal plans...I'd like to check it out..then we can probably help you more.

  4. #4
    W.J.A.B. is offline New Member
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    hey guys, heres the cycles and meal plans for this program.
    First & Second Course-Six-Week cycles:
    Week 1,
    3 dbol & 2 stomba + 20mg nolvadex per day

    Week 2,
    5 dbol & 4 stromba + 20mg nolvadex per day

    Week 3,
    7 dbol & 6 stromba + 20 mg nolva per day

    Week 4,
    7 dbol & 6 stromba + 20 mg nolva per day

    Week 5,
    5 dbol & 4 stromba + 20 mg nolva per day

    Week 6,
    3 dbol & 2 stromba + 20 mg nolva per day

    this cycle was used twice in the first six months of the program.

    Meal plan for first six months:
    1 cup of oatmealmade with skimmed milk with added raisins, 6 eggs scrambled, with 3 yolks removed, 2-3 slices of lean bacon, 3-4 amino acid capsules 1000mg, zinc, vitamine c, creatine (added to black coffee).

    1 pint of whey protein mix and a banana added. 1-2 rice cakes.

    Chicken Breasts or rump steak is the main meal with a little cold pasta, pre cooked with peppers, onions and egg whites. Large side salad, mineral water, 3-4 amino acids.

    basically same as mid-morning, but this varied with added tinned pineapple in natural juice as an example. Pineapple assists the breakdown of fat immensely.

    During training, a 1ltr bottle of mineral water with approximately three tablespoons of glutamine and a little creatine added. also add a little sugar free concentrated orange juice for flavour, this is drank during the session, expesially between sets. immediately after traing, a pint of whey protein was taken.

    1lb of either Aberdeen Angus extra lean ground beef , flash freid in a little virgin oil with mushrooms, onions, peppers, etc, or a large and very rare steak with a jacket potato and a little sour cream, large side salad.

    before bed:
    another protein drink before bed with a little snack of brazil nuts.

    water consumption is 2-3 litres throughout the day.

  5. #5
    bad_man's Avatar
    bad_man is offline Anabolic Member
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    What's a rusty trombone?
    You paid money for this? What's so groundbreaking?

  6. #6
    sepjuice is offline Anabolic Member
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    lookin at all the gear you need, i can tell you already that you dont have enough test. second why are you getting stromba (winny orals) and winny injections. oral cycles imo suck.that cycle listed above looks like a cycle they you would recommend in MD, which imo suck.there are many members on this site that are here to help you with cycle info.research the site bro and see how much that book differs from "good advice".just my opinion though.

  7. #7
    W.J.A.B. is offline New Member
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    Six Months On:
    after about on month off the old cycle,

    1ml/250mg sustanon & 2ml Deca every 5th day taken on same day,

    1ml/50mg Winstrol V every 3rd day (starting a day or so after the sustanon and deca jab),

    Nolvadex : 20mg per day plus 50mg of Proviron a day after a few weeks.

    then for the last six weeks:
    50mg/1ml winstrol every 2 days
    100mg/1ml viromome every 3 days
    deca 200mg/every 5 days.

    thel last six months for the meals were pretty much the same except more chicken and rice are to be eaten when on the cutting cycles.

    i can list the workouts if needed

  8. #8
    W.J.A.B. is offline New Member
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    Sounded like an alright book, the guy brought his son from out of shape to winning bodybuilding contests in one year, so i bought it, but i wanted to hear what you guys thought about it, if it's a waste of time, or if it could be made better, hell man if you guys could even help me out on a cycle and routine that is better than thie year program i picked up, that'd be awesome. ive been doing lots of research and and i just get confused, someone says do this and someone say don't, or this works and this doesn't, its so confusing. im moving and when i come back to my home town next year i want to be huge, ive still gotta build a foundation and all but im hoping you guys can help me out on making up a good routine, cycle etc.

  9. #9
    map200uk's Avatar
    map200uk is offline Anabolic Member
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    who doesn't wanna be huge eh?

    W.J.A.B read your pm i sent you a msg mate

  10. #10
    W.J.A.B. is offline New Member
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    map200uk, sent you a msg check pm, let me no if you got it

  11. #11
    map200uk's Avatar
    map200uk is offline Anabolic Member
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    got it, ta ive always wondered about this chris heart report , seen ads for it all over the place, hnm

  12. #12
    W.J.A.B. is offline New Member
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    map200uk, it's done now, you still their?

  13. #13
    Quake is offline Member
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    I subscribe to Micks stuff, it's a good read! I read one of his old books about 5 years ago or so, reviews and info on gear etc. It was **** good, and I used it to pick out my 3rd cycle (pity my diet hadn't been more suited to my level of progress, but we live and learn). I haven't read the Chris report, but the ad's photos of before and after shots are **** impressive! If anyone wants to check it out go to or to

    I hope that's allowed! Sorry, still haven't read the rules, but I saw that warrior has plugged his own site.... And no, I'm not Mick Hart

  14. #14
    map200uk's Avatar
    map200uk is offline Anabolic Member
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    W.J.A.B check your pms again bro

  15. #15
    W.J.A.B. is offline New Member
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    map200uk, checked my pms nothing new in their?

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