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  1. #1
    Tose22's Avatar
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    Question Research chemicals and the LAW!

    alright bro's i have question about research chemicals and the law. If purchasing research chemicals such as tamo, clen or nolva is legal, then why cant AAS's be considered research chemicals and be purchased thru ARR or some other site?? If i am correct and correct if i am wrong the research chemical tamo is the same as the perscription tamo....and if so wouldnt possesing the research chemical tamo be illegal??? any help bro's would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    KGBnine is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tose22
    alright bro's i have question about research chemicals and the law. If purchasing research chemicals such as tamo, clen or nolva is legal, then why cant AAS's be considered research chemicals and be purchased thru ARR or some other site?? If i am correct and correct if i am wrong the research chemical tamo is the same as the perscription tamo....and if so wouldnt possesing the research chemical tamo be illegal??? any help bro's would be greatly appreciated
    Because they are schedule III drugs, the same as heroin I beleive.

  3. #3
    KGBnine is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yes the tamox and clen are the same chemicals as the RX, but they are not heavily regulated by the government because they think they have a low level of "abuse", unlike steroids (according to them of course).

  4. #4
    Jackman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aXe
    Because they are schedule III drugs, the same as heroin I beleive.
    isnt heroin a schedule I drug, but yea clomid and nolva are not schedueled drugs.

  5. #5
    KGBnine is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackman
    isnt heroin a schedule I drug, but yea clomid and nolva are not schedueled drugs.
    I could be wrong, but I thought steroids and heroin are in the same class (which is a dam n shame). I'll go check it out.

  6. #6
    KGBnine is offline Anabolic Member
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    you're right, heroin is class 1, and steroids fall into class III drugs, which is why they will never be available for "research purposes"

  7. #7
    Jackman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aXe
    you're right, heroin is class 1, and steroids fall into class III drugs, which is why they will never be available for "research purposes"
    yea the schuduel drug goes basically by how addicting the drug is.

  8. #8
    meat is offline Associate Member
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    i think it says you need to be a research company to buy or posses any of those. i mght be wrong ....and i always hear about this wide spread abuse ofAAS where are they getting these statistics that ASS are highly abused and not just taken correctly. they cant possibly be going off of just a few athlete and under aged kids experiences...could they???? hell in that case they should take asprin off the shelfs and make people have to get prescrips. for alchohol and cigeretts wich have caused a tremendously more amount of helth related problems and deaths than AAS will ever come close to.

  9. #9
    Jackman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meat
    i think it says you need to be a research company to buy or posses any of those. i mght be wrong ....and i always hear about this wide spread abuse ofAAS where are they getting these statistics that ASS are highly abused and not just taken correctly. they cant possibly be going off of just a few athlete and under aged kids experiences...could they???? hell in that case they should take asprin off the shelfs and make people have to get prescrips. for alchohol and cigeretts wich have caused a tremendously more amount of helth related problems and deaths than AAS will ever come close to.
    bro anyone can say there a research company.

  10. #10
    meat is offline Associate Member
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    ahhhhhhhh I see .......thanks jack man

  11. #11
    Tose22's Avatar
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    i appreciate your help "axe" and "Jackman", now i have a little clarity to the understanding of research chemicals

  12. #12
    zx7racing's Avatar
    zx7racing is offline Senior Member
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    not only that- but what the value of the drug is in terms of medicinal use

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackman
    yea the schuduel drug goes basically by how addicting the drug is.

  13. #13
    Ultimate is offline Associate Member
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    talking about this the mice here at home might be needing some tamox for their upcoming research cycle

  14. #14
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by aXe
    Yes the tamox and clen are the same chemicals as the RX, but they are not heavily regulated by the government because they think they have a low level of "abuse", unlike steroids (according to them of course).
    Its I think tollerated to a degree... these are mostly used by men and the reality is, most of these drugs are more harmless to men then aspirin, and in fact they ward off very serious side effects from steroids so they are helpful to leave some access to them.

    Women on the other hand, these drugs are profoundly dangerous to them, so as long as women dont take up ordering and taking these drugs from research sites, there isnt much of a need to shut them down. The idea is probably to tollerate men using them but as long as women arent getting these and self medicating.

  15. #15
    Peanut Butter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aXe
    you're right, heroin is class 1, and steroids fall into class III drugs, which is why they will never be available for "research purposes"
    The new federal legislation is changing that. They will be the same very soon.

  16. #16
    wolfyEVH's Avatar
    wolfyEVH is offline Anabolic Member
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    i think you're thinkin about vicoden

    Quote Originally Posted by aXe
    Because they are schedule III drugs, the same as heroin I beleive.

  17. #17
    Froggy's Avatar
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    The "DO-GOODERS" are run to church & pray really hard.

  18. #18
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    This may help you understand


  19. #19
    Lord Humungous's Avatar
    Lord Humungous is offline Associate Member
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    Does anyone else find it odd that weed is listed higher than cocaine?

    Or is it just me? Off the subject I know, but it's odd.


  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Humungous
    Does anyone else find it odd that weed is listed higher than cocaine?

    Or is it just me? Off the subject I know, but it's odd.

    The reason is cocaine has a currently accepted medical use. It's a local anesthetic and vasoconstrictor and is still used for some types of oral surgery and in plastic surgery procedures.

    You could possibly argue that marijuana also has it's medical uses but not according to the federal government

  21. #21
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Humungous
    Does anyone else find it odd that weed is listed higher than cocaine?

    Or is it just me? Off the subject I know, but it's odd.

    Thats because cocaine is commonly used much more frequently then marijuana for medicinal purposes. In fact almost every American has been administered legal forms of cocaine if you've had dental work or stitches so sew shut a cut in your skin. Novacaine, xanacaine, etc... if you notice any drug with the word caine in it is made from cocaine.

    Also other little known fact, the secret incrediant in classic coca cola is COCA leaves. While Coca Cola has no detectable trace of cocaine, coca is still used in coca cola and this is why it has a distinctive taste that people who try cocaine will say, **** this tastes sort of like coca cola.

    Coca cola imports 8 billion tons of coca leaves a year for the use of making coca cola, the cocaine is separated for use in making novacaine and the other caines, so coca cola is also a major pharmacutical company under a separate division name, ultimately supplying in one way or another coke supplies 95% of the caine drugs in this country.

  22. #22
    STONES2 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Froggy
    The "DO-GOODERS" are run to church & pray really hard.

    As a christian I try to seperate what is moral and what man considers leagle and since the scriptures have no referance to hormones or medicines being no good for us,leaves us the freedom to challange man and his thinkings.


  23. #23
    nyyanks201's Avatar
    nyyanks201 is offline Junior Member
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    heroin = Class I

    Cocaine, marijuana, opiates = Class II

    Anabolics = Class III Control, in the same class as vicodin for their substance abuse.

  24. #24
    thndrgod33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zx7racing
    not only that- but what the value of the drug is in terms of medicinal use
    thats all i gotta say about your advatar

  25. #25
    SEBASTOP's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    Thats because cocaine is commonly used much more frequently then marijuana for medicinal purposes. In fact almost every American has been administered legal forms of cocaine if you've had dental work or stitches so sew shut a cut in your skin. Novacaine, xanacaine, etc... if you notice any drug with the word caine in it is made from cocaine.

    Also other little known fact, the secret incrediant in classic coca cola is COCA leaves. While Coca Cola has no detectable trace of cocaine, coca is still used in coca cola and this is why it has a distinctive taste that people who try cocaine will say, **** this tastes sort of like coca cola.

    Coca cola imports 8 billion tons of coca leaves a year for the use of making coca cola, the cocaine is separated for use in making novacaine and the other caines, so coca cola is also a major pharmacutical company under a separate division name, ultimately supplying in one way or another coke supplies 95% of the caine drugs in this country.
    Where do you get this info?
    My understanding is:
    The original Coca Cola formula contained coca. The original purpose of the syrup was as a "medicine and tonic". When cocaine and derivatives were declared a controlled substance, cafeine was substituted for cocaine. If, as you say: "Coca Cola has no detectable trace of cocaine", then where do the " 8 billion tons" of coca leaves go?

    Can you even visualize what 8 billion tons of coca leaves look like?
    That's 16,000,000,000,000 punds of leaves!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "Little known fact"? This is just nonsense! Please don't spread your fabricated fantasies around here. Go write a novel.

  26. #26
    Maetenloch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    Thats because cocaine is commonly used much more frequently then marijuana for medicinal purposes. In fact almost every American has been administered legal forms of cocaine if you've had dental work or stitches so sew shut a cut in your skin. Novacaine, xanacaine, etc... if you notice any drug with the word caine in it is made from cocaine.

    Also other little known fact, the secret incrediant in classic coca cola is COCA leaves. While Coca Cola has no detectable trace of cocaine, coca is still used in coca cola and this is why it has a distinctive taste that people who try cocaine will say, **** this tastes sort of like coca cola.

    Coca cola imports 8 billion tons of coca leaves a year for the use of making coca cola, the cocaine is separated for use in making novacaine and the other caines, so coca cola is also a major pharmacutical company under a separate division name, ultimately supplying in one way or another coke supplies 95% of the caine drugs in this country.
    Coca cola was invented in 1886 by John Pemberton, an Atlanta pharmacist. He originally made it as flavored drink to hide the taste of the bitter medicines that he dispensed, but people came to enjoy it for its taste alone. A small part of the flavoring is extract of coca leaves and kola nuts. However the coca leaves are de-cocainized as part of the extraction process. In fact no one has been able to detect any cocaine residues in Coke using qualitative ananlysis. The U.S. governement actually sued Coca-Cola in 1909 claiming that it either the drink contained cocaine or the company was fraudulently claiming to use coca leaves. During the trial it came out that Coke contained very little coca leaf extract and this had already had nearly all of its cocaine removed. Since then Coca-Cola has always been careful to state that their drink contains 'extracts of coca'.

    As an aside, my father was actually prescribed powdered cocaine for pain treatment after his sinus surgery. It's the best way to get a topical anesthetic up in the sinuses. He ended up not needing it, but it would have been interesting walking into a pharmacy and asking for cocaine powder.

  27. #27
    big_C's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    Thats because cocaine is commonly used much more frequently then marijuana for medicinal purposes. In fact almost every American has been administered legal forms of cocaine if you've had dental work or stitches so sew shut a cut in your skin. Novacaine, xanacaine, etc... if you notice any drug with the word caine in it is made from cocaine.

    Also other little known fact, the secret incrediant in classic coca cola is COCA leaves. While Coca Cola has no detectable trace of cocaine, coca is still used in coca cola and this is why it has a distinctive taste that people who try cocaine will say, **** this tastes sort of like coca cola.

    Coca cola imports 8 billion tons of coca leaves a year for the use of making coca cola, the cocaine is separated for use in making novacaine and the other caines, so coca cola is also a major pharmacutical company under a separate division name, ultimately supplying in one way or another coke supplies 95% of the caine drugs in this country.

    Umm, yea, your off a little there bro....the fact is that all meds containing the word "caine" do not all contain cocaine. Yes, some do, but most now really don't. Here's just one example...Lidocaine....there goes that "caine" word cocaine in it's formula, Lidocaine is chemically designated as acetamide, 2-(diethylamino)-N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl) and has an octanol:water partition ratio of 43 at pH 7.4. the fact is that synthetic versions of cocaine are cheaper and can be "designed" for a specific drugs or applications, so I wouldn't get to excited about a drug your doc gave you that contains the word caine in it.

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