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  1. #1
    ultimo's Avatar
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    AS, drinking and Weed

    alright. so i have a question. im going to be a university student on res again this year. my cycle will start as soon as i get to school. i do not plan on drinking or doing anything else while i am on the cycle. its hard as hell guys to not drink tho when everone else is doing it...i know that sounds cheesy and like i have no self control (which i do) but i was wondering if you guys had similar experiences or maybe some advice.

    thanks bros

  2. #2
    ultimo's Avatar
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    PS. getting stoned is plain stupid i put weed just as another option that some may use

  3. #3
    magicstick2003's Avatar
    magicstick2003 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i hear ya bro the way i look at it though is it's only 10-12 weeks of your life and if someone can;t handle not drinking for that period of time then they really shouldn't even be on. Of course there are some ocassions when a drink or two won;t kill you for instance a buddies bday or something and even then you have to have control or youll find yourself hammered too lol.

  4. #4
    BigGenes's Avatar
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    I know its wrong. But I tend to be a drinker. I drink much much less when on cycle. Maybe only a few times. But back in my old Ju. co. I had a roommate that smoked dope while he was on so he didn't drink. But man thats not a cool idea. I never did, but I never wanted to be a drug user. I don't see steroids as drugs b/c they better me. If you take juice the right way you better your life! There is nothing about dope that will benefit you. I know drinking doesn't either. But hell, I am in college!

  5. #5
    Wrek is offline New Member
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    Your liver will thank you! What's the point of doing AS if you are not going to eat/drink clean while doing it? You'll just lose most of what you worked for.

  6. #6
    co2boi's Avatar
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    You can still drink if you just want to relax a bit. Limit yourself to 1 ounce of alch an hour (1 beer or 1 mix drink) and drink a glass of water for every drink you consume. Everything in life, including AS, is about moderation IMO. Even too much of a good thing can be bad for you.

  7. #7
    MikeyZ23 is offline Associate Member
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    I don't agree with the drinking. If you're juicing to begin with, you should only be doing so when you honestly feel you've reached a peak. Why hinder your gains by drinking?

  8. #8
    co2boi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeyZ23
    I don't agree with the drinking. If you're juicing to begin with, you should only be doing so when you honestly feel you've reached a peak. Why hinder your gains by drinking?
    I disagree. I'm not trying to talk him into drinking or anything, but I see no reason not to drink as long as you drink only the amount (or less) than your liver can process. I don't see how that would hinder his gains as long as it is done only on occasion.

  9. #9
    John88Test's Avatar
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    If you are going to spend the effort in obtaining as, taking as, working out that much harder because u are on as, why not complete the process by sticking to a STRICT regimine. Thats at least how i look at it. Everytime you drink, or cheat yourself in any way ( ie. diet, workout routine, sleep etc.) u are wasting money, wasting time, and wasting gear. Now I am not perfect and every once in a while cheat by having a drink or maybe a tolk here and there but while on as I try to keep it to a minimum...just remember man...its your body and its up to YOU what results you want from hard work in the gym and as use...hope this helps in some way...peace

  10. #10
    weightshead is offline Associate Member
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    even if your lucky and are only marginally limiting your gains and slightly increasing your health risks - why risk it?

    its not like you _need_ to drink, and if you do seek help...


  11. #11
    Steroids101 is offline Member
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    Im going to college too and I just began my cycle, so we're in the same boat. Where I'm at is basically a party 24/7, thats all people really do around here is drink and smoke. I hate to think that Im halting my growth when it has a chance to be at an all time high, so its a good idea to quit and vices while on.

  12. #12
    thick one is offline Associate Member
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    I see these kinds of threads all the time and what i can't understand is that people who are using aas, working their azzes off in the gym, and eating/ sleeping correctly--(they,you, whoever) have the willpower to do all of these things, but i just don't understand with that much self-discipline how you can't be disciplined to NOT DRINK/DO DRUGS while on. I just don't understand it.

  13. #13
    2timer's Avatar
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    yeh you say 10-12 weeks of your life but a ****ing semister is like 3.5 months.
    my advice is to drink more hard stuff and less often. try to take shot rather then with juice or something. and once or max twice a week. I been there and it is ****in hard unless you are in a res you don't know how it is. hey get stoned but no munch on like unsalted peanut not sweat stuff. and weed will make you lazy so the next morning you better be in the gym you know what I mean. now that is willpower.

  14. #14
    weightshead is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2timer
    my advice is to drink more hard stuff and less often.

  15. #15
    2timer's Avatar
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    no beer

  16. #16
    stinky's Avatar
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    It shouldn't be too hard to hold off on the **** if your dedicated to the sport.

  17. #17
    v-force700's Avatar
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    KEEP IT CLEAN>> During as cycle.
    JUST THINK LIKE THIS>>>. That drink or tok or snort just cost me that last rep I worked so hard to get up. The next drink or tok or snort Just cost me one hour in the gym. The next one will cost the entire workout......

  18. #18
    2timer's Avatar
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    WE ALL KNOW that you don't have to absolutely cut alcohol! just increase your cardio. jeez!

  19. #19
    PT's Avatar
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    i was in the same boat my 4 years at pitt. i joined a frat my sophmore year and there was a 15 keg 250 person party every thursday and friday.but i managed to stay away from the beer and drink mixed drinks once a week. i understand you want to get big, but these are the best days of your life and you have to have some fun. you cant look back 20 years from now and say, well all my friends were at a party getting laid on friday nights i was at home drinking a protein shake, but at least my chest looks good. hell with that, just dont drink to often or you will kill your liver, but have a couple every once in a while.

  20. #20
    2timer's Avatar
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    total agreement!

  21. #21
    co2boi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75
    i was in the same boat my 4 years at pitt. i joined a frat my sophmore year and there was a 15 keg 250 person party every thursday and friday.but i managed to stay away from the beer and drink mixed drinks once a week. i understand you want to get big, but these are the best days of your life and you have to have some fun. you cant look back 20 years from now and say, well all my friends were at a party getting laid on friday nights i was at home drinking a protein shake, but at least my chest looks good. hell with that, just dont drink to often or you will kill your liver, but have a couple every once in a while.
    That's what I am talking about. I refuse to sacrifice my youth and my memories for something like pure vanity. I disagree with the beer thing though...mixed drinks are normally way higher in cals than beer.

  22. #22
    JerzeyBoy's Avatar
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    Everyone has different opinions on this issue. IMO, Drinking should not be done. I had a buddy of mine who was on Juice and drank and got absolutely drunk while he was on tons of juice, including GH...and it wasn't a good sight at all. I am not trying to scare you at all bro, one drink wouldn't hurt you, but I'm the type that goes by the rule: "If in doubt, don't." Trust me, it's hard for me too, since I go to clubs often and am a part of a clubbing crew, who parties almost all the time. But I have willpower to stop. I'm not even on juice yet, but I stopped 3 weeks ago to get myself use to it. I suggest a bon voyage party before you get serious with training.

  23. #23
    2timer's Avatar
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    shots are alot less then beer! beer is carb filled. diet coke and rum has alot less calorie then beer( uaully ten bottles would be enough)

  24. #24
    PT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JerzeyBoy
    Everyone has different opinions on this issue. IMO, Drinking should not be done. I had a buddy of mine who was on Juice and drank and got absolutely drunk while he was on tons of juice, including GH...and it wasn't a good sight at all. I am not trying to scare you at all bro, one drink wouldn't hurt you, but I'm the type that goes by the rule: "If in doubt, don't." Trust me, it's hard for me too, since I go to clubs often and am a part of a clubbing crew, who parties almost all the time. But I have willpower to stop. I'm not even on juice yet, but I stopped 3 weeks ago to get myself use to it. I suggest a bon voyage party before you get serious with training.
    yo dude, whether your on roids or not if you drink to much it isnt going to be a good sight

  25. #25
    co2boi's Avatar
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    Top 5 worst drinks:
    1. Margarita in a pint glass (2 oz. tequila, 2 oz. margarita/sour mix, 1 oz. triple sec, lime juice, 1 tsp. sugar) - 550 calories (11)
    2. Mudslide (1.5 oz. coffee liqueur, 1.5 oz. Irish cream, 1.5 oz. vodka) - 417 calories (8.5)
    3. Long Island Ice Tea (1 oz. vodka, gin, rum, tequila, and triple sec, 2 oz. sour mix, splash of cola) - 380 calories (8)
    4. White Russian (1.5 oz. vodka, 1.5 oz. coffee liqueur, 1.5 oz. cream) - 320 calories (6.5)
    5. Piña Colada (1.5 oz. rum, 1.5 oz. coconut cream, 3 oz. pineapple juice) - 293 calories (6)

    Top 5 best drinks:
    1. Rum and Diet Coke (1 oz. rum) - 65 calories (1.5)
    Tip: Use diet sodas as mixers, such as gin and diet tonic, diet 7Up and Seagrams 7, diet ginger ale and Jack Daniels, and so on.
    2. Vodka and Soda (1 oz. vodka) - 65 calories (1.5)
    Tip: Try this with flavored vodka, such as raspberry, vanilla, or mandarin.
    3. White Wine Spritzer (4 oz. white wine topped with club soda) - 80 calories (2)
    4. Bloody Mary (1 oz. vodka, 4 oz. tomato juice, dash of Tabasco and pepper) - 90 calories (2)
    5. Light Beer - 100 calories (2)

  26. #26
    2timer's Avatar
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    there you go facts to back me up. 5 rum and diet coke 65*5 =around 400cals just do 30 more minutes of cardio the next morning!

  27. #27
    co2boi's Avatar
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    One ounce of 80-proof (40 percent alcohol) liquor contains about 70 calories.

    Turning rum into a rum and Coke nearly doubles the calories; the same goes for a gin and tonic. Soda or juice adds about 100 to 150 calories per drink.

    The average mixed drink contains at least 300 calories for an 8-ounce glass.

  28. #28
    JerzeyBoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75
    yo dude, whether your on roids or not if you drink to much it isnt going to be a good sight

    Oh believe me I know dude, but my boy's liver blew out. For example, he was at about 70mgs. of dbol and what not. And drinking like there was no tomorrow...

  29. #29
    2timer's Avatar
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    diet coke +rum no coke.

  30. #30
    PT's Avatar
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    are you trying to tell me your boys liver blew out? who do you think i am? how old was your buddy?

  31. #31
    co2boi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2timer
    diet coke +rum no coke.
    cool, good call...

  32. #32
    PT's Avatar
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    also i guess he needed a transplant being that you kind of need your liver to survive

  33. #33
    JerzeyBoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75
    are you trying to tell me your boys liver blew out? who do you think i am? how old was your buddy?
    28. This wasn't just a one day thing either, he was doing this for about a month or more straight. It was all linked to depression. I'm jacking this poor guys thread lol.

  34. #34
    JerzeyBoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75
    also i guess he needed a transplant being that you kind of need your liver to survive
    lol would you like me to explain the entire story for you threw PM?

  35. #35
    2timer's Avatar
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    alcohol is not the enemy excess is the enemy anything use overuse and it will flip on you. just drink some on saturday night and you are fine. enjoy your life man! unless you are in a compitition or something. and friend liver did not blow that is like myth I always hear like cytomel will shut you thyroid bull****. 5 shots of rum will do you good actually the only think you have to combat is the lazyness the next day and if you do then that is will power.

  36. #36
    co2boi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2timer
    alcohol is not the enemy excess is the enemy anything use overuse and it will flip on you. just drink some on saturday night and you are fine. enjoy your life man! unless you are in a compitition or something. and friend liver did not blow that is like myth I always hear like cytomel will shut you thyroid bull****. 5 shots of rum will do you good actually the only think you have to combat is the lazyness the next day and if you do then that is will power.
    Again, that's all I am saying. Moderation. If you take TOO much asprin it's gonna fuk you up. Just use some sense and you can still get a buzz and have a good time.

  37. #37
    PT's Avatar
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    jersy, yes please pm me and let me know the details of how it happened, and the outcome. thank you

  38. #38
    Pork Chop is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ultimo
    alright. so i have a question. im going to be a university student on res again this year. my cycle will start as soon as i get to school. i do not plan on drinking or doing anything else while i am on the cycle. its hard as hell guys to not drink tho when everone else is doing it...i know that sounds cheesy and like i have no self control (which i do) but i was wondering if you guys had similar experiences or maybe some advice.

    thanks bros
    I've been dry and clean for like 6 years. Some people can handle. Some people can't. You'll find out soon where you fit.

  39. #39
    2timer's Avatar
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    TRY ME I am just wondering why?

  40. #40
    Pork Chop is offline Member
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    because i am a slave to the drink and the high.

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