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  1. #1
    flexshack is offline Member
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    Sep 2001

    Exclamation drug interactions

    can anyone tell me if there are any prescription drugs that cannot be mixed with roids. i need to know this because i cannot ask my doctor. i am on zoloft and adderall. i am not sure if i will get a bad reaction or if one will make the other one not work or whatever. so please someone help me if they have any idea on this. thanks

  2. #2
    4plates's Avatar
    4plates is offline Banned
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    DO NOT take with viagra have you seen cycleons pic in the members photo section. only kidding mike would probably no this one thats his dept

  3. #3
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    you can ask your doctor

    in teh past when i lived in nj, i use to talk w/ my pharmacist and my doctor all teh time about gear.they would just tell me not to do it and give me the whole speak , but they did give me advice on doing it.when taking zoloft you should try to abstain from alcohol and serotonin stimulantors9 like e), my sis was taking zoloft did e and had her breathign stopped and exhibited stroke like symptoms.they had go give her what they call a "grasshopper cocktail" to get her breathing back and reduce the numbness in her extremities.the numbness was still present 6 months later if some areas.but yeah you can talk to your doctor about it.just tell him teh chemical compounds you are taking and what prescription meds you are taking.honestly though, you'll be suprised how little doctors know about anabolics unless you get a real knowledgeable one.give it a shot if your doctor is cool.mine always looks out and checks my liver enzymes and blood pressure.

  4. #4
    dane26's Avatar
    dane26 is offline Retired Moderator
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    i agree with partyboy, you really should talk to your doctor. he's not gonna rat you out, and he may be cool and give you a blood test and have your insurance cover it. that way you can keep tabs on your bloodpressure, etc. it's his job to advise you about that stuff, so make him earn his money.

  5. #5
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    Flex- I was prescribed Zoloft by an endocrinologist. I noticed that it didn't do shit for me, but make me break out. Is it working for you? How long you been taking it?

  6. #6
    Mike Guest
    Ok your sister messed up with taking E with zoloft - paxil would be ok or prozac but those are SSRIs not MAO inhibitors which are harmful with E - but in fact taking an ssri like paxil or prozac after taking extacy has been proven to keep the receptors from shutting down and causing brain damage

    anyway - as for the quesiton - zoloft and adderall are ok with juice - in fact i believe adderall would have some good benefits while on cycle in that it would keep you regulated and the possibilities for rising bp is less wit these meds

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