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  1. #41
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    haha !the peanut factory has spoken ,

  2. #42
    KAEW44's Avatar
    KAEW44 is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2004
    its strange how this thread has completley changed from answering a question to a verbal bloodbath, i will try to resolve the man's issue by saying:
    You need to asess your risk of hairloss, if you are currently loosing hair even midly then take my word for it using steroids (99% of them) will aggrevate that hairloss! A conclusion we came to in past threads is that if a steroid is a DHT derivative then you are swallowing hairloss in a pill!! If the steroid is a testosterone then finasteride will to some extent stop the conversion to DHT. If you want to keep your hair for sure then treat the hairloss and dont take any steroids, if that is not an option then you have two choices wich are 1-Forget your hair or 2-Treat hairloss by attacking from both sides (external and internal) and hopefully you can suppress the effects steroids have on your hair.

  3. #43
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    sorry KAE ur right .my bad bro.

  4. #44
    kbrkbr is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by big N
    ur partialy corret ,on the top ur correct on the bottom,is wrong ,id liek to know where u actually got that enenthate is supposedly low converison to dht?any test will a rather large conversion to dht ,prop the only reason is due to teh weight of the ester ,u get more per mg with it then cyp ,or enenathe,and androgel the worst ???if that was the case everyone would be using it ,they even use it for hrt at some clinics,that **** has no use in the sport .i saw a study cem ,that u would need basiclya whole tube edill try and dig it up.if u have study of ur clamis please post

    akldrrh eke ww sieit skeielthI aiw ttl eiier aie gp-wlgj
    sleig eiw irtrj gwwl iw 99= eeig glw= kckdlw wo di9 iw lk\ slei kdie liri aw=olfke iw iiw rkirl[ ieiw i;iwi si sirw

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