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  1. #1
    kilroz is offline Junior Member
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    Please Help I Have 2 Abscesses!

    ok guys. tell me what you think. last night, i inject 1 cc into each of my bis. that same night, i was lying in bed with a fever and **** all hot and i've felt like total **** all day today. now i was just gonna hit up another injection when i noticed that there is a hugee lump on both my bis and it's all red and it's very hot. what the **** do i do??? i'm kinda scared here. please tell me if you think i should go to the doc tomorrow. and, that injection was my first injection of my cycle, should i just stop my cycle and start it up again when i find out what the **** is up?? i've only done one injection of w/ prop and acetate esters so it'll be outta me fast. PLEASE ADVISE!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Wait it out for a few days. I thought I had an abscess in my quad, it got all warm, red and swollen but went away within 5 days. I think I just injected too fast. You need to take at least a minute to inject a CC to let the oil disperse on its own.

  3. #3
    LoadeD_PistoL is offline Associate Member
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    try a heatpad for a couple of days if nothing subsides than go c a proffesional.....i doubt its abscess though, imo

  4. #4
    kilroz is offline Junior Member
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    ok but guys i had a serious fever last night. laying in bed sweating all night. and my entire body aches right now. all day it has. it feels like i got the flu or something but i don't. and my arms are both so swollen they are an inch bigger around....

  5. #5
    houseofpain's Avatar
    houseofpain is offline Banned
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    sounds like test flu to me bro, completely normal. calm down and wait a few days to see if the swelling subsides. all of this is normal, use heat to dispurse the oil on the injection sites, never ice the area or apply anything cold.

  6. #6
    blackh2 is offline Associate Member
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    what were you taking??? this is a must in your information. dont alllways listen to some of the guys on here. its your health not theres. night sweats is not good. take 1000 mg of ibupro. if the lump is red a iratated go t othe doc. i tried to drain my own befor, but little did i know it had busted in side ass cheek and down the outerside of my leg. so i had like 12 little pockets. so i lied there on my stomach while the doc dug into there with his knive and got out a 20 ounce bottle full of fluid. go to doc and say you got bit by spider or som,ething

  7. #7
    seanw's Avatar
    seanw is offline Banned
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    I agree, dont fvck with your health man. Go to the Doc. Have you actually taken your temp with a thermometer ?

  8. #8
    kilroz is offline Junior Member
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    ok. this is what i injected last night:

    .5cc test prop (100mg)
    1cc boldenone prop (100mg)
    .5cc fina (50mg)

    i injected 1 cc into each bi. i have been taking little bits of ibuprofen all day as well. but it's not like this is my first cycle or anything, i've had lumps but nothing like this. so tell me if i should continue my cycle or just wait till i figure out what's up.

    ps how will i explain to him that i got bit by a spider on both of my biceps?? lol

  9. #9
    seanw's Avatar
    seanw is offline Banned
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    Yeah I was wondering about the spider thing as well As far as Doc's are concerned just be honest, they wont turn you into the cops and they cant tell anyone about your records. Obviously dont go to the family Doc if the embarrasses you, go to one you dont know. I told my doc what I was doing and he carried on about dangers as expected, but I told him at the end of the day it was my choice and to get over it. He now does regular blood preasure testing and blood work when required. He had to give me a Hep A vacinations the other day and I offered to do it for him
    Last edited by seanw; 09-29-2004 at 12:54 AM.

  10. #10
    kilroz is offline Junior Member
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    this is what a bro from another board said:

    "Its probably the BA in the prop..alot of us have had the same problem with Test E from our asian friend..high BA will cause a fever within 6 hours usually for me and my workout partner..huge red swelling and a hellish week of feeling abcess takes time to develop since it is an infection...some bros here say the body should get used to it..but after around 4 weeks of injections I was still getting the fever and swelling everytime."

  11. #11
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackh2
    dont alllways listen to some of the guys on here. its your health not theres. night sweats is not good.
    I was just stating a personal experience of mine that sounded very similar to what is happening to this fellow. Its not like we're trying to kill him here, we're trying to save him a doctor's visit for nothing if he's not too worried about it. And If I was going to go to the doctor about it, I wouldnt lie and say I got bit by a spider, thats just not too intelligent lying to a healthcare professional who can fvck you up if he treats you the wrong way.

    Also, night sweats are a common side effect of many types of anabolic /androgenic steroids , BUT IM SURE YOU ALREADY KNEW THAT!!
    Last edited by AandF6969; 09-29-2004 at 01:51 AM.

  12. #12
    almostgone's Avatar
    almostgone is offline AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by kilroz
    ok. this is what i injected last night:

    .5cc test prop (100mg)
    1cc boldenone prop (100mg)
    .5cc fina (50mg)

    i injected 1 cc into each bi. i have been taking little bits of ibuprofen all day as well. but it's not like this is my first cycle or anything, i've had lumps but nothing like this. so tell me if i should continue my cycle or just wait till i figure out what's up.

    ps how will i explain to him that i got bit by a spider on both of my biceps?? lol
    Yep, tren will make you sweat like a chronic with a fat sack, lots of people go surfing in the bedsheets while on tren.. ... prop esters are notorious for irritation, with pec injects i get knots that hang around for several days... keep an eye on your temp., keep the anti-inflammatories in your system,warm compresses help, and if you have doubts, go to the doc and level with him.....good luck

  13. #13
    BIG21 is offline Associate Member
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    yeah i just had one removed from my right thigh....thought it would just go away but after about 5 days i couldnt even walk on it....i would get it checked out because the doc found an infection in mine so you never know. wouldnt chance it

  14. #14
    kilroz is offline Junior Member
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    ok, i have used tren before and know about the night sweats, have used prop before and know about the painful lumps, but i just never had anything like this. and, i couldn't have any night sweats from tren as that was my first injection of my cycle... i feel much better today and they don't hurt as bad although there is still a big ass red lump on em. i think i'm gonna continue my cycle as planned.

  15. #15
    dieseL atC's Avatar
    dieseL atC is offline Member
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    Your health is more important bro, if you are that worried about it. Go see a doc, you knwo your body better then us.. a cycle isn't worth it.

  16. #16
    Flynman is offline Associate Member
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    Get on antibiotics just to be safe. Try hot compress.

  17. #17
    Dowstrategy is offline New Member
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    Its The Boldenone Prop

    I was just on a thread on Anabolic -Source. Several of us have had EXACTLY the same thing happen. The common factor was we had all used Boldenone Prop. There is something about that molecule that just doesn't agree with some people. I stopped using it and the symptoms went away in a couple of days. Stopping the B Prop is a pretty good start to solving your health issue. I just doubt that you have an abscess; your stoy is just like mine and about 6 other guys I heard from.

  18. #18
    ajfina's Avatar
    ajfina is offline Senior Member
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    F*** that sh** bro same thing hapenned to me with TEST E from EQL did it 3 times i had 3 big lumps,red painfull,fever I STOP THEM isn't worth
    i can deal with the TREN sweats at night (not everynight tho) but NO TEST E
    for me

  19. #19
    FCECC2 is offline Anabolic Member
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    daamn it is just me or there is a shiit load of member recently who have gotten those kind of "bad injection" recently. ive gotten them but from homebrew..

  20. #20
    kilroz is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TRLS63
    daamn it is just me or there is a shiit load of member recently who have gotten those kind of "bad injection" recently. ive gotten them but from homebrew..

    well this is from a UG lab. so kinda like homebrew i guess? but, one thing i noticed a little while ago... the redness has spread to the top of my forearm now. is that just the juice movin down my arm or what?

  21. #21
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Dude MAN UP, I just had the same thing happened to me this weeks. my shoulder had hemotoma (what looks like bleeding under the skin), my shoulder was so swollen. body temp was 101.4 then i did a shot in my a$$ and the same thing happened. a$$ is stil half swollen but all is well with my shoulder now and my a$$ now have subsided so dont worry give it a few days. I shot my shoulder last thursday and it was ok by monday, shot my A$$ on saturday and its just ok today.

  22. #22
    MMC78's Avatar
    MMC78 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kilroz
    well this is from a UG lab. so kinda like homebrew i guess? but, one thing i noticed a little while ago... the redness has spread to the top of my forearm now. is that just the juice movin down my arm or what?
    Sounds like a serious infection man. Get your ass to the ER now.

  23. #23
    kilroz is offline Junior Member
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    an update on this... i'm much better now. it just had to be the BA. since my bi injections that started this thread, i have done a shot in both my delts and my quad. they are ****in sore, but it's prop. so i think i'm good to go. i just bought a heating pad and i'm gonna heat my arms for a while today before i go to the gym, hopefully be able to get in a normal workout. thanks for all your help guys.

  24. #24
    Tushe's Avatar
    Tushe is offline Associate Member
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    It sounds like the prop to me. I had the same problem:

    I doubt it's an abcess.


  25. #25
    JdFlex's Avatar
    JdFlex is offline Senior Member
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    I'm shooting QV test e 2x a week and everytime the injection site is as sore as it possible can be and turns all red. But each time its goes away in a week. I've done about 6 shots and this happens every time. Getting a little annoying. I shoot quads every Sunday and I can't think of any more excuses of why I can't walk on Mondays. I think its a reaction to the BA.

  26. #26
    markas214's Avatar
    markas214 is offline Senior Member
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    OK here is advice from a medical professional. First you should not shoot that much into a bicep. I continue to recommend no more than 1/2ml. Next there is the question of wheter you have an infection (abcess) or localized inflamation. An abcess can absolutely be fatal if left untreated. I will not guess as to what you have. You could go to the ER, I doubt they'll buy the speder bite sh*t, I wouldn't, and get on antibiotics. I had a patient, he was a big boy, who had a huge abcess from a deltoid injection and they took him to the OR after we dosed him with IV antibiotics.

  27. #27
    floyd_turbo's Avatar
    floyd_turbo is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoadeD_PistoL
    try a heatpad for a couple of days if nothing subsides than go c a proffesional.....i doubt its abscess though, imo
    negative, a heat pad? heat on heat is not advisable

  28. #28
    w_rballs's Avatar
    w_rballs is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by markas214
    OK here is advice from a medical professional. First you should not shoot that much into a bicep. I continue to recommend no more than 1/2ml. Next there is the question of wheter you have an infection (abcess) or localized inflamation. An abcess can absolutely be fatal if left untreated. I will not guess as to what you have. You could go to the ER, I doubt they'll buy the speder bite sh*t, I wouldn't, and get on antibiotics. I had a patient, he was a big boy, who had a huge abcess from a deltoid injection and they took him to the OR after we dosed him with IV antibiotics.

    i had to have surgery at the beginning of Sep to remove 2 abcess from my quad. the doc said the were so deep that i would have realized it cause of the size of my quads. they cut me open real nice ( the abcess were 4 inches into the quad). it sucked.

  29. #29
    irish bulldog's Avatar
    irish bulldog is offline Senior Member
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    yes same to me a put 100mg and 75mg fina in my bicep and it went red and could hardly move it ,a week later it feels not too bad.

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