i have done 2 purely test cycles. 12 wks cyp 400mg/wk and 10 wks sust 500mg/wk

i was thinking of doing something a little different for christmass. quite a few people i know have done nothing but stanazol depot and got quite good results. one last christmass did 6 weeks of 50mg eod and gained and kept 8kg's! it was rediculous. nothing but stanazol. well this is what i think i might try.

i was thinking 1ml/50mg winny ED for 6 weeks and 320mg andriol ed for 4 weeks. milk thistle for my poor liver and glucosamine for the joints.
both are good for keeping gains wich is why im attracted to them. im a little unsure if i should take the andriol though cause my liver wil get smashed. and it will shut me down and ill be cold turkey in 4.5 weeks.

i definately want top try the stanaz at that dose for 6 weeks and leave injectable test out of it.
gains are to harden up and gain a bit of lean mass.
