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  1. #1
    bstock1990 is offline New Member
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    D-Bol & Sust 250 Whats wrong????

    ive been on Dbol for almost 3 weeks now my first week was 15mg and went up to 25 on the second week this wednesday coming up will be the third week im also on sust250 twice a week i weigh at about 155 lbs with 10% to 12% bodyfat my diet isnt great im eating about 200 g of protein and 3000 calories a day

    so far ive seen very little water retention form the dbol i defenatlly look better while working out my pumps are alot more extreme . Cant say yet that i feel stronger

    im wondering too is it because of my diet or do i have bogus pink pills

    and is it too late to start eating more to get the result i was suppost to

  2. #2
    AustrianOAK14's Avatar
    AustrianOAK14 is offline Senior Member
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    what does your diet look like? and what type of brand of steroids are you using?

  3. #3
    bstock1990 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2004
    8am 3 egg whites with ham on wheat bread fruit salad
    10am protein bar 20g 1 banana can of tuna
    12 noon 4 oz chickeen with pasta 1/4 cup of peanuts
    2pm protein shake 35g
    4 pm can of tuna 2 slices of wheat bread another protein bar 20g
    7 pm dinner chicken salad or meat with rice ,low fat ice cream

    also take zma,omega 3 ,vitamin c , milk dhysys ,liver aid and one multi vitamin !

    its pretty much my diet everyday ,the gear is pakistan organon sust and thai anabol ,nolvadex

  4. #4
    Dimes's Avatar
    Dimes is offline Senior Member
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    The sustanon will take around a month to kick in, add more calories to your diet and you should take dianabol at 30mg a week for 4 weeks, 15 mg is not much, good luck.

  5. #5
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bstock1990
    8am 3 egg whites with ham on wheat bread fruit salad
    10am protein bar 20g 1 banana can of tuna
    12 noon 4 oz chickeen with pasta 1/4 cup of peanuts
    2pm protein shake 35g
    4 pm can of tuna 2 slices of wheat bread another protein bar 20g
    7 pm dinner chicken salad or meat with rice ,low fat ice cream

    also take zma,omega 3 ,vitamin c , milk dhysys ,liver aid and one multi vitamin !

    its pretty much my diet everyday ,the gear is pakistan organon sust and thai anabol ,nolvadex
    This was the answer, do we get a reply?

  6. #6
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AustrianOAK14
    what does your diet look like? and what type of brand of steroids are you using?
    OK this is your time to shine, now what is your professional opinion or advise?

  7. #7
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    jeeze guys... put the egos aside... the guy just wants answers... I did that same cylce... your pumps are good cause of the D-Bol, so its probably good. just use more, like 25-30 mg/day. drink LOTS of water, or your gonna cramp a lot (like i did) and as was said above, the Sus takes at LEAST a month to show... if you want faster results on test, use Prop next time... eat at least the 3000 cal. a day, but i would aim more to 4 or 5... the nolva will help keep the water off, so you'll gain less weight. if your pumpin hard at least 4 times a week, eatin what you say (or more...) you'll see the growth start to pick up in week 5 and 6 if all your stuff is legit, and your eating and pumping enough... how long are ya goin for? (i went 10 weeks)

  8. #8
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    Listen drummerboy, people get on here all the time and parrot advice or stop a thread dead in its tracks by asking what their diet looks like. This guy took the time and typed it all out and I am interested in the answer myself.

  9. #9
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    well, you read my answer, and i believe im on the right track (i gained 30 pds, kept 20) but ya, i hate it when someone asks for the diet, and doesnt follow up.... thats why I did... my answers are directly from my results, diet etc... keep at it!

  10. #10
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    Amen drummerboy!

  11. #11
    spkmania's Avatar
    spkmania is offline Associate Member
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    start by running the sust EOD instead of twice a week...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I take 30mg of dbol a day and 1cc of sus e3d, and i am starting to see pumps while working out and stuff, but not much strength gain yet ( 2 weeks and one day into cycle)

  13. #13
    BP85 is offline Junior Member
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    [QUOTE=bstock1990]8am 3 egg whites with ham on wheat bread fruit salad
    10am protein bar 20g 1 banana can of tuna
    12 noon 4 oz chickeen with pasta 1/4 cup of peanuts
    2pm protein shake 35g
    4 pm can of tuna 2 slices of wheat bread another protein bar 20g
    7 pm dinner chicken salad or meat with rice ,low fat ice cream

    also take zma,omega 3 ,vitamin c , milk dhysys ,liver aid and one multi vitamin !

    its pretty much my diet everyday ,the gear is pakistan organon sust and thai anabol ,nolvadex [/QUOTE

    Eat that but more. add in a PM meal. Maybe some creatine. I knew my dbol and test were working when I got really pissed off, really easy. Also, if your gaining water and getting good pumps, I would say it is legit.

  14. #14
    ImmmtheIceman's Avatar
    ImmmtheIceman is offline Senior Member
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    It probably is legit. You need to increase your calories. GOOD DIET=GOOD GAINS

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