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  1. #1
    JDog3497's Avatar
    JDog3497 is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2003

    Read on Aromatase Inhibitors

    Here is an interesting read I found on another board about aromatase inhibitors. Hope this helps all of you out there wondering what would be best for you to take during a cycle.

    Products / Aromatase inhibition / Residual aromatase %

    formestance (4-androstenoldion) / 91.6 / 8.1%

    aromasin (exemestance) / 97.9 / 2.1%

    cytradren (aminoglutethimide) / 90.6 / 9.4%

    arimidex (anastrozole) / 96.7 / 3.1%

    femera (letrozole ) / 98.7 / 1.3%

    Product / effect / percentage

    formestance (4-androstenoldion) / increases IGF-1 / 26%

    femera (letrozole) / increases IGF-1 / 24%

    aromasin (exemestance) / increases IGF-1 / 28%

    arimidex (anastrozole) / decreases IGF-1 / 18%

    nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) / decreases IGF-1 / 23.5%

    faslodex (fulvestrant) / decreases IGF-1 / 70%

    cytradren (aminoglutethimide) / increases IGF-1 / 27%

    It would appear that it be best to take just formestance, femera, aromasin, or cytradren due to the increase in IGF-1 levels. In my next cycle I was planning on using 10mg of nolvadex along with ¼mg of arimidex every day. Now, after reading this I’m thinking of just using femera instead. What do you all think? Also, what would be a recommended dose of femera per day if I am running my test @ 700mg/week along with trenbolone @ 500mg/week and equipoise @ 500mg/week?

  2. #2
    KINGKONG's Avatar
    KINGKONG is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Outside the walls
    that is an interesting read, Ive ran L-dex and femera and consider femera much more
    hardcore.......1.25mg femera eod should be enough thats about the cycle I was running...I would do some more reasearch but femera is not very good for you from
    what Ive read and the way it made me feel...Iam a nolva, l-dex fan after much
    reading and experimenting..
    Good Luck

  3. #3
    twosocks40's Avatar
    twosocks40 is offline Member
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    How is this info substantiated? Who did this study? Just curious. I'd never heard of the decrease in IGF-1 from nolva. Maybe I've been under a rock though.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Those are just selected values from various studies. The decrease in IGF-1 by arimidex is an anomaly, it actually increases IGF-1 just like letro, being that they work in identical fashions, with the only difference being a very slight difference in binding affinity. The effects on IGF-1 are unimportant IMO anyway. they refer to serum IGF-1 levels and not intramuscular IGF-1. You should never use an AI alone.....always use a SERM (nolva) with an AI to offset the decreased HDL caused by the AIs AND to reduce estrogenic activity in the breast. You want high systemic estrogen levels.....estrogen is very anabolic simply don't want estrogenic activity at the breast, hence the use of nolva. You want estrogen levels just high enough so that you aren't experiencing excessive bloat so as to cause excessive BP values, and this is why you use a low dose AI with a SERM.

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