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  1. #81
    kronik is offline Senior Member
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    Well I'm glad I wasn't an ass on this thread because I would feel like sh*t now...Thanks Einstein

  2. #82
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    I was just whoring.....but this is a "thread Parrot" post tho...

  3. #83
    ColdSore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dadmsay
    I guess his punishment will be that I won't buy him is whey protein powder and tuna anymore!
    no no no....that will just force him to use other things to gain need to support supplement use for now!!!...dont discourage it!!!

  4. #84
    kronik is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    I was just whoring.....but this is a "thread Parrot" post tho...
    Cool bro, we are all entitled to a few each day...

  5. #85
    k_dogg's Avatar
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    he is obviously a 20yr old guy wanting to do a course and is sick of people telling him he is to young. he is fishing for a different side of the story by asking people if his 'son' will be ok. and the majority of people said he would be ok. so this kind of contradicts any advice he got before telling him he is too young. so now he is going to do a course of say ????.... test and EQ. just a guess.

  6. #86
    SKiN is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik
    Cool bro, we are all entitled to a few each day...
    Woo hoo post post post whore whore whore

  7. #87
    SKiN is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by k_dogg
    he is obviously a 20yr old guy wanting to do a course and is sick of people telling him he is to young. he is fishing for a different side of the story by asking people if his 'son' will be ok. and the majority of people said he would be ok. so this kind of contradicts any advice he got before telling him he is too young. so now he is going to do a course of say ????.... test and EQ. just a guess.

    And you obviously did not read einstiens posts.......

  8. #88
    Lozgod's Avatar
    Lozgod is offline Anabolic Member
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    OK here is my question. If it was him and he said I am 20 and I want to do this cycle, then most people would say you are too young, but since its his "dad" everyone is singing a totally different tune. So whats the correct advice?

  9. #89
    SKiN is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by k_dogg
    he is obviously a 20yr old guy wanting to do a course and is sick of people telling him he is to young. he is fishing for a different side of the story by asking people if his 'son' will be ok. and the majority of people said he would be ok. so this kind of contradicts any advice he got before telling him he is too young. so now he is going to do a course of say ????.... test and EQ. just a guess.

    And you obviously did not read einstiens posts.......

  10. #90
    Lozgod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToughGuy13
    And you obviously did not read einstiens posts.......
    Even after reading Einsteins post you could conclude the kid finished his cycle and is now asking on his status because he doesnt want to hear the "you are too young" thing. Its not his dad I dont care what anyone sais. I would need to see a webcam to believe this.

  11. #91
    SKiN is offline Member
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  12. #92
    SKiN is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    Even after reading Einsteins post you could conclude the kid finished his cycle and is now asking on his status because he doesnt want to hear the "you are too young" thing. Its not his dad I dont care what anyone sais. I would need to see a webcam to believe this.

    haha your the most suspicious person..... Also that theory makes little sense, why not lie about your age instead of making up this whole story when he is already done......

  13. #93
    Lozgod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToughGuy13
    haha your the most suspicious person..... Also that theory makes little sense, why not lie about your age instead of making up this whole story when he is already done......
    Thats what I am saying. However everything Einstein said is valid, we do need to treat this "as if", even though my ego loses it when I think I am being lied to. I can't help it, it's a natural instinct.

  14. #94
    SKiN is offline Member
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    hahaha well cant say thats a really bad trait....

  15. #95
    dadmsay is offline New Member
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    I am a father! I do not see why you dont believe me! He wrote everything he took down because he said I would understand better if I knew that he was doing everything proper. Thank you for they guys who helped.

  16. #96
    SKiN is offline Member
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    Dont worry lozgod always thinks someones trying to fool him lol

  17. #97
    Steroids101 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dadmsay
    I am a father! I do not see why you dont believe me! He wrote everything he took down because he said I would understand better if I knew that he was doing everything proper. Thank you for they guys who helped.
    Even by the tone of the post (ie. using do not instead of don't) I conclude that you are trying to sound older/ more proper. Therefore I must agree with Lozgod. Even though I really could care less. It was a good planned cycle, you did everything right except the waiting part. Peace.

  18. #98
    bubbathegut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steroids101
    Even by the tone of the post (ie. using do not instead of don't) I conclude that you are trying to sound older/ more proper. Therefore I must agree with Lozgod. Even though I really could care less. It was a good planned cycle, you did everything right except the waiting part. Peace.


  19. #99
    Lozgod's Avatar
    Lozgod is offline Anabolic Member
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    Whoever designed it, that cycle showed lots of research. Props to the person that used that cycle. What gains did your son have. Post his stats.

  20. #100
    SportsMedVIP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    Whoever designed it, that cycle showed lots of research. Props to the person that used that cycle. What gains did your son have. Post his stats.
    From senior to Anabolic member. I'm so proud of you you little whore.

  21. #101
    Lozgod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ECoastVIP
    From senior to Anabolic member. I'm so proud of you you little whore.
    Oh snap I didn't even realize. It happens so fast, especially when you are a whore.

  22. #102
    houseofpain's Avatar
    houseofpain is offline Banned
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    sounds like he did a good job to me.

  23. #103
    bubbathegut's Avatar
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    PLZ dont IM me 4 Source's
    post a pic of a whore

  24. #104
    SportsMedVIP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubbathegut
    post a pic of a whore
    I don't have one of yourself or else I would. Atleast Loz is humorous. Your whore posts usually are just ... nothing.

  25. #105
    Lozgod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ECoastVIP
    I don't have one of yourself or else I would. Atleast Loz is humorous. Your whore posts usually are just ... nothing.
    Yeah just that same dancing banana.

  26. #106
    RussianVodka's Avatar
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    He did right cycle. He is smart boy. He will be big, strong, he will be fine!

  27. #107
    flabbywussy's Avatar
    flabbywussy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubbathegut
    post a pic of a whore
    o.k. here is a pic of my x girl stripper!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Caught son taking steroids.-drew4.jpg  

  28. #108
    SportsMedVIP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flabbywussy
    o.k. here is a pic of my x girl stripper!
    And you may PM me the nude's anytime you'd like.

  29. #109
    bubbathegut's Avatar
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    PLZ dont IM me 4 Source's
    rock on

  30. #110
    bubbathegut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ECoastVIP
    I don't have one of yourself or else I would. Atleast Loz is humorous. Your whore posts usually are just ... nothing.


  31. #111
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    ummmmmmmm...... could some of you who are doing nothing but adding garbage to what otherwise would have been a relatively good thread crawl back into the lounge - on the remote chance that the post is accurate so that you will have not just proved that steroid users are stupid to those outside - we would at least like to have one area of the board that is free of immature stupidity - is that a bit much to ask?

  32. #112
    sepjuice is offline Anabolic Member
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    nice cycle though

  33. #113
    EastCoaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    lets not forget the purpose of this site - people come here to learn from all the great registered members we here by researching the archives and posting questions. The whole board is turning into one big lounge....

    Very true. People are just posting remarks that have no purpose concerning the orginal thread. It blows my mind how people can register the same time as me and have several hundred.. even a few thousand more posts than I do. The majority of those posts are just taking up space. I dont know a lot about AS, but what I do know, I openly spread my knowledge... I'd be willing to say that 80% of my posts are either questions or answers to questions.

  34. #114
    spound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    OK here is my question. If it was him and he said I am 20 and I want to do this cycle, then most people would say you are too young, but since its his "dad" everyone is singing a totally different tune. So whats the correct advice?
    Does it really matter all that much?? Don't you think that if he went through the trouble of creating another user name just to avoid hearing "Your too young" that he would be doing the cycle no matter what you guys said to him? It's obvious that if this guy is a kid ( I think it reall is his dad, BTW) he will be using gear no matter what and his mind is made up, so how about give some good and proper advice so that he can use AAS in the safest manner possible and doesn't F*%k himself up more.

  35. #115
    Hometown Hero's Avatar
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    I agree with LoZ the post is a little fishy? But just incase im wrong, sorry pops good question. I still think it went something like this though... **** i feel like im solving a crime ha ha ...
    1.)kid's dad finds his pin's ("What the **** are you doin with these ur going to rehab biatch!")
    2.)kid rebounds("No dad its not for heroin its for steroids SEE long needle not for veins... leave me alone I know what im doing.")
    3.)dad begins to peace things together("Hmmm so thats how you gained so much weight, I should have known, I want them and now.. handem over your steroid days are over")
    4.)kid still on rebound("Dad I know ten times more about what im doing then you do. No you can't have my gear, and I'm going to show you that what im doing is safe.")
    5.)confused dad("how do you plan on doing that?")
    6.)kid hops on the ol pc("here im going to list what im taking watch what these guys say... ")

    there you have it..... dad learned a lot about AS... kid isn't in any kind of ****....and for your happy ending ... dad reads the post ... starts working out with son and they drive to mexico yearly now to stock up LOL. See arent you glad you gave a good answer now guys?
    Last edited by Hometown Hero; 07-01-2004 at 12:30 AM.

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