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  1. #1
    djboots's Avatar
    djboots is offline Associate Member
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    250mgs of test e a week

    I'm inquiring about this for a friend. a buddy of mine wants to do some AAS and is a little nervious of the sides mostley the aggression. I had him set up to do just a test cycle at 500mgs a week and he ended up deciding no. well he wants to know if he could just do about 250 mgs a week of test e and see results. I told him with the right diet and work outs he could see about 10lbs of good gains. i'm i correct? he has been training for about 5 yrs and has his diet down. I'm unsure of exact stats tho. so at about 250 a week could you expect any gains at all? oh also i was thinking somthing around a 10 week cycle

  2. #2
    fabry is offline Senior Member
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    250mg e4-5 days will be the very minimum to use.. imo!

  3. #3
    the original jason is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    10lbs of solid gains on 250mg a week?? lol if that was the case bro there would be no need to cycle. Dont get carried away with all this talk of "i gained 500lb in 4days on my cycle" it really is bull**** most of it. If you gain 10lbs from a good cycle then you have done ok, the body really is not meant to gain that much weight so quickly.

    So back to the question, 250mg is enough to cause a shutdown of the hpta but not enough to see gains imho, you may get the placebo effect ie harder training, better diet, mentally focused feeling better gain a few lbs, but i would suggest, juice properly or dont juice at all


  4. #4
    Soup's Avatar
    Soup is offline Associate Member
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    what about 400mg/wk for 19/12 weeks?

  5. #5
    the original jason is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    up an ass
    please start ur own thread if you need advice, or we will end up o/t.


  6. #6
    houseofpain's Avatar
    houseofpain is offline Banned
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    i agree with TOJ about the placebo effect. i honestly wouldnt run anything under 500mg's of test a week.

  7. #7
    HazyA is offline Junior Member
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    I thought your body only produces only 49-70mg a week. 250mg/wk would seem to be enough to do more than just shut down your hpta?

  8. #8
    needle's Avatar
    needle is offline Senior Member
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    Yes you might gain 8 10 pounds of weight with 250 mg but thats pointless! Yes i've seen people do it , blah blah!!! WASTE of time and money in my opinion. My first cycle of test was about 4 months ago i was worried also very scared to be honest. 500 mg is nothing if hes really afraid then he shouldnt juice at all!!! As far as the roid rage thing thats all on the person and how well he can control his self!
    Ive seen peeps start out on 1000mg wk of test there first cycle!

  9. #9
    musclehead1 is offline Member
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    he might be able to gain sum weight but i think at 250mg/ew he might notice strength rather than muscle gains.

  10. #10
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    The only AAS I repeatedly hear about people raging on is tren ...

  11. #11
    AnabolicAlien Guest

    my advice...

    tell your friend not to do steroids ... if you're on here asking the questions for him then he obviously doesn't care enough to be doing steroids.

    if he insists, have him search the internet or this site for that matter, on how roid rage is just a myth. then tell him to do a minimum of 500mg/week.


  12. #12
    righton is offline Senior Member
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    What the hell is all this 500 this and 600 that??????? My first cycle was 250 test/deca and hell if i didn't put on 25lbs and not b*llsh*t water weight either!! Mega doses for the first cycle is more than just a waste is says the more the better, which is bull!! I know some very good bro's on the circuit who have won titles up the a$$ and sure the hell didn't start out with 4,5,or 600 anything!!!.I'll try to get a coupla of them online to put all this high dose/1st cycle sh#t to bed once and for all. And to everyone who says you have to do a minimum of this or that, get ready to put YOUR pics(and knowledge) up against theirs. And don't say you weren't at your computer that week cause i'll bring it up everyday!!!
    Last edited by righton; 10-11-2004 at 08:07 AM.

  13. #13
    AnabolicAlien Guest


    righton - don't embarass yourself... and 500-600 mg/week is far from a mega dose and i'd LOVE to see pics of your "friends" and put my pics up against theirs.


  14. #14
    GrantC5 is offline Associate Member
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    I agree with both 250 and 500 the reason is people are not the same in anyway shape or form. I know people including myself that can gain huge off of smaller doses where people that take huge doses don't gain much at all. Its a lot to do with the person and your TES levels and genetics. With 250 mg a week of TES E and 250 mg a week of Nan Deca I gain my ass off where it may not do anything for someone else. The only way to find out is get your TES levels checked or try a lower dose cycle and increase if your not getting results.

    I have also seen people on monster cycles get big and literally lose nearly everything they had in a very short period of time afterwards with major depression as a side effect. I know a bro that juiced in some form or another for a year and when he was done he was crying at dog commercials the depression was horrible. I would rather start out on a smaller cycle get some decent gains and if its 10 pounds of muscle I would say thats a pretty good gain. If I decided to go up to the next level wait a month and a half and try again. JMO

  15. #15
    righton is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicAlien
    righton - don't embarass yourself... and 500-600 mg/week is far from a mega dose and i'd LOVE to see pics of your "friends" and put my pics up against theirs.

    Game on, and i'm a real shi**y winner too and i'll say sh*t on every post after you about it.At 5'10-240 i'm small compared to them,(at least 60lbs less). maybe you call that embarrassing but i don't. I'm not saying 500/wk is a mega dose but when your talking about some newbe why bother with 500/600 when 250-300 will put on the max you'll get for a 1st cycle. If i put on 25-30lbs for my 1st cycle with half of what you say then i should put on at least 40lbs (which i have never heard of in the 20+yrs i've been lifting and the 10+yrs i've owned a gym) with what your talking about on a 1st cycle!

  16. #16
    angelxterminator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by righton
    Game on, and i'm a real shi**y winner too and i'll say sh*t on every post after you about it.At 5'10-240 i'm small compared to them,(at least 60lbs less). maybe you call that embarrassing but i don't. I'm not saying 500/wk is a mega dose but when your talking about some newbe why bother with 500/600 when 250-300 will put on the max you'll get for a 1st cycle. If i put on 25-30lbs for my 1st cycle with half of what you say then i should put on at least 40lbs (which i have never heard of in the 20+yrs i've been lifting and the 10+yrs i've owned a gym) with what your talking about on a 1st cycle!
    do you have any medical knowledge at all? obviously NOT!

    "when 250-300 will put on the max you'll get for a 1st cycle."

    That statement is completely wrong! That is nowhere near what first cycle potential could be. 250-300mg also highly depends on what ester you are injecting, as that would affect the final weight of free testosterone in your body. That is not much higher than hormone replacement therapy! My first cycle i ran test e 500mg/week and deca @400 and gained a whole SHIAT load of mass.

    And also, because your friends are bigger than somebody doesn't mean they know SH*T about steroids , medicine, athetics, or anything for that matter. It simply means they are bigger, not better.

  17. #17
    angelxterminator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by righton
    Game on, and i'm a real shi**y winner too and i'll say sh*t on every post after you about it.At 5'10-240 i'm small compared to them,(at least 60lbs less). maybe you call that embarrassing but i don't. I'm not saying 500/wk is a mega dose but when your talking about some newbe why bother with 500/600 when 250-300 will put on the max you'll get for a 1st cycle. If i put on 25-30lbs for my 1st cycle with half of what you say then i should put on at least 40lbs (which i have never heard of in the 20+yrs i've been lifting and the 10+yrs i've owned a gym) with what your talking about on a 1st cycle!
    Also, another stupid statement. Just because you run double the steroids doesn't mean you gain double the muscle mass you *sshole. Its all proportionate to you genetics, lifting routine, effort exherted, dietary plan, commitment, etc.

    If what you said was the case, and nothing else mattered we'd all look like ronnie coleman. I mean fvck if that were true i'd run 10g of test a week for as long as i could stand my c0ck not going soft!

  18. #18
    righton is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    Also, another stupid statement. Just because you run double the steroids doesn't mean you gain double the muscle mass you *sshole. Its all proportionate to you genetics, lifting routine, effort exherted, dietary plan, commitment, etc.

    If what you said was the case, and nothing else mattered we'd all look like ronnie coleman. I mean fvck if that were true i'd run 10g of test a week for as long as i could stand my c0ck not going soft!
    Read the statement moron....i've never said doubleing the dose will double the gains, thats whats inplied when ppl make stupid statements concerning high dosages!!! 250-300mg/wk will give you about the max your going to gain off a 1st cycle(25-30lbs) you stupid peice of sh*t). Doing 500 or so will NOT give you 50 or 60 lbs! And what do you call a "SHIAT" load off your first cycle??? 40..50..60lbs....fck you!!!! Nobodys done that off a 1st newbe,pro whatever unless her names Bessy and she grazes in a field all day idiot.And as for med knowledge the only thing you know about is your prostate, because your heads conpletely up your a$$.

  19. #19
    GrantC5 is offline Associate Member
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    I'll be slowly walking backwards away from this thread Everybody is differerent when cycling is all I have to say. I would like to see some pics of these monsterous people though. I have seen some 280 - 300 pound freaks (not pros) that are 5'9 - 5'10 so they will have to be pretty impressive...................

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