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  1. #1
    Vale Tudo is offline Junior Member
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    Just seeking a little advice

    Just wanted to get a little better understanding of the path I should take. I have been researching and reading this site for months now, and yes there is wealth of info here pertaining to everything. But that is kind of where I get stumped! One person says this is good where the other says that. I guess I am just looking for a more specific approach. I am 31 ( just turned) 5'10 208 at about 15% BF. I used to train regularly prior to my son being born, but I layed off for about 2 years. I have now been back hitting it as hard as possible for about 8 months considering my schedule and seem to be "at the wall". Maybe it's due to the fact that I am not living the same lifestyle as I once lived or just the mere fact that I am getting older ? My diet seems to be coming around and I am noticing a leaner look. My question is this (and if I am flammed, then so be it. But you never know till you ask ) I did a cycle in the past, about 4 years ago, Sus and D-bol (didn't research, kinda jumped in blindly, which is why I am here now!) I would like to know, if you were to "advise" me what would you recommend it be that I use given my goals and my stats? As far as the length or dosage, I can research that on here. Oh, my goals would help.... I am sure. I would like to throw on some mass, not as concerned about staying super lean, as I will take that care of that down the road. I am trying to avoid stuff that adds to much bloat, but I do know some is to be expected. I am well aware of the need for Nolva and clomid and also a strong PCT. So in saying all of this, if you were to put together a stack for me what would you suggest.

    Some of my thoughts are:
    Test Prop
    Fina (maybe)?

    Just looking for help here guys, anything would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Tribex's Avatar
    Tribex is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vale Tudo
    Just wanted to get a little better understanding of the path I should take. I have been researching and reading this site for months now, and yes there is wealth of info here pertaining to everything. But that is kind of where I get stumped! One person says this is good where the other says that. I guess I am just looking for a more specific approach. I am 31 ( just turned) 5'10 208 at about 15% BF. I used to train regularly prior to my son being born, but I layed off for about 2 years. I have now been back hitting it as hard as possible for about 8 months considering my schedule and seem to be "at the wall". Maybe it's due to the fact that I am not living the same lifestyle as I once lived or just the mere fact that I am getting older ? My diet seems to be coming around and I am noticing a leaner look. My question is this (and if I am flammed, then so be it. But you never know till you ask ) I did a cycle in the past, about 4 years ago, Sus and D-bol (didn't research, kinda jumped in blindly, which is why I am here now!) I would like to know, if you were to "advise" me what would you recommend it be that I use given my goals and my stats? As far as the length or dosage, I can research that on here. Oh, my goals would help.... I am sure. I would like to throw on some mass, not as concerned about staying super lean, as I will take that care of that down the road. I am trying to avoid stuff that adds to much bloat, but I do know some is to be expected. I am well aware of the need for Nolva and clomid and also a strong PCT. So in saying all of this, if you were to put together a stack for me what would you suggest.

    Some of my thoughts are:
    Test Prop
    Fina (maybe)?

    Just looking for help here guys, anything would be greatly appreciated.


    If you've only done one cycle, most guys here will not recommend fina due to high side effects. I have yet to try it, although i have it in the works for my next cycle. Prop is a good test choice, just make sure you know that its every day injections. There should be minimal bloat with that, add some l-dex to it, and you'll hardly notice any bloat. As for the rest of the stack, anavar may be good. Havent used it but my buddy loves it. Maybe look into using eq with the test, if you planning on running the cycle for 12 or more weeks. That wont be too much bloat and should put some good mass on.

  3. #3
    Vale Tudo is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2004
    Awesome! So Prop is an everyday shot? Would a good alternative be sus? Thats more like a 2 shot a week gig isnt it? Totaling 500mg a week? Yeah after I posted the inital post, I thought why not a Sus w/ EQ stack. I just want to make sure that I am not going to take something counter-productive to what my goals are.

  4. #4
    Homer 8 is offline Associate Member
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    how did ur last cycle go in terms of gains. whats dosage were u taking them at. im currently using sust, deca and dbol the results sre starting to nshow plus its a common cycle

  5. #5
    Vale Tudo is offline Junior Member
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    Well last cycle got me some size......but lack of knowledge killed me.

  6. #6
    steggs's Avatar
    steggs is offline Associate Member
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    try some enatheate at 500mgs every 5 days
    and some deca at say 200mgs every 7 days
    id stay off orals for now as this will be enough
    only my views this what i started with for 12 weeks i started prop at week 10 and stopped the testviron i put lots of size on and kept about 2/3 und started my second cycle 10 weeks later (this was 12 years ago)

    im sure many here will give u alternatives good luck whatever u choose

  7. #7
    Tribex's Avatar
    Tribex is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by steggs
    try some enatheate at 500mgs every 5 days
    and some deca at say 200mgs every 7 days
    id stay off orals for now as this will be enough
    only my views this what i started with for 12 weeks i started prop at week 10 and stopped the testviron i put lots of size on and kept about 2/3 und started my second cycle 10 weeks later (this was 12 years ago)

    im sure many here will give u alternatives good luck whatever u choose

    I would have recommended the deca to him, but he's tryin to stray from any bloat, so i didnt suggest deca or dbol . Sust is a good test, some dont like it but i did. Has to be shot every other day or every three days. 500mg a week should show plenty results with propper diet.

  8. #8
    steggs's Avatar
    steggs is offline Associate Member
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    fair comment

  9. #9
    scotttiger54's Avatar
    scotttiger54 is offline Senior Member
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    i beleive a test only cycle with proper nolva and pct would do him right. i would do 500mg/wk of test en. this with nolva used correctly and diet in place would be excellendt for a semi first "real" cycle.

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