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  1. #81
    Jackt23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackman
    you know what bugs me is those people that have been here 6 months and are already "anabolic member" and i look at there posts and there all bump and welcome to ar bro! i noticed this but not going to name who but i just think it funny.
    how do u think you got where YOU are bro..with over 2000 dang hypocrit

    haha jk bro

  2. #82
    Jackman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackt23
    how do u think you got where YOU are bro..with over 2000 dang hypocrit

    haha jk bro
    i dont think i have more than 5 posts out of them that were not in the steroid forum helping people out.

  3. #83
    Jackt23's Avatar
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    im just joking bro....dont take offense to it...just busting your balls..."tryin to make friends" ive been around here long enough i think its time to try and make 1 lol

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackt23
    im just joking bro....dont take offense to it...just busting your balls..."tryin to make friends" ive been around here long enough i think its time to try and make 1 lol
    i know bro i didnt take it seriosly or i would of roasted you

  5. #85
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    hahaha i was waiting for it

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackman
    you know what bugs me is those people that have been here 6 months and are already "anabolic member" and i look at there posts and there all bump and welcome to ar bro! i noticed this but not going to name who but i just think it funny.

    Totally agree. Not that it really matters to me but if it took me 5 years to get to a certain amount of posts,then so be it. At least they are going to have something more then "bump" or "hello,welcome bro".

    The really sad part about that is no matter what anyone says,when A newbie comes in here and sees a senior member or something of that nature he is going to look up to him. People that have been here a few months and have 1500 posts,usually tend to give bad advice on a fairly constant basis or give no advice and just live in the lounge.

  7. #87
    flabbywussy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anhydro78
    When I first came here I seen very informative posts with real discussion.

    I think this site is going down hill.

    so i guess you would call THIS post "a very informative real discussion" this post shouldn't even belong in this forum it has nothing to do with aas. too bad we don't have a CRY BABY forum because i think this is where this one the way thanks for contributing to help make the site "go downhill" by starting this thread! duh?

  8. #88
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    by the way all you guys that are pissed off.... you let things bother you too much who cares about other people, or their posts, post count , whatever.

    i just stay here and try to help people and gain knowledge whenever i can. most of the time i just ignore stupid threads, or if i don't have the answer for someone i leave it for someone else to answer. most of the time i only give my advice on things that i myself have personally tried.

    so my advice is just stay on board help everyone out you can, and remember what goes aroung comes around.the more people you help the more you get in return.

    wow did i really write this?i feel so happy anyone want to play pattycake?
    Last edited by flabbywussy; 11-12-2004 at 03:58 AM.

  9. #89
    Jackt23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flabbywussy
    so i guess you would call THIS post "a very informative real discussion" this post shouldn't even belong in this forum it has nothing to do with aas. too bad we don't have a CRY BABY forum because i think this is where this one the way thanks for contributing to help make the site "go downhill" by starting this thread! duh?
    didnt your mother ever tell you, if u dont have anything nice to say, dont say it at all
    I think i need to have a talk with mrs flabwussy

    im feelin a new addition to the mods my man is on top of things..move the thread mods so we don thave to listen to that anymore

    you say u get out what you put in?? and to help out everyone you can? why why are you contradicting youself when u say u ignore the stupid posts

    if its a stupid question, it shouldnt be answered? everyone is so quick to jump on people for stupid posts...whynot just take 2 minutes away from your busyass day and help a brotha out....noone was born with this has to be aquired and if a stupid question is asked here and there so be it....look at your first posts" how do i cycle this" that the kinda question you would now ignore even tho u were there months ago? not to say i was different in my first posts...most are...but it IS IN ASKING THOSE QUESTIONS in which we learn...NOW...IF the question is repeated over and over by the SAME PERSON, its a different story...untill then why dont ya contribute some help to my men in need

    speaking of contributing to the site...what are these posts from you? Helping?
    Last edited by Jackt23; 11-12-2004 at 06:05 AM.

  10. #90
    flabbywussy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackt23
    didnt your mother ever tell you, if u dont have anything nice to say, dont say it at all
    I think i need to have a talk with mrs flabwussy

    im feelin a new addition to the mods my man is on top of things..move the thread mods so we don thave to listen to that anymore

    you say u get out what you put in?? and to help out everyone you can? why why are you contradicting youself when u say u ignore the stupid posts

    if its a stupid question, it shouldnt be answered? everyone is so quick to jump on people for stupid posts...whynot just take 2 minutes away from your busyass day and help a brotha out....noone was born with this has to be aquired and if a stupid question is asked here and there so be it....look at your first posts" how do i cycle this" that the kinda question you would now ignore even tho u were there months ago? not to say i was different in my first posts...most are...but it IS IN ASKING THOSE QUESTIONS in which we learn...NOW...IF the question is repeated over and over by the SAME PERSON, its a different story...untill then why dont ya contribute some help to my men in need

    speaking of contributing to the site...what are these posts from you? Helping?

    how do you know what my definition of a "stupid" post is ? sorry, by the way i'm mostly saying if someone else thinks the post is stupid or can't help on the subject then to just to ignore it instead of getting all pissed off and starting a thread like this (which is a waste of disscussion), or flaming. by the way my mom died 3 years ago in a car accident. LOOK AT ME I'M IN 3RD GRADE I LIKE TO BRING PEOPLE'S MOM'S INTO ARGUMENTS WHEN I'M MAD OR DON'T GET MY WAY....GROW UP BRO

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackt23
    you say u get out what you put in?? and to help out everyone you can? why why are you contradicting youself when u say u ignore the stupid posts
    no, but basically i said what you give is what you get, and how would i be contradicting myself? maybe i don't need much in return. do as i say not as i do.....i'm not jesus

  12. #92
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Please, just let this thread die.....This is ridiculous!

  13. #93
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    ppl are already anabolic members and have only been here a couple months. wow they really need to get a life. obviously there here more than at the gym so they shouldnt even be considered "ANABOLIC MEMBERS". more like "Got Nothing Better To Do Members"

  14. #94
    wolfyEVH's Avatar
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    this whole thread is just a way to get people's post counts up in the first place.....we are all guilty.

  15. #95
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    BLT, you know you love it. A neverending downward spiral is a good way to look at this thread. started out great and interesting then just drags on, only to get worse

  16. #96
    Jackt23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flabbywussy
    how do you know what my definition of a "stupid" post is ? sorry, by the way i'm mostly saying if someone else thinks the post is stupid or can't help on the subject then to just to ignore it instead of getting all pissed off and starting a thread like this (which is a waste of disscussion), or flaming. by the way my mom died 3 years ago in a car accident. LOOK AT ME I'M IN 3RD GRADE I LIKE TO BRING PEOPLE'S MOM'S INTO ARGUMENTS WHEN I'M MAD OR DON'T GET MY WAY....GROW UP BRO
    i am grown up sorry for your loss but i wasnt rippin on your want to leave that part out..fine...but my point is still the same...i was joking in that most parents teach their kids that, and jokingly stated i assumed you were yet to have learn that....just didnt understand why you were being such a smartass in the thread

    as for the thread itself...if the mods dont like it just delete it?

    I'm done...
    Last edited by Jackt23; 11-12-2004 at 06:26 PM.

  17. #97
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anhydro78
    Yeah the eric guy was irritating and that may not have been the best example. He pm'ed me as well. But if you look back at his posts not one person tried to help him either.
    You're wrong on this one bro...myself and others helped him out but all he did was PM members and post the same question over and over.......I've been here since 2001 and this board has improved in some ways and not in others, when i first came here my first thread was asking for a source i was kindly told that i could not ask that question and it was deleted, if that happens now send out the attack dogs so i understand where you are coming from but at the same time newbies and certain senior members ask some of the DUMBEST FACKING QUESTIONS or are to lazy to do a search so they start a new thread to get their P.C up.

  18. #98
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    It took me a good 1/2 hour to 45 minutes to reply in that thread a couple of weeks ago about ephedra. I posted about benadryl's use in upgrading beta-receptors, I posted several studies (10 or so), and even a graph showing ephedrine's ability to downgrade beta-2-receptors.

    Frankly, that was a good thread, and I put alot of effort in my posts in it. There are people in that thread with more posts (in that thread). But did they do more research? Or post better info? NO.

    They will have ahigher post count than me, perpetually, if I continue to do research and post good information. Thats because it's much more time consuming to do that...

    Hence, when I see a high post count, I assume that person isnt doing much research per post...I assume the opposite; that they are doing 0 research per post.

    A high post count, to me, isn't agood thing...I see it as a bad thing.

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