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Thread: Hepatitis C

  1. #1
    Antwan's Avatar
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    Hepatitis C

    Does anyone know if it is possible to get a false positive diagnosis of Hep. C while using steroids ? I have been diagnosed with it and am still on cycle. I know there are false positives but the dr. told me the blood was checked several times. I have to go to a specialist but my appt. is 2 months from now. Thanks.

  2. #2
    bignatt's Avatar
    bignatt is offline Anabolic Member
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    It is possible but not likley i suggest you stop your gear and do your pct hep does serious damage to the liver and with the gear and hep it wont be good

  3. #3
    Antwan's Avatar
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    I have already quit my cycle and will be doing PCT in 3 weeks. Thanks for the quick reply.

  4. #4
    bignatt's Avatar
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    No problem bro

  5. #5
    georgie24's Avatar
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    you seem pretty calm about it. i would be a nervous wreck.

    are you on valium/ativan ect?

  6. #6
    seanw's Avatar
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    Why do you think its a false positive. You would generally know if you had been doing anything that could cause you to have Hep C. It is only transmitted by blood and then generally from shareing needles.

  7. #7
    BigMike J's Avatar
    BigMike J is offline Anabolic Member
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    I have had hep-c for going on 5 yrs.. done 3 cycles.. liver still doing good. This is just my exp. Good luck.

    ::knock on wood:: ::crosses fingers::

    I like Milk Thistle and ALA, alhtough i am still not sure about the healing properties of ala for the liver. take it even when not on cycle.

    Good luck.
    Last edited by BigMike J; 10-18-2004 at 06:06 AM.

  8. #8
    The One's Avatar
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    Dude! You don't get hep. c from gear. You get it from blood. i.e. dirty needle(sharing), organ transplant(sharing), tattoo(sharing blood contact), etc... My point is your buddy didn't contract it from cycling unless he's sharing his syringes with others and if that’s the case hep.c is the least of his problems.

  9. #9
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Here is my experience, i had a doctor told me that my liver enzyme was high, so he tested me for hepatitis with a under the skin test and told me it was positive for a, b & C bu tI knew I've never shared needles withanyone so I refused to believe. the took a blood test just for Hepatitis and made me bug-out for 2 weeks. when it came back it was all negative. I would have whipped his ass for scaring me like that.

  10. #10
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Quote Originally Posted by The One
    Dude! You don't get hep. c from gear. You get it from blood. i.e. dirty needle(sharing), organ transplant(sharing), tattoo(sharing blood contact), etc... My point is your buddy didn't contract it from cycling unless he's sharing his syringes with others and if that’s the case hep.c is the least of his problems.
    Yea dude if him or you whoever has Hep-C, chances are him/you are wide open to be infected with HIV. thats what the Docs told me when they thought i had it.
    Last edited by MrMent1on; 10-18-2004 at 07:28 AM.

  11. #11
    almostgone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    Here is my experience, i had a doctor told me that my liver enzyme was high, so he tested me for hepatitis with a under the skin test and told me it was positive for a, b & C bu tI knew I've never shared needles withanyone so I refused to believe. the took a blood test just for Hepatitis and made me bug-out for 2 weeks. when it came back it was all negative. I would have whipped his ass for scaring me like that.
    Hep a,b,&c. ..that would f**king freak me out..........

  12. #12
    monkeyjuice's Avatar
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    i would get another doctor to check me out, or maybe even 2 more doctors regardless of cost, when it comes to your personal health, it is priceless!

    mise well be safe and get some second opinions!

  13. #13
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    Yea dude if him or you whoever has Hep-C, chances are him/you are wide open to be infected with HIV. thats what the Docs told me when they thought i had it.
    Thats because you get Hep B and C the same way you get HIV, from letting someone fvck you in the a-hole. Hep A is the only one that is as easy to catch as the flu. (Well most people get it because someone with Hep A didnt wash his hands after using bathroom and then handled your food afterwards.)
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 10-19-2004 at 12:04 AM.

  14. #14
    Anhydro78's Avatar
    Anhydro78 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I have read that Anadrol raises the same liver enzymes that Hep C does.

  15. #15
    The One's Avatar
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    Ntpadude, hep B is just as contagious as hep A with the exception you can get inoculated for it, or your body makes up a naturally immunity to it.

    I more than sure over 99% of us on this board (anyone over 12) have already been exposed to hep. B. Our bodies have build up a natural immunity to it; however, some people bodies can't build a natural immunity to it and those are the people we call chronic carriers. There no way to tell if a person is a chronic carrier that’s why most schools require middle school students (12) to get inoculated before starting middle school.

    My point is if you’re a chronic carrier and you don’t get inoculated you will go thru the same liver problems as people with Hep C.

  16. #16
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The One
    Ntpadude, hep B is just as contagious as hep A with the exception you can get inoculated for it, or your body makes up a naturally immunity to it.

    I more than sure over 99% of us on this board (anyone over 12) have already been exposed to hep. B. Our bodies have build up a natural immunity to it; however, some people bodies can't build a natural immunity to it and those are the people we call chronic carriers. There no way to tell if a person is a chronic carrier that’s why most schools require middle school students (12) to get inoculated before starting middle school.

    My point is if you’re a chronic carrier and you don’t get inoculated you will go thru the same liver problems as people with Hep C.
    I read that China has the highest percentage of people with Hep B. Otherwise in the USA, the homosexual men have the highest risk, I think like with direct blood contact or transmission the gay way increases the risk. I donno I just browsed the CDC web site once and it places gay men as the highest risk group for Hep B.

    As for Hep A, every so often you hear of outbreaks of A, usually associated like where 40 people ate at the same restaurant and all caught the Hep A... cause was cook at restaurant has Hep A, likes to use bathroom and not wash hands or use gloves.

  17. #17
    The One's Avatar
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    Ntpadude you're right, hep A is of concern because the establishment the people contracted the virus from stands to have a serious law suit out against it if it doesn't get the word out ASAP. And when a person contracts hep A, the symptoms (yellow of the eyes and hands, real yellow urine, etc.) show usually after a few weeks so there really isn't anyways to hide the problem.

    Where as, with hep B the body builds a natural immunity to it with the exception of the chronic carrier and those people usually don't find out until the virus is in it late stages (years later) and they're pretty much screwed. At some point in a chronic carrier live he will need a liver transplant if it’s found in the late stage.

    Like I said earlier, we all (everyone) have been expose to the Hep B virus by now. simply call your local health department to conform what I’m saying.

    Stay safe

  18. #18
    Antwan's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the replies. Theres always someone who reads a peice of the thread then wants to act like your an idiot. I dont think that steroids gives you hepatitis. I was wondering if it might cause a false positive because from what I've read the test arent always accurate. I have another appt. on dec 16th but thats a long ways off. I was going to try and rescedule but I might as well just wait and all the steroids will be out of my system by then. Thanks again.

  19. #19
    Antwan's Avatar
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    One more thing. where did all this buddy shet come from. I am the one diagnosed with it. There was no mention of a buddy. I am not gay. From what I have read its hard to catch hepatitis from unprotected sex. Maybe in the ass but thats out of the question for me.

  20. #20
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    come on antwan... what's his name? jk lol

  21. #21
    Antwan's Avatar
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  22. #22
    rockstarz_g's Avatar
    rockstarz_g is offline Associate Member
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    Dude, are you sure you have it? I can tell you it's not somthing to play around with. Get healthy first or you wont be able to enjoy the other things in life more important than lifting

  23. #23
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    In all seriousness Hepatitis is nothing to mess with, if the doctor drew blood once usually they only test it once. You did say he tested it several times maybe he just verified the first findings several times. May just be a false positive...

  24. #24
    Antwan's Avatar
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    Well like I said, the dr. told me they checked the blood several times and it came back positive every time. I dont go to the specialist till dec. I guess I will find out then. I know its not something to mess around with but I'm not going to lose sleep over it either.

  25. #25
    Antwan's Avatar
    Antwan is offline Associate Member
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    I hope it is a false positive. Thanks

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