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  1. #1
    TapUouT's Avatar
    TapUouT is offline New Member
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    Help planning a tren cycle...

    sup bros,
    I dont have any expirence with tren , but i like what I've read so far. I'm trying to put together a winter bulk cycle and i would appreciate your comments and suggestions. first my back ground, 29 years old, 5.10/181lbs, just finished a cycle of 500/test-E 400/deca . My objective is 200lbs. diet is so-so about 4000 clean cals with 300g pro. Now this is what i was thinking...

    1-5 dbol 40mgs ED
    1-15 test-E/750mgs
    1-15 deca/600mgs
    5-15 tren-E ? (500?)
    Nolva ( tab a day keeps the gyno away )
    B12 here and there when i feel run down.

    fire way guys, that cycle plan is just a concept tell me what you think...
    thank you.

  2. #2
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    181??? at 5'10?? after a first cycle???

    start with your diet first, get that in order. I see your totals, but that doesnt seem do be doing quite enough for ya

    then worry about the cycle, which is probally too much for im hoping would only be your 2nd cycle

  3. #3
    NATTY is offline Associate Member
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    Some Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by TapUouT
    sup bros,
    I dont have any expirence with tren , but i like what I've read so far. I'm trying to put together a winter bulk cycle and i would appreciate your comments and suggestions. first my back ground, 29 years old, 5.10/181lbs, just finished a cycle of 500/test-E 400/deca . My objective is 200lbs. diet is so-so about 4000 clean cals with 300g pro. Now this is what i was thinking...

    1-5 dbol 40mgs ED
    1-15 test-E/750mgs
    1-15 deca/600mgs
    5-15 tren-E ? (500?)
    Nolva ( tab a day keeps the gyno away )
    B12 here and there when i feel run down.

    fire way guys, that cycle plan is just a concept tell me what you think...
    thank you.

    Hey bro, I dont know your background at all, and I completely agree that you should get that diet cleaned up first and train natty, its not that bad And you can make very impressive gains if diet is PERFECT.
    About your cycle, I would not run deca and tren together as this increases the risk of progesterene gyno. Also regardless if you run either also be sure to take vit b6 as well. Otherwise good luck and stay strong bro.

  4. #4
    TapUouT's Avatar
    TapUouT is offline New Member
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    yes, [email protected] however unimpressive those stats may be to you it is an acomplishment moving form 155lbs. I am a hard gainer , and no that is not my 1st cycle however it was my first over 250mgs a week, and first in a few years time. yes. that may be a bit much gear to go with that is why i asked for your opinion and i would appreciate suggestions for modification. on the last cycle my gains hit a wall, and to my mind 4k cals is in the ball park for my weight. So, I'll ask again for your assistance in planning an effective cycle instead of being sent to the diet drawing board again...the cycle I'm debating is a variation of one of the intermediate cycle on the home page, and i would be confident saying I'm at inter expirence...
    thank you.

  5. #5
    SKiN is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TapUouT
    sup bros,
    I dont have any expirence with tren , but i like what I've read so far. I'm trying to put together a winter bulk cycle and i would appreciate your comments and suggestions. first my back ground, 29 years old, 5.10/181lbs, just finished a cycle of 500/test-E 400/deca . My objective is 200lbs. diet is so-so about 4000 clean cals with 300g pro. Now this is what i was thinking...

    1-5 dbol 40mgs ED
    1-15 test-E/750mgs
    1-15 deca/600mgs
    5-15 tren-E ? (500?)
    Nolva ( tab a day keeps the gyno away )
    B12 here and there when i feel run down.

    fire way guys, that cycle plan is just a concept tell me what you think...
    thank you.
    Being your first cycle I would not run tren and deca in the same cycle at that dosage.... I would run it like this...

    1-5 dbol 40mg ed
    1-15 Test E 750mg e3.5d
    8-15 Tren E 500mg E3.5d or Tren ACE 75mg ED
    Nolva 1-pct 10mg ed 20mg during pct
    8-pct B6 200mg ed
    Proper pct...

    Since you have not run tren before I would suggest using Tren ACE instead of Enan because if the sides become too much you can relatively quickly discontinue use... GL bro

  6. #6
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    ive run tren and deca together as well as test and have had great results. true some may need to take b-6 to prevent pro. gyno but im not prone.

  7. #7
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    ive run tren and deca together as well as test and have had great results. true some may need to take b-6 to prevent pro. gyno but im not prone.

  8. #8
    TapUouT's Avatar
    TapUouT is offline New Member
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    thanks for your help skin maybe I'll do something like that. just to bad cause i have the deca on hand all ready. tell me more about b6 how would i use this and where can i get it? is it oral, over the counter?

  9. #9
    SKiN is offline Member
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    B6 is just a vitamin you can get anywhere... GNC(fukGNC), vitamin world, Walgreens...
    Most come in 200mg doses so just pop a pill a day..

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SKiN
    Being your first cycle I would not run tren and deca in the same cycle at that dosage.... I would run it like this...

    1-5 dbol 40mg ed
    1-15 Test E 750mg e3.5d
    8-15 Tren E 500mg E3.5d or Tren ACE 75mg ED
    Nolva 1-pct 10mg ed 20mg during pct
    8-pct B6 200mg ed
    Proper pct...

    Since you have not run tren before I would suggest using Tren ACE instead of Enan because if the sides become too much you can relatively quickly discontinue use... GL bro
    Not bad. But I would start the Tren the same time as Test, so they kick in about the same time. Then After 8wks, go without the Tren and let the body get accustomed to not having such an andgrogenic compound in it. Seems PCT would go easier that way.

    Dbol 4wks only because it is liver hepatoxic (not that 5wks is going to make the huge difference, but its best to play it safe)

    As for Ace over Enan. Tuff call. Im on Ace right now and not experiencing any sides, but the ED injects are making me feel like a pin cushion.
    Ace will kick in much faster though.

    1-4 dbol 40mg ed
    1-15 Test E 750mg e3.5d
    1-8 Tren E 500mg E3.5d or Tren ACE 75mg ED
    Nolva 1-pct 10mg ed 20mg during pct
    1-12 B6 200mg ed

  11. #11
    SKiN is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeefCakeStew
    Not bad. But I would start the Tren the same time as Test, so they kick in about the same time. Then After 8wks, go without the Tren and let the body get accustomed to not having such an andgrogenic compound in it. Seems PCT would go easier that way.

    Dbol 4wks only because it is liver hepatoxic (not that 5wks is going to make the huge difference, but its best to play it safe)

    As for Ace over Enan. Tuff call. Im on Ace right now and not experiencing any sides, but the ED injects are making me feel like a pin cushion.
    Ace will kick in much faster though.

    1-4 dbol 40mg ed
    1-15 Test E 750mg e3.5d
    1-8 Tren E 500mg E3.5d or Tren ACE 75mg ED
    Nolva 1-pct 10mg ed 20mg during pct
    1-12 B6 200mg ed
    Good point Beef...I didnt think of that... Im debating right on running Ace or Enan

  12. #12
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by TapUouT
    yes, [email protected] however unimpressive those stats may be to you it is an acomplishment moving form 155lbs. I am a hard gainer , and no that is not my 1st cycle however it was my first over 250mgs a week, and first in a few years time. yes. that may be a bit much gear to go with that is why i asked for your opinion and i would appreciate suggestions for modification. on the last cycle my gains hit a wall, and to my mind 4k cals is in the ball park for my weight. So, I'll ask again for your assistance in planning an effective cycle instead of being sent to the diet drawing board again...the cycle I'm debating is a variation of one of the intermediate cycle on the home page, and i would be confident saying I'm at inter expirence...
    thank you.
    everyone is a hardgainer

    its not that its inimpressive, its that its not right. multiple cycle to get from 155 to 185 is not right. about the only reason i could seriously buy it is if you have a serious thryoid disorder or major sexual developmental proplems.

    in all honesty, i am 5'7". I started at 150lbs. I spun my wheels for 2 years not knowing how to diet right and got up to maybe 160. Then i learned how to diet right and shot up to just under 190 like it was a joke.

    im not trying to put you down, im being honestly critical. if you want to really reach your goals your going to need some help. sorry, but either your diet or training is flawed in some way.

    post your diet and training routine

    seriously, worry about the steroids later

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