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  1. #1
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    More fina help...

    When filtering, do I ever have two pins in the rubber stopper at the same time? One for equalizing pressure the other for injecting (through the filter) into the sterile vial? OR when Animal says that the other pin should be left in to equalize pressure, he means leave the 18g pin in when re-loading the syringe? Make sense?
    It seems to me that I need extra pins - one to keep in vial, one to inject filtered solution, one to draw out solution on following attempts to filter all solution and one at the beginning to draw out 5cc of oil for use at the end.

  2. #2
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Bump please.

  3. #3
    scem7 is offline New Member
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    I used the pin from the oil as the equalizer
    I didn't have any extra pins so I figured that one was the most sterile. And I baked it afterwords.

  4. #4
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.

    Re: More fina help...

    Originally posted by Nathan
    When filtering, do I ever have two pins in the rubber stopper at the same time? One for equalizing pressure the other for injecting (through the filter) into the sterile vial? OR when Animal says that the other pin should be left in to equalize pressure, he means leave the 18g pin in when re-loading the syringe? Make sense?
    It seems to me that I need extra pins - one to keep in vial, one to inject filtered solution, one to draw out solution on following attempts to filter all solution and one at the beginning to draw out 5cc of oil for use at the end.
    Jesus, Nate do you want us to come up there and filter the damn tren for you?

    Just kidding. Here is what I do for my cattle.

    Hopefully, you have a 18G pin (two is best) and a smaller size. I normally leave the smaller size stuck in the stopper (this is the one to equalize the pressure) and I also leave the 18 G, with the filter attached in the stopper. I remove the syringe from the filter and put on the *other* (presuming you have two, or you can use a 22 G if you have it) pin to the syringe and draw the solution.

    Then take the *other* pin off and attach the syringe to the filter and make your cattle proud.

  5. #5
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Thanks. That's what I figured boyz. I've got my solution now and will fliter it tomorrow. The white crap caked to the sides is the filler right? Also, does anyone know how the whole thing mixes adequately to evenly disperse the tren in the oil when the 3 layers never mix together upon swirling? Thanks again.

  6. #6
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.
    Originally posted by Nathan
    Thanks. That's what I figured boyz. I've got my solution now and will fliter it tomorrow. The white crap caked to the sides is the filler right? Also, does anyone know how the whole thing mixes adequately to evenly disperse the tren in the oil when the 3 layers never mix together upon swirling? Thanks again.
    I have always presumed that the white stuff is some sort of filler. To my knowledge, the tren suspends in the oil and (of course) will pass through the filter, so the end result will be a nice golden oil based solution.

  7. #7
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Aug 2001
    Gotcha, thanks. That's what I figured.

    P.S. Bastard.

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