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Thread: Help my sister!

  1. #1
    Butch is offline Anabolic Member
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    The land of stars

    Help my sister!

    Hey guys, my sister asked me the other day if there was a cycle that she could do. She's an avid fitness nut. She eats well and works out hard everyday. With proper rest time. Is there a cycle that she could do to increase strength and mass, but not too much mass. I guess a cutting cycle would be good/better. She won't inject herself so pills are her way.

    Her stats are:

    30 yrs
    8-10% BF

    Also, she has three kids and may have another one in a couple of years.

    Any advice will help.

    Thanks all!

  2. #2
    VEGETA990's Avatar
    VEGETA990 is offline Associate Member
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    I saw this bodyfat for women before. A girl with 8 - 10% bodyfat is RIPPED SQUARED. A heathly female is around 18 to 25% bodyfat. Women naturally have more bodyfat (after all, their body is designed to make babies, and in times of famine, fat is necessary in order to prevent a miscarrage) not that there are times of famine today (for a lot of people in the US), but as a species we are not that old at all.

  3. #3
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Your best bet would be to get her to join the board. We have a females only forum and some EXTREMELY knowledgabe ladies here. You also may want to post this same question in "Ask the opposite sex".

    I'll let the ladies ellaborate but a good cycle may be primobolan /anavar .

  4. #4
    dane26's Avatar
    dane26 is offline Retired Moderator
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    the best way to go about this is to have her sign up....the women on this board are awesome, but they'll probably want to talk to her themselves.

  5. #5
    Butch is offline Anabolic Member
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    The land of stars
    The only thing that she wants to do is get into traingin others. She did have a slight eating disorder a few years ago. However, after houndiing her (in a good incouraging way) I got her to start eating more and bulking up. I'm sure that she will want more mass. She works her ass off. Hermain goal to training is the self satifaction, which she is getting a great deal of.

    I do apologize, I don't know her exact Bf, but it's tight enough to the point that you are unable to get a pinch of skin anywhere on her body. The last time her and I test she was a10%. That was 6 months ago.

    I look forward to more response's. And I can't say enough how much I appreciate everyone's opinions. This is a great site and I respect and have great admiration for everyone in here. Thank you again guys and gals.

  6. #6
    Iron horse's Avatar
    Iron horse is offline Anabolic Member
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    I agree with LG, she sounds really thin as it is.

    5'10 110 8-9% bf

    thats pretty thin! I dont think she needs to focus on weight loss

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