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  1. #1
    BigGenes's Avatar
    BigGenes is offline Member
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    What happened to AR-R's clen?

    Anyone know where that went to? are they not selling it anymore or are they out of stock?

  2. #2
    Monkeytown's Avatar
    Monkeytown is offline Senior Member
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    They are waiting on some pumps from Brazil. They won't advertise it if they are of stock. Should be back soon.

    Looking to shred those ab's some more for your new girl? haha I just read your post on "that other forum". Sometimes being sober has it's rewards eh?! haha

  3. #3
    BigGenes's Avatar
    BigGenes is offline Member
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    No I kinda dumped her over the weekend, but I will let the story out in "that other forum" lol in just a sec. But I was asking for someone else. I am taking clen after my cycle, but mine doesn't end for some time, and I use a different company to get mine. But I was asking for the guy I am currently training. He is a member here and the first trainie that I have taken on over the net. He won't be needing the clen for some time, but I want him to have it on hand. THanks for the reply and see you in "the other forum" lol

  4. #4
    BigGenes's Avatar
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    Monkey I just posted the story. Go check it out. lol

  5. #5
    SportsMedVIP's Avatar
    SportsMedVIP is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkeytown
    They are waiting on some pumps from Brazil. They won't advertise it if they are of stock. Should be back soon.

    Looking to shred those ab's some more for your new girl? haha I just read your post on "that other forum". Sometimes being sober has it's rewards eh?! haha
    This can't be true. Lion told me that they make their own with a secret method developed by a chinese man and it requires equipment so special he had to outsource to the chinese man. No one else makes it this way and it has a higher absorption rate as a result. He told me 100mcg is the equivelant of 200mcg's of everyone elses clen . I asked if he warns people so they don't over dose and hurt themselves but he didn't respond.

  6. #6
    FRANk THe TANk's Avatar
    FRANk THe TANk is offline Associate Member
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    by "waiting on some pumps from brazil", i think monkey means the pumps to dispense the liq clen , not pumps pre-filled with it.... i am under the impression that lion is actually manufacturing the "research chemicals"

  7. #7
    SportsMedVIP's Avatar
    SportsMedVIP is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRANk THe TANk
    by "waiting on some pumps from brazil", i think monkey means the pumps to dispense the liq clen, not pumps pre-filled with it.... i am under the impression that lion is actually manufacturing the "research chemicals"
    In a prior thread we discussed this. He stated that it's outsourced to a chinese man with equipment no one else has that makes it like no one else can.

    *edit* here it is:

    Quote Originally Posted by ECFATCAT
    Where with any pill you get anywhere from 40-60% bio availability....Lion's is around 90% it's in the formula....acient Chinese Secret. i know the Chemist who Formulated it. IT can't be don't a home you need the right equipment.....It is contracted out. Lion Can't afford the equipment.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lion
    Im saying you would have need access to a muilt-millon dollar facility to do the process that we do to increase the absorbtion rate........Fact!
    Quote Originally Posted by ECoastVIP
    Do you have a disclaimer warning people to take half their regular dosage? If your's is 90% absorbment rate and everyone's else falls so short at 40% than theoretically this could cause someone to take way more than they need. Someone whom is used to taking upwards of 200mcg's (which isn't too uncommon on this board) would be taking that dosage and previously only really absorbing about 80mcg's according to your absorbtion rates suggested. Therefore when they pick up yours they will take the same dosage and get ~180mcg's. Over two times as much as they've ever taken before in their life. If accurate this is something that needs to be warned to the customer. Serious damage could results from this I would think.
    Last question was not responded to but there are some more questions in the thread itself.

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